Patiently waiting for Spring |
Wednesday 12/31. Climbing out of our new fleece sheets is the hardest job of the day. . .
Another frigid day with blue skies and a high of about 12. Normal chores and just staying warm.
Left for Larry and Elsie's about 6:00 pm for a moonlit ride in a snowy world. Had a very enjoyable evening with with gridder neighbors and their two sons. Larry had fireworks for them to shoot off which was a delight, although no one stayed outside very long in the 9 degree temp.
We were home by 10:30 and soon after in bed, but were awakened by more fireworks and possible gunshots at midnight. Welcome, 2015!
Thursday 1/1. It was about 10 this morning with blue skies, but more snow is on the way for Sunday. Needless to say, we slept in (which, for us, is 8:30 am).
After lunch JB drove Miss Kitty down our road to plow a little more thoroughly. With all the power coming in, I vacuumed and did other chores requiring electricity.
Our high for the day was again about 12. Hopefully the days will warm up a little as the forecast suggests. At these low temps, it is amazing what an icy difference the tiniest air movement or breeze makes.
We had finished watching the first season of DaVinci's Demons on Tuesday, and began watching the first season of Blacklist. Excellent!
Friday 1/2. It is about 10 again this morning (4 on the porch) with partly cloudy skies. JB is going Down There to do laundry, a little grocery shopping and some errands.
Thought for the day: There is a higher court than the court of justice, and that is the court of conscience. It supercedes all other courts. Mhatma Ghandi
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