So recently covered with snow. . (A spot on our north ridge) |
Monday 3/24. We could see blue sky all day through the light overcast and the sun was able to shine through it. Our high for the day was 38.
The temperature was just 26 when we left at 9:45 to drive Miss Kitty down to Larry and Elsie's. I got to drive this time and, although there was still quite a bit of ice, Miss Kitty did great with ice chains just on the back wheels. We had a fun drive and visit. They had just finished laying a beautiful wood floor in their bedroom yesterday and Larry was working on the finishing touches. It had to have been at least 15 degrees warmer at their place. We put the items from my Jeep that JB could not fit in MAX and drove back home. Even going uphill in the icy spots was fairly easy.
After lunch we all decided to take a nap, but by the time I got to the bedroom, JB and the dogs were settled in with no room for me. So I took my nap on the couch. . .
Talked to our son today as I do several times a week and he was telling me about our Granddaughter's love for reading. (She is 7 years old.) Unfortunately she reads out loud. One evening last week, both children had gone to bed but were still reading. Our son was downstairs listening to his daughter and just dying. She was reading a book with several characters and giving them all a different voice. Finally he sneaked up the stairs to try and take a video of her, but by then she had finished the book. Sure wish we lived closer.
Tuesday 3/25. This morning broke overcast with 30 degrees and NOAA is predicting rain. This may be the start of mud season, as so far the cool temperatures have kept the mud fairly firm. A few snow flakes fell about 10:00 am but soon turned to rain drops for a short shower.
I noticed a junco checking out the bird house, but the holes are just too small. Haven't seen the wren yet. Just two weeks ago we were solidly in Winter, and now it is definitely Spring!
After lunch our project was to put the new part in the oven. JB had printed out another customer's how-to description and it turned out to be fairly easy. The longest part was cleaning the oven. . . Am definitely going to bake cookies tomorrow, and maybe even some banana coffee cake, as we have one banana left that is quickly browning.
We heard thunder about 3:00 pm and a few moments later the rain arrived. Turned out to be just another short shower, but not nearly so light. It smelled so good outside as I was getting the wood and then taking the dogs on their walk. While I did that, JB was checking out the weather station our son gave to us for Christmas. We plan to put it up tomorrow, finally.
We watched two episodes of season three of Downton Abbey and right now I am very upset with Mr. Julian Fellows (the writer).
Wednesday 3/26. It is 25 and overcast with more rain on the way. I am still quite upset with Mr. Fellows. If he ever writes Maggie Smith (Granny) out of the series, he will ruin it. Oh, I will still watch it, but it will be ruined.
Thought for the day: As your faith is strengthened, you will find that there is no longer the need to have a sense of control, that things will flow as they will, and that you will flow with them, to your great delight and benefit. Emmanuel Teney (This is the only description I have ever seen that expresses my belief system so well. Rose)
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