Monday, September 8, 2014

Sept 8, 2014 JB's Bucket List

Dinga wanted to bury this stick, but gave
up trying to get the hole big enough!

Hairy woodpecker on our fence post Saturday.

Friday 9/5. JB served in the Navy for eight years and is a plank owner of the USS America, CVA-66, which was an aircraft carrier.  That means he served aboard her while she was being built and was commissioned in 1965.  CVA-66 was ultimately decommissioned and is now a man-made reef off the east coast.  Several months ago JB learned that a new USS America has been built and will be commissioned in San Francisco on October 11.  As a member of the USS America Carrier Veterans Association, he has been invited to the ceremony.      Being able to attend went right to the top of his bucket list.  Ever since we have been trying to figure out how to get him there, and actually be able to afford it.  Enter my BFF, Sandy.  JB is going to fly to Santa Rosa and stay with her.  She will drive him to the ceremony and be his guest!  

Anything else I have to write seems to fade in the excitement. . .

I thought I had figured out what to do with my elderberry "jam", but it has too many seeds to be a successful taffy.  Maybe I can figure out a way to get some syrup out of it.  Probably easier to just go pick some more berries after our picnic, and try again.  Thanks to the reader who gave me the names of two books and a website on canning.  I will definitely check it out.

JB chipped three Miss Kitty loads of dry branches from the pile across the driveway.  Am so glad we are finally using it.

Our high for the day was 78, but quickly cooled off in the evening.  I love when the nights are clear and I can watch the moon grow throughout the week.

Saturday 9/6. It was 60 and clear this morning with warmer temps in the forecast for the next several days.

Today JB chipped four loads of branches and we are making quite a dent in that big pile.  I took the loads down to him and puttered around beginning to clean up some things I want done before the picnic.

I also pulled the last of the Yukon potatoes from the garden, about another 12 to 15 pounds.  Haven't even started harvesting the red potatoes as they are still going strong.

Our high was 81 but it was pleasantly cool in the shade.  September's heat is nothing like August's.

Sunday 9/7.  It was 63 and clear this morning.  The dogs have begun to wake up and want out between 4:00 and 4:30 am.  Way to early!

After a breakfast of O'Brien potatoes (fresh from the garden) and eggs (fresh from the chickens), we took the tractor down our road to mow the center in preparation for all the traffic next Sunday.  It hasn't grown up nearly as much as in past years, but it really did need to be done.  So far we are expecting 24 guests, with a possibility 30.  That could be up to nine desserts.  Oh, yum!

On our way back, JB filled the tractor's bucket with sand from sandrock corner and brought it back up for one of the horseshoe pits.  After lunch he drove back down to bring some up for the other pit.  I worked on computer projects that I had been putting off.

Our high for the day was 86, but our road is mostly in the shade so it wasn't too uncomfortable.  Very dusty though.

Monday 9/8. It is 60 with a light, partial overcast this morning.  Going to be busy, busy, busy.

Thought for the day: There is a huge amount of freedom that comes to you when you take nothing personally.

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