The very upset bull snake I carried out of the battery shed. |
Friday 6/5. While washing my hands in the bathroom, I can look out our large window above the sink and watch the wrens catching bugs in the grass and see the bees gathering pollen in the roses. So much better than looking at an old lady in a mirror.
Lots of newspapers and magazines to read with breakfast. A huge article in the Wenatchee paper about releasing Cinder, the bear injured in last year's fire, back into the wilderness northwest of here. Also, a good article in the Seattle Sunday Times about a local company, Tethers Unltd., that, among other things, has invented a "space-propulsion engine that uses water as fuel." Obviously the gas companies do not feel threatened, or they would have killed it like they did the car engine that runs on water.
There was an excellent tribute to Anne Meara, who recently passed away, in Time magazine. She was a consummate professional, warm and caring. I especially liked the comment: "She was a broad when broads were broads."
Many different butterflies flittering about now. We have tiny neon blue ones, yellow ones with white outlined wings, white ones with orange outlines, orange ones with white outlines, chocolate brown ones with yellow outlines, and the largest, the swallowtail. I am pretty sure I saw a monarch down in the canyon last week. We had a lot of them pass through on their migration the first few years we were Up Here, but haven't seen any for a while now.
Randy gave me a quick call from Sandpoint, ID. He finished splitting his wood yesterday and he is off the mountain for the first time in weeks. He was actually giddy with excitement! He also sent me an email in which he referred to their home as Casa de Chaos! He definitely needs to make a sign.
When the splitter was finally in the shade, I cut and stacked two wheel barrow loads of wood. Then it was just too hot to do any more. Our high for the day was 77.
After dinner we drove Miss Kitty down so JB could help Larry install his new radio antenna for the house. Since Elsie wasn't home from shopping, I drove down to pick up and mail and visit the Gridders. Then back up to Elsie's when she returned. By then the guys had just finished getting the antenna up. Had a nice visit and were home by 8:00 pm. Just sat on the porch and enjoyed the evening. Our dogs were fascinated by the smells on my jeans: five dogs, two goats and a cat.
Saturday 6/6. It was 60 at 6:00 am, and by 8:30 it was into the 70's. A high of 100 is forecast for Down There tomorrow. We sat on the porch with our coffee and enjoyed the breeze.
There is a good article in the current Countryside magazine about foraging and living off the land. Well, as I have said before, I can be quite self-sufficient as long as I can shop at Costco. . . There is also an excellent article about grounding, getting in touch with Mother Earth's electrical field.
I vacuumed and did my semi-annual complete dusting. By the time I was done, it was way too hot to work outside. Our high for the day was 82, and I am worthless in any temperature over 75 Up Here.
I cannot believe it has be 37 years since the last Triple Crown Winner! Our son was only three years old then. Watching these three horse races is one of the things I do miss about having no TV, along with the Oscars. And of course, JB misses watching hockey. But we did watch the race on the computer, after the fact. Didn't even look like American Pharaoh was exerting himself. Always nice to have such a celebrity.
RJ called to let us know he is up at his cabin. He will come up for breakfast tomorrow.
We watched the end of season one of Tyrant. Very well done, and we will definitely be getting the next season when it is available.
Sunday 6/7. It was already 70 when JB got up at 7:00 am this morning. We did have a nice breakfast visit with RJ. JB made German pancakes.
The grass that I just mowed last Tuesday is already higher than it was before I mowed it. We really do need to get another mower.
I drove Miss Kitty down to visit RJ and check out the beginning of his permaculture project. He is creating swales on the mountainside on which to grow crops. They are small areas that use the natural flow of water and all naturally available components. Am pretty sure we will be trying the same concept.
JB discovered a fairly large bull snake sitting on a lower junction box in the battery room. He was not at all happy with me when I carried him (the snake) out on a stick.
Our high for today was 86! I remember when we had such a week last summer and all I could do was just try to stay still and not sweat.
Now that most of the balsam root is going to seed, small sunflowers are beginning to bloom. And the paint brush is popping up everywhere in large patches.
JB has to go Down There tomorrow to run various errands. So glad it is him and not me.
After dinner we drove Miss Kitty down to Larry and Elsie's to visit and play marbles. A nice breeze had sprung up helping to cool the evening. The girls won, but it was Elsie's doing. She was as hot as a firecracker! On our drive back up the mountain we saw five poorwills as they like to lay on the road at night. It has been about five years since we had seen any.
Monday 6/8. It is 70 again this morning, so it's going to be another scorcher. When I let the dogs out at 5:00 am, they encountered a skunk. Dinga brought the lovely scent back inside with here. I don't think she got sprayed, but she may have run through some grass that had been. I had to wash off her head but the scent still lingered. . .
Thought for the day: I picture each day as if it were a happy dog looking at me. I may not be in the mood, but the dog always wants to play. Trust the dog. John Patrick Shanley
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