Deer tracks across the north slope of our south ridge on Friday. |
Snow & ice overhang on garbage/recycle shed. |
Friday 2/28. JB left for Down There at 9:30 and by 11:00 the sun was shining in a mostly blue sky. I had washed the dishes, hung the laundry and was going to vacuum, since the sun was charging up the batteries.
As I was washing the dishes, looking out the kitchen window, I was once again struck by the contentment I feel Up Here. It is a deep I-know-I-am-where-I-belong feeling. Something I have never experienced in any other place I have lived at any other time of my life. I am pretty sure this feeling is a combination of both place and age, but more so the place.
With the blue sky and sun today, I felt the first whiff of Spring. Or, perhaps, just the promise of Spring. Like in mid August when I get a whiff of Autumn.
A couple of years ago I threw out a plea to the Universe for a side-by-side UTV. One that we could afford, in God's good time. I have learned through experience that what I think might be the perfect time is obviously not. What I might think in a panic is the eleventh hour is actually the perfect time on God's part. My part is "simply" to have the faith that She will make it happen. "Faith is not the hope that God can, but rather the knowledge that God will."
Today was a very long day for JB. He didn't arrive back at Rose Camp until 4:30 pm. He had a long list of things to do and got everything done. We skipped the pizza for tonight and just made do with leftovers. Then we finally got to watch the movie, Super 8. Very well done - like a more dramatic ET.
I had misinterpreted some of JB's notes for February's snowfall. We actually received 42 inches this month.
Saturday 3/1. It is 9 degrees and snowing this morning. A perfect morning to relax with the papers and magazines JB brought up yesterday and have a late breakfast. By the time JB took the dogs on their morning trudge through the now, the temperature had fallen to 7. The forecast is for a very cold and snowy weekend, but back to normal on Monday. I can only hope that the old adage about March will hold true - In like a lion, out like a lamb.
I spent a lot of time on the computer figuring out a spreadsheet for the budget that will give me a running balance for each month as money goes out and comes in.
One item on JB's list yesterday was to buy a new battery for Miss Kitty. One with 350 cold cranking amps. It is the priciest one, but will start more easily in the cold weather.
When I let Jesse in after one of his forays into the snow, I noticed a perfect, lacy snowflake on his back. It wasn't more than 1/4" wide but it was simply beautiful. Unfortunately it melted before I could get a picture. Jesse is quite the character in the snow. He stays on the paths and road whenever possible, but if he smells or sees a critter, he will plow right through it like a tank.
Our early morning temperature of 9 was actually our high for the day. It was 6 when we went to bed after watching two episodes of The Walking Dead. I set the alarm for 1:00 am to get up and feed the fire.
Sunday 3/2. The temperature this morning was 2 degrees and snow was still falling. A light, lazy, fluffy snow. And we had 3-1/2" more of it. There is something hypnotizing about watching the snow fall, and I love to sit and do just that.
Between JB's trips Down There on last Monday and Friday, we have received most of our magazines. Countryside is really amazing this issue, from the letters to the editor to the article on country dress in the back. The Smithsonian Magazine has a great article on Vikings and an amazing one regarding the solving of the mysterious disappearance of Michael Rockefeller in 1961. Another subject is the annual return of the sandhill cranes to Nebraska. They also return to central Washington and there is a festival in Othello next weekend celebrating the event.
JB trudged up to the panels three times today to clean them off. It snowed all day, just like yesterday. After lunch I cleaned off the one=foot overhang of snow and ice over the door to the garbage/recycle shed, then shoveled three of our paths. It was like shoveling feathers. JB shoveled the other two paths while I brought in three loads of wood.
Tomorrow JB plans to groom our road with MAX and drive down to Larry and Elsie's to pick up the new axle for MAX that Larry had re-drilled so the bolt would fit.
Monday 3/3. Still snowing. The temperature is 6 and we have four more inches of snow. I am definitely going to have to clean off the deck today.
Thought for the day: I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you do, then you are trying new things, changing yourself. More importantly, you're Doing Something. Whatever it is you're scared of doing, do it. Make your mistakes, next year and forever. Neil Gaiman
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