Rose Camp is, barely, white again. |
Wednesday 1/8. Valley fog crept up to engulf us about 10:00 am. We saw the errant snowflake or two off and on during the morning but remained socked in with fog.
We snaked the sewer pipe again, trying to do a better job. Then we did the dishes. Had a lot of them to do and there was no gurgling or backing up of the water. We'll find out for sure tomorrow when we do laundry if it worked or not.
Dinga has been favoring her bad back leg the past few days. It is very stiff when she has been immobile for a while, and she walks on three legs when she gets up. Once she is up and walking for a few minutes, she only limps occasionally. She may have slipped on the ice and strained it.
I mentioned how living life Up Here can change a person. My attitude towards friends and family changed so that those who count became more dear and those who didn't really were easier to let go. I am no longer floundering in a world where I do not belong. By realizing my natural self, I have found a new sense of self-confidence and self-worth.
As we left for our afternoon walk, tiny snowflakes began lightly falling. By the time we arrived back at the house, they were coming at a steady rate. The high for the day was 18.
Thursday 1/9. Our January Chinook arrived and howled most of the night, and blew all the snow and rime off the trees. We received another 1/4" of snow (we think - hard to tell with all the wind) and the temperature had warmed to 22.
When JB hiked up to see if the solar panels needed to be cleaned (which they didn't), he found two sets of cat prints - one large, one small. He tracked them down to the garden where they went over the ridge. Okay, I really need to be more diligent about remembering to carry my gun. . .
We did a load of laundry and nothing backed up into the bathtub. Thank goodness! Now I just have to scrub it out.
JB worked most of the day on trying to find my genealogy files that have been missing on my old computer since August. He finally figured out how to access them, so I don't have to begin all over again. Hooray!! I spent most of the afternoon on my sister-in-law's account looking for details and dates. I really am going to have to join this site.
I also read a lot more of another book JB gave me for Christmas that I started yesterday, Shadow of Night by Deborah Harkness which is the second book in the All Souls Trilogy. So very, very well done.
Snow began trying to fall around 2:00 pm and finally got serious about it when we went on our afternoon walk. Much larger flakes than yesterday. We probably received another 1/4" by the time it stopped around 4:00 pm. Our high for the day was 25.
Friday 1/10. None of us slept much during the night with the wind howling even stronger than it did the night before. Dinga spent most of the night on our bed. Even now as I write, it hasn't blown itself out. Very strong. Very nasty. Much of the snow has been disappeared, although the ground is still white, and we can see the ice again. Not planning to go outside much today. . .
Thought for the day: To be nobody but yourself - in a world which is doing its best night and day to make you like everybody else - means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight. e.e. cummings
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