Monday, February 24, 2014

Feb 24, 2104 MAX

Standing guard at the outhouse.

Friday 2/21. Howling wind all night!  I finally fell into sleep, but JB says he only got a wink or two.  But, as I said, it is blessedly quiet this morning, so we were able to work on MAX most of the day.  It clouded up a little and our high was 33.  

Right after breakfast we were out to MAX.  Got him jacked up and resting on the wood.  Took off the track and the three wheels, but then couldn't get the bolt out that holds the axle in.  We have replaced all the other axles at least once in the last five winters.  This is the last old one.  So we squirted it liberally with WD40 and let it stand while we took an early lunch.  We definitely have a new rule for using MAX: NO one drives him without FIRST checking all the chains.  To do this we have to take the seat out, but we just have to live with the fact that MAX is high maintenance.

Finally got the bolt out after lunch and installed the new center rod and axle.  One of the chains has come apart, but is looks easy enough to get back together.  We worked until 3:00 pm and then called it quits.  I'm afraid I was not very patient today, rather bitchy actually.  Poor JB, but we should be able to finish up tomorrow, hopefully in time for JB to drive MAX down the road to groom it.

Since the wind has formed a bit of a crust on the snow, the squirrels are able to scamper right across the top of it.  But Dinga cannot and lets her frustration be known with much barking.

Haven't seen any snow mold yet this year.  The snow just hasn't been around long enough.

Pizza and a movie night, so we watched Gosford Park which was written by the same fellow (Julian Fellows) who writes Downton Abbey.  And, of course, Maggie Smith absolutely makes both of them work.

Saturday 2/22.  It was 14 and overcast this morning and a light snow began falling about 9:30 am.  Working on MAX while it is snowing is not a problem, and thankfully there was no wind again today.

My frustration level would not be nearly as high when working on MAX if he weren't our only means of transportation up and down in the winter.  I actually enjoy the challenge of such mechanical work and the feeling of accomplishment when we are done.  I just do not like the pressure of having to get it done so quickly.  And today we had to figure out how to get the broken chain back on.  Sometimes I think that between the two of us, we have one, very good working brain.  We finally got the chain on, the correct solution being very simple.  Hindsight being 20-20. . .

We had everything fixed and back together in time for JB to drive the road.  Larry and Elsie had taken a drive up to the short cut last night, as they thought they would, and there was really no drifting to speak of.  And their tracks helped JB.

Sunday 2/23.  It was 16 and snowing with 1-1/2" of new snow on the ground.  With MAX in good working order, JB left for Down There and the Sportsman's Show at 9:1 am, AFTER we rechecked all the chains.  He and Larry went to the show together, ran some errands, checked out a used side-by-side UTV that JB will call about tomorrow.  He had a very enjoyable day and was home by 3:30 pm.

It snowed all day and we had another 2" on the ground by the time JB returned home.  I had taken the dogs on their morning walk only to arrive at the panels, huffing and puffing, and realizing that they needed cleaning and I had not brought the scraper.  So back to the house we went, and back up the south ridge to clean them.  Then I brought in two loads of wood, which I just started getting from the second 10' row.  After that it was just a relaxing day for me, letting my muscles rest and recuperate.  

The snow was very fine in the morning, more like shavings from creating larger snow flakes that fell later in the day.  But it was so nice to see it falling vertical instead of blowing horizontal.

Since JB was gone this morning, we had our big Sunday breakfast for dinner and then it was time for Duck Dynasty.  Watching the episode Red Neck Road Trip, JB almost fell off the couch laughing.  Laughing to the point of crying.

Monday 2/24. It is 13 and overcast this morning, with 3-3/4" of new snow.  It was snowing when I got up, but it has stopped for the moment.  JB is going to call about the UTV and then hopefully go Down There to see and possibly buy it, with some fiscal finagling on my part.

Thanks to Beth for her tip on giving corn to the chickens in the winter.  I know that Larry and Elsie do that, but she had read that giving them some warm food helps also.  Sounds like Pennsylvania is having a nasty winter also.

Thought for the day: Most of us lead far more meaningful lives than we know.  Often, finding meaning is not about doing things differently; it is about seeing familiar things in new ways. Dr Rachel Naomi Remen

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