Our yard of ice! |
Wednesday 1/28. I was able to get a nice early start this morning. Got up at 7:00 am and left at 8:15 am. As I was getting ready for the day, looking through the bathroom window, I noticed a deer just ambling along the south ridge enjoying the morning sun. Certainly a better view than having a grey-haired, old lady staring back at me in a mirror.
Wasn't at all pleasant spending the day in the fog, but I got all the laundry done and the errands run. Much more fun driving back up into the sun, and I was back home by 3:00 m. It was cold Up Here though, didn't even reach 40.
While I was gone, JB was preparing crow to eat when I got home. I had told him that I really didn't think the well pump was working and all we were hearing and seeing was seepage. Seems I was right. He told Larry on the radio this evening that he still had a couple of feathers in his teeth. He had been working on the generator to try to figure out what was wrong, but hadn't been able to yet.
Note to self: empty the water barrels by the end of October, thereby preventing the formation of 55-gallon ice cubes.
I love the new attitude in the fight against breast cancer. I saw a T-shirt that said: Of course they're fake. The real ones tried to kill me!
This afternoon the short-wave radio was so quiet when we turned it on that we thought it might not be working. We usually get "skip" all the way from Illinois, Alabama and Louisiana. Larry came in loud and clear though, so it must have just been something in the atmosphere.
Thursday 1/29. It was 29 this morning and once again we had mountain sun and valley fog. Very high fog today, probably up to about 3000 ft.
Lots of papers and magazines to read at breakfast this morning. I love that! There was an article about Homeland Security confiscating phony SeaHawks' jerseys. What is that all about?! Are they a threat to America?! Unbelievable! I know I heard something about counterfeiting now being considered an act of terrorism, but this is ridiculous. We really need someone in the White House who actually has a brain. . .
Over the years, Dinga has made "friends" with the ravens around here. She barks at them, and they fly down squawking their variety of calls to her. A few days ago a couple of them were sitting on a low tree branch just talking away to her and she was replying. I imagine it was quite an interesting conversation going on.
JB put the new fuse in Miss Kitty and we now have a functioning windshield wiper. We checked out a few more things with the generator and just couldn't figure it out. But just before we were ready to go to bed, JB realized that we were probably looking at this whole situation as more involved than it needed to be. K.I.S.S. - keep it simple, stupid! So tomorrow we will try his theory and see if it works.
I finally cut JB's hair this afternoon. Several months overdue and now he looks much less like a fur trapper of old.
Even I could walk on top of the snow today with all the freeze/melt/freeze/melt we have had. Our high for today was about 37, but that wasn't til about 3:00 pm and there wasn't much melting going on. And after having written that the sun doesn't seem to have moved very far north, I noticed this afternoon that it has moved far enough so that it just barely peaks through the trees and into the loft window at about 4:00 pm.
Friday 1/30. It is 23 and we are rimed again. The fog moved in about 10:00 pm last night and it is still here, although I can see some blue sky above us.
Thought for the day: It is much easier to get up early in the morning the night before.