Valley fog this morning. |
Wednesday 1/15. After we washed the dishes JB drove MAX up to Erno's to give the dogs a nice long morning walk. Halfway down, Jesse went off somewhere on his own and came walking up the driveway about ten minutes after JB and Dinga had returned. He wouldn't have stayed away too long as he knows they get a treat after their morning walk.
After lunch we snaked the pipe again. I crawled under the house to listen and be sure the snake got all the way down, and it it. Was so much easier using JB's knee pads.
By the time we were done, it was too late to do laundry so we will do that tomorrow and hope the pipe is clear. Sorted through all the junk mail, chucking most of it. Read the papers, and will start on the magazines tomorrow.
Am already feeling a little better now that I am on the antibiotic for my sinus infection.
Watched another couple episodes of Duck Dynasty. What a hoot!
Thursday 1/16. It was 28 with clear skies this morning. Enjoyed some magazines with my coffee. There is a very interesting interview with Maria Shriver in the AARP magazine.
Did my lingerie in my hand washer, then put them in the washer for rinse and spin. And watched the bathtub fill with about 3" of dirty water (not from my laundry). . . I think I have bad water karma. Almost every house I have lived in has had water leakage problems, whether there was a basement or not. I am not a water person. Don't like being in or on the water. Maybe I have to make my peace with water somehow. Anyway, first thing tomorrow morning we are going out and dig down where the pipe meets the septic tank. All we can think of is that the pipe broke or became disconnected, like what happened to the cistern. I really am starting to get discouraged now.
This evening we started watching the first season of Longmire, and enjoyed it very much.
Friday 1/17. It is 23 with clear skies and valley fog that is trying to move up and engulf us. A few minutes after I took the picture above, I could barely see out the window. Am not looking forward to our day. . .
Thought for the day: Sometimes you're the windshield. Sometimes you're the bug.
Beautiful picture, hope the digging goes well.