This morning's sunrise. |
Monday 10/28. The clouds quickly cleared, but our high was only 35. A lazy indoor day. My big project was to drive down to Larry and Elsie's after lunch to let their dogs out. He is on a hunting trip and she is taking care of her grandchildren for the day at their house. I let them out occasionally, usually on my way home for Down There, so the dogs know the routine. Out we go to walk around and let them do their business, this includes lots of attention and petting. Then, as soon as I head back to the house, they make a beeline for the door. They know treats await.
The drive down the mountain was a little sad. Many of the bushes have lost their leaves and the tamaracks are looking bare. However in many places our road is now comparable to Oz - covered in orange and gold. The wind and rain over the weekend blew all the dead fir needles off the trees, and even our yard has an orange hue.
This morning when I posted my blog, I used the word "boring" to describe the current antics of public figures. Actually "tiresome" is more appropriate. Their attempt at shock never was entertaining. After I posted, I was thinking about when Elvis Presley and then The Beatles were shocking for my parent's generation, but surely the pendulum has swung as far in this direction as it can. Time to swing the other way. Am I just getting old?
Tuesday 10/29. Another clear, cold morning. I left at 8:30 am for Down There for my Jeep to get an oil change and run errands. One of which was to go to the Forest Service office. When my Dad retired, one of the gifts he was given was a large, framed photograph of him and four other Forest Service cohorts taken in the summer of 1950 at the Entiat Ranger Station. I thought maybe it would be an interesting piece of history for them to have, and, indeed, they were thrilled as they are always looking for such items. I have several others that I will round up and take to their office.
We have a new addition to JB's family as his niece had her a baby girl on the 24th, so I mailed a gift along with all the annual Halloween cards to her and the rest of the grand-nieces, nephews and grandchildren. Also finally got Nene's very late birthday present sent. We have another grand-niece due in November on my side of the family.
For some reason, this trip Down There was very discomboobilating. Seems like there was an awful lot of traffic and people around for a Tuesday. Couldn't have made it without my latte, and I was so very glad to get back up on the mountain to Rose Camp.
Wednesday 10/30. We have some high, wispy clouds this morning and a temperature of 26. There was an awesome sunrise.
Thought for the day: In Seattle you haven't had enough coffee until you can thread a sewing machine while it's running. Jeff Bezos
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