Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Oct 16, 2013 Running & Ranting

More mushrooms!

Morning sun reaching the mountains.

Monday 10/14.  Down There to check out a couple funky stores in downtown Wenatchee, do some grocery shopping, and see the doctor.  Have to go back next Tuesday to have something removed from my arm.  Definitely NOT melanoma, but possibly a little skin cancer.  Nothing to be concerned about.

Was an incredibly gorgeous Fall day!  Felt like 70 Down There, but it was only 65.  So nice not to rush and just have a "Me" day.

RJ was up for dinner and we ended up talking til way after dark.  He had spent most of the day working on drainage ditches on the main canyon road and even widened the one across the hair-pin turn on our road.  As far as our work on our road, at one place I think all we did was make a mess.  We'll see how it looks after the next rain.

Our son and his family did a 5K in Mobile on Saturday.  His 9-year-old son ran all the way, but his 6-year-old daughter only made it about 2/3 of the way.  So Jake ended up running the last third while carrying his daughter on his shoulders!  Good thing he is in great shape. . .

Tuesday 10/15.  Another beautiful day with some high, thin clouds and a high of 44.  After breakfast, I finally climbed under the house and drilled a hole in two places through the metal siding to mark where JB could install two vents.  The south half of the house is dry in the crawl space, but there is still water beading on the north side and the dirt is still a bit damp.  The vents will hopefully help dry all that up.

After lunch, I started up the splitter while JB put in the vents.  I split all the wood that was left, then JB brought the tractor over and took it to the porch in two loads.  I stacked it on the north side which completed those two rows.  Then I refilled the cradle.  When that is cut, we still probably have enough wood to fill the cradle twice more.  Just where I am going to put that wood, I don't know.

I am amazed at all the mushrooms that are still popping up.  They are probably all poisonous, as no animals seem to be eating them.

My Aunt Nene returns today from six days in Miami.  She went with my cousin to the Colin Cancer Convention, as they are both survivors.  I am so glad she decided to go, for a break if nothing else.  Am anxious to hear all about it.

RJ is coming up for breakfast in the morning and I will be cooking eggs, bacon and fried red potatoes.

Wednesday 10/16.  It is 34 and partly overcast this morning.  I have to get started on breakfast, but I also have to comment on our government situation.  I am almost at a loss for words regarding that idiot who is in charge.  To put it mildly, we need to get rid of the whole lot and start over again.  The American people are so complacent with their life of ease and all their toys that they won't take the time to see what is really happening.  You would think that frustration would have boiled over by now.  I am keeping this rant mild just to keep my blood pressure down.  Nuff said.

Thought for the day:  When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe.  John Muir

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