Monday, May 11, 2015

May 11, 2015 Eggs, Witching & A Good Mother's Day

A busy humming bird feeder.

Sweet peas and balsam root on the north ridge.

Friday 5/8. My brother, RJ, called to say he was up at his cabin for a few days.  I had been planning to take our winter's worth of glass bottles and a 50-gallon drum down to him, so that is what I did this morning after breakfast.  A nice, long run for the dogs instead of their walk.  Had a good visit with RJ and invited him up for breakfast on Sunday.

After lunch I split and stacked two wheel barrow loads of wood.  I really think these two trees we cut down will almost fill the end of the wood shed.  We may end up just leaving the other trees we plan to cut in rounds until next Spring.

Had a nice, long talk with our son as he drove home from work.  Don't know how he stands their hot, humid weather in Alabama.  It's been in the 80's for a few weeks now.

After dinner the dogs and I went up the to south ridge and I sat on the bench for a while, just vegging.  Well, Dinga and I got all the way up to the bench.  Now that snakes are out and about, Jesse will not go much further than the top of the east end of the loop road.  And he will definitely not walk on the west end, as that is where we have been seeing the snakes.  No rattlers yet though.

Saturday 5/9. It was 58 and mostly clear this morning.  I heard wild turkeys just down from the north ridge on our morning walk.  Had to finally get busy inside today.  Did dishes and vacuuming after our walk.  Then split and stacked two loads of wood.  After a late lunch, split and stacked two more.

A light overcast formed and turned the day a bit muggy.  There are thunder storms in the forecast for next week.  Our high for the day was 65.

I ripped out most of the patch of devil's thorn and gave it to the girls who eagerly devoured it.  Every day I give them a few handfuls of miner's lettuce, dandelion leaves and grass.  They have dug up and eaten most of the grass in the new part of their run.  They must be loving it as they give us at least one and usually two eggs a day.  We just got three eggs, two days in a row!

I watched Guardians of the Galaxy for the second time this evening.  What an entertaining movie!  Love the music!

Sunday 5/10.  It was 52 with a light, partial overcast this morning.  I got up and stayed up at 6:30 am.  So much easier to get up this early when it is so light out, and I promised myself a nap later in the day.  Baked a banana coffee cake for breakfast, then made bacon and scrambled eggs with fresh tomatoes when RJ arrived at 9:00 am.

After breakfast we drove down to RJ's short cut turnoff and began looking for the trail to our spring.  Finally found the overgrown trail and then the spring, which has a nice, big puddle.  It's a ways up from the road, so we determined where the water may cross it.  RJ drove back to his cabin and the dogs and I hiked back home.  After a bit of a rest, I found my witching "sticks" and we hiked back down.  I witched the whole length of the road down from the spring and found where there might be a good place in which to drive a pipe.

Back home, I lay down for my promised nap.  Mmmm, it felt so good.  Then I split and stacked two wheel barrow loads of wood.  This morning it seemed like the day was going to be much warmer than it was, but the overcast became heavier, and our high was 65.  Definitely warm enough to snooze a bit on the porch.

We have quite an assortment of wild flowers blooming Up Here now.  Lupine, arnica, Douglas tritaria, flox and sweet peas are mixed in with the balsam root.  I just love Spring!

Each of our hens seem to lay their eggs at different times of the day.  Blondie always lays shortly after their breakfast, usually between 9:00 and 10:00 am.  Betty lays her eggs late in the afternoon, sometimes just before I collect them at the end of our afternoon walk and they are still quite warm.  Not too sure about Belinda, but I think she lays just after Blondie does.

I am eating a lot more dried fruits now.  I figure if I can get my sugar from dried fruit instead of M&M's, I'll be ahead of the game.

Buster came up to visit Jesse and Dinga a little after 4:00 pm.  Quite unusual, as he usually visits in the early morning.

JB's family is having a big Mother's Day dinner for his Mom with kids, grandkids, and great-grandkids.  So he will be there for her and get to see everyone.

I will have to make more humming bird syrup tomorrow.  Have already filled the feeders a second time, and now they need more. . .

Monday 5/11. It is 55 with a light overcast this morning.  I am going down to Larry and Elsie's to get water and take a shower.  A real shower!  JB should be home by 3:30 pm.

Thought for the day: Happiness is to hold flowers in both hands. Japanese saying

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