Wednesday, January 21, 2015

January 21, 2015 No Eggs & A Flat Tire

Our girls, looking good.
That's Blondie out in front.

Monday 1/19. The west side of every tree was plastered with snow from the blizzard yesterday, but there wasn't much snow on the branches.  We only received about two inches of snow, and what was melting is now frozen again.

Little white puffs broke off from the cloud bank sitting over the mountains, and floated across the sky all day.  Lots of sunshine and our high for the day was 35.

I cut out some great sounding recipes from the current Taste of Home magazine, including some for tasty treats.  Made a ground beef (I used turkey) stew that included canned tomatoes.  I love fresh, home-grown tomatoes but am not a fan of canned, however the stew turned out pretty good.

The girls were awfully noisy this morning and I thought for sure that we would get at least one egg, but no such luck.  I told them that in return for their food and shelter, they really needed to get busy and lay some more eggs. . .

JB plowed the road after lunch, one time down and back.  No problems getting stuck this time.

I completely forgot to note that a couple days ago on our afternoon walk, a bald eagle flew right over us, not 20 feet away!  So awesome that I completely forgot to get out my camera.

Larry told us that the missing showshoer was found Sunday morning a couple canyons to the west of us.  She was suffering from a little hypothermia, but nothing serious.  I think the deputy who was using the GPS device to ping her cell phone must have been holding it backwards and was going east instead of west. . .

We watched The Hurt Locker this evening.  Not quite what I expected, but very good.

Tuesday 1/20. It was 28 this morning with a clear sky.  JB left for Down There at 9:45 am.  A bit of a late start, but he didn't have many time-consuming things to do.  He was mainly going down to get the gas cans filled.  With Miss Kitty and the gas generator, we are using a lot more than usual.  However his plans completely changed with the discovery of a flat tire on his Jeep.  He was going to change it, then come back home and go back down tomorrow but didn't have the adapter to get the spare off.  So he used Larry's air compressor to fill the flat and the drove straight to Les Schwab's.  Turns out there was nothing wrong with the tire.  The seal seems to be compromised.  Not sure how that can be fixed.  Anyway, it was a long day for him and he didn't get home til a little after 4:00 pm.

With all the solar power coming in, I vacuumed and did a lot around the house using that power.  Also took a short nap.  Love my naps!

No egg again from the girls.  Maybe Betty was just practicing last week.

The stars are so bright on these clear winter nights.  So much crisper than in the summer.

We started watching the second season of Longmire this evening.  So good!

Wednesday 1/21. It is 29 with blue mountain skies and valley fog this morning.  Another beautiful day, Up Here at least.

Thought for the day: Worry is like a rocking chair - it keeps you moving but doesn't get you anywhere. Corrie ten Boom


  1. Sounds like it may be time to start thinking about replacing the girls. Feed is way to expensive to waste on chickens who do not produce. Sad but true. They do have a productive limit. A worthy layer hen should produce an egg every 24-36 hours. Beyond that, they are nothing but pets.

  2. With our chickens, we found that a solar powered light (set on a timer) to artificially lengthen the day increased our egg production dramatically. We set our timer to turn on approximately 1-2 hours before sunrise & to turn off approximately 1-2 hours after sunrise.
