Monday, September 1, 2014

Sept 1, 2014 A Very Social Weekend

Elder berries we picked on Saturday.
Huge rose hips along our road -
 future jelly.

Friday 8/29.  Clouds covered the sky and a brisk wind arose by noon, but our high for the day was 70.  

JB was home by 1:00 pm.  We fixed the hen house door that was starting to come apart on the bottom and did a few other odds and ends.  

There is a Canadian Jay that has been around for several weeks, having discovered the few grains from the hens' scratch that get kicked out of their pen.  Dinga snacks on them too.

After dinner we went for a "short" drive and ended up staying out til almost 9:00 pm.  Met a couple "coasties" over on the flats who were up for the holiday weekend.  They have quite a nice vacation home, which they hope to some day be their retirement home.  Had a very nice visit, and then on our way back home we met up with another property owner we know who was just coming back from looking for bears in the large canyon to the south.  When we finally did make it home, my phone rang just as I walked in the door.  Elsie was concerned because they couldn't raise us on the radio, and I didn't realize it had got so late or I would have called her on our way back.  

Saturday 8/30.  It was 53 and overcast this morning.  Because it is a holiday weekend we often have visitors, so I cleaned up the house a bit and vacuumed.  After lunch it was nap time.  

After dinner, it was time to go pick elder berries.  The closest bush is about 1-1/2 miles down our road, so JB drove Miss Kitty slowly and the dogs had a good run.  The berries are so small, I wasn't sure if we would be able to get enough to make jam, but as it turned out, we got more than enough.  Finally!  I have been wanting to do this for several years now.

The day was cool and our high was 66.

Sunday 8/31. The day began with 50 degrees and a cloudy sky.  JB chipped the last two loads of branches, and I brought them down to him in Miss Kitty.  I puttered around doing lots of little chores.  Then we sat on the porch for a while just enjoying the cooler weather.  The cooler it gets, the higher Dinga's energy level rises.  She's been a wild girl the past few days!

My brother called to say that he, Mike and seven others were down at his cabin for the weekend and would be up to visit in the afternoon.  They all arrived at about 4:00 pm for a couple hours and we had a great time.  I was so glad to see Mike, as I had missed his last visit when I was in Idaho.  His Mom always brings us LOTS of gluten free goodies for us when she comes Up Here, and today was no exception.  Bread, rolls, desserts - oh, my!

About 15 minutes after they all left, Larry and Elsie arrived.  All our favorite visitors in one day.  How nice!

It was a cool and windy day, with a high of only 64.

Monday 9/1.  It is 50 and clear this morning.  August certainly slipped quickly by, but it was a very good month.  I think we are going to treat today like the holiday it is, and I will make the jam tomorrow.

Thought for the day: No matter how happy I had been in the past I do not long for it . . . The present is always the moment for which I live. Jamaica Kincaid

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