JB having just turned MAX onto the main canyon road. |
Monday 2/17. Not only were the two major passes closed this morning, I90 was closed from North Bend to Ellensburg! Seems like all those SUV owners did NOT know how to drive in the snow. . .
The sky soon cleared and we had sun beaming off white mountains. Crazy dreams and not much sleep last night, so I took a morning nap. The wind picked up around noon, releasing more snow bombs that literally caused white outs.
The paths had filled up again. JB and I are going to really build up our muscles this winter. Shoveling snow is not my favorite workout. I can only hope that our snow blower will be working next winter. No, let me rephrase that: our snow blower WILL be working by then. Elsie says it takes her so long to get theirs started, that she just shovels!
I grew up thinking that one had to be busy and productive to make the most of one's time. But after having been retired Up Here for almost six years, I find that sitting on the couch and watching the snow falling, then nodding off. Then waking up and watching some more, and nodding off, is a thoroughly enjoyable way to spend one's time and doesn't at all feel wasted.
After lunch, JB and I took MAX down to groom the road and left the dogs at home. It was a bright and sunny drive and we saw lots of deer tracks. We were able to accomplish our task much more quickly without the dogs, and I didn't take my camera because of the wind and blowing snow. We got pummeled by a few snow bombs, but mostly it was wash blowing off MAX's tracks as we sped along. When we got back home, I hadn't even got the first load of wood before the next flurries blew in. Don't really have to pull the wood sled now. More like restrain it.
It stopped snowing about 4:00 pm, but kept on blowing. Our high for the day was 32. We have become so used to the noise of the wind, that when it stops, the silence seems even louder.
Tuesday 2/18. This morning broke overcast and 24. We only received a trace of snow yesterday. Either that or the wind blew it all away. But today the air is quiet.
Listening to our short-wave radio can be a kick. There are some real characters out there that we hear from Illinois, Georgia, Kentucky, Texas, Arizona, etc. Some real idiots also. . .
Knowing that we were going to get more snow today, JB and I left with MAX and the dogs after breakfast to groom the road. It was snowing when we arrived at the main canyon road and then all the way home. I brought in three loads of wood, but we didn't bother shoveling the paths. The snow fell all day, with a short break between storms at about 5:00 pm, at which time the wind started up.
During the time we have been Up Here, we have slowly put names to places on our road. Some due to experiences and others because of what it looks like. Here are some of them, going east to Rose Camp from the main canyon road: Rocky Road, Drop-Off Hill, Shady Lane, Mushroom Corner, Water Corner, Water Lane, Cougar Corner, River View Corner, Bear Straights, O Sh*t Corner, Cherry Lane, Wood Spirit Hill, Sandstone Corner, Rope Gate Corner, Puddle Lane, Spring Corner, Spring Lane, Short-Cut Turnoff, Rocky Hill Drive, Hair-Pin Corner, and, finally, our driveway.
The wind was still howling when we went to bed, but I must be used to it by now because it did not keep me awake.
Wednesday 2/19. This morning it is 19 and snowing, of course, with 3-1/2" of new snow. I can see a patch of blue sky though, and the sun is trying very hard to make it bigger.
Thought for the day: A new take on an old adage: "Teach a man to fish and he will eat for the rest of his life. Give him someone else's fish and he will vote for you." Compliments of my cousin, Terry, and The Tea Party's website
on Sunday last you were talking about something warm for the chickens when it is so cold. Give them some corn in the evening & it keeps them warm overnight. Beth from Siberia - I mean Pennsylvania