Bear grass (aka beautimous yellow stalk flower), in focus this time. |
Wednesday 4/29. Our new lilac and mock orange seedlings are starting to bud, but there is no change in the rose of sharon. I hope the snow and hail didn't kill it.
After lunch I made a run down in Miss Kitty to pick up the mail and get water at Larry and Elsie's. And, of course, let their dogs out for a potty break and a treat when I leave. JB finished disconnecting the generator while I was gone.
The huge, old lilac bush on the edge of a small field down in the canyon is blooming. One of the last remnants of an old homestead, and simply gorgeous with its deep purple blooms. It is almost painful to look at all the incredible flowers this Spring.
A little cooler today with an icy breeze. Our high was 55.
This evening we watched The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel which has now been added to my list of favorites. A movie I could watch over and over, and probably will.
Thursday 4/30. It was 40 and clear this morning. I was up with the dogs at 7:00 am and stayed up. One of those rare mornings when I have time to fix my coffee before I have to feed the girls and dogs.
And, speaking of hens, little Blondie is at the bottom of the pecking order but is just too feisty to let it get her down. About 1/4 of her feathers are missing from being picked (pecked) on, but she doesn't miss a thing. She goes after the breakfast bananas with wild abandon. Then, while the other two are gobbling up the cabbage, she comes around to their hen house door for some of the corn I throw out. Then it's back for more cabbage. She is really a hoot to watch.
Today we went on our Spring garbage run, and our trailer was packed full. Also got JB's Jeep gassed up for his trip on Monday, and picked up a few groceries. Again, the drive down and back up was so enjoyable with all the flowers.
The last day of April! Where did the month go?
The May issue of the Smithsonian magazine is entitled "The Future is Here." Fascinating! Definitely one of their best. Everything from growing body parts to growing vegetables and foretelling droughts. An issue full of hope.
A light hazy overcast formed in the early afternoon and our high was 60, with hardly any air movement.
We started watching season one of NCIS on Tuesday and watched more this evening. Still as entertaining as it ever was.
Friday 5/1. May Day. Each year this day brings back childhood memories of growing up in Lakeview, OR. I was in grade school there and every year my Mother and I would have spent the evening before making little baskets out of construction paper. Then early on May Day morning we would fill them with flowers from our yard: lilacs, roses, sweet peas and perhaps a dandelion or two. I would take the baskets, sneak up to friends' front doors in the neighborhood, and leave a basket on their doorstep, being very careful not to get caught. Such delightful memories.
Thought for the day: Flowers always make people better, happier and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine for the soul. Luther Burbank
Love Denozo? spelling,? on NCIS, just watched The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel also, and loved it.