Friday, June 19, 2015

June 19, 2015 Hungry Humming Birds & A Rock Wall

Dinga & the smaller swale with the larger one
about 50 feet downhill from it.
The extended small rock wall
near the house.

Wednesday 6/17. Took everything that could possibly need washing and ended up with ten loads of laundry!  Didn't get home til after 2:00 pm.  Was ready for a nap after folding everything.  Am going to try a load of wash Up Here on Friday and will start with the dogs' towels and blankets.

Well, the cost of gas certainly is going back up quickly.  Yesterday JB paid $2.87 at Costco and today I paid $2.91.  In Alabama our son is paying only $2.55. . .

Bought a couple zinnias to put in the planter barrel with the petunias.  Now that we have plants and water, all I have to do is remember to water them at least once a day, twice in the case of the tomatoes.

Our high for the day was 78, but it had cooled to 64 by 9:00 pm with a chilly wind.

Thursday 6/18. It was 60 and cloudy this morning.  JB left for Down There at 9:30 for lots of errands and his annual appointment with his cardiologist.

Even before he left I had a gallon of humming bird syrup started.  They have gone through a gallon in four days!  Hungry little buggers.

I spent the day working on extending the rock wall on the south side of the yard.  Doing that is like being given pieces to a puzzle with no picture of what the final product will look like and no promise that you have all the right pieces.  JB can back fill the area with dirt and do a little sculpting with the tractor to get the water flowing where we want it to on this side of the driveway.  I also added some more rocks to a partial wall holding up the small swale across the drive.  Mostly we just used large pieces of rotting or pitch wood.

Talked to our son again today.  He bought a children's program for his kids on programming which teaches them the basics.  Our eleven-year-old grandson is already working on a game, and our eight-year-old granddaughter has created two characters who talk to each other.  How clever is that?!

Since his doctor's appointment wasn't until 4:00 pm, JB wasn't back home until just before 7:00 pm.  Seems he has to go back on his blood-pressure medicine that the doctor had taken him off of a couple years ago.

Our high for the day was 76 and clouds continued to move across the sky.  Patches of blue allowed the sun to peak out now and then.  The breeze grew into a wind that blew noisily all night.

Friday 6/19. It is 54 and mostly clear with clouds on the western horizon.  JB thought he heard a rattle snake under the porch last night as he was bringing in the dogs' beds.  We will have to check that out this morning.  He leaves for the other side of the mountains on Sunday.

Thought for the day: In general, I find that things that have happened to me out of doors have made a deeper impression than things that have happened indoors. Bertrand Russell

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