JB using the tractor to clear snow. |
Friday 12/18. Yesterday our temperature didn't fluctuate at all from 20. It was our high, our low, and in between.
The snow cannon at Mission Ridge was booming all this morning, and Jesse did not want to be outside because of it. Pretty sure they must be ecstatic over there with all this powder snow. Certainly making up for last year.
The girls aren't outside until 8:30 am now. They were very discomboobilated yesterday when I arrived with their breakfast at 8:15 am. So now I will wait so I do no get there til 8:30 or later.
We received 7-1/2" of snow in the past 24 hours and it began to snow again a little past 8:00 am. Now this is how winter is supposed to be! JB left in MAX at about 1:00 pm to groom the road. It took him a while to get MAX dug out of the snow first. I shoveled the pathways while he was gone. The powder is so light that you can barely feel it on the shovel.
Our son and his family went to the 7:00 pm showing of Star Wars this evening and he sent selfies of them in line and in the theater!
JB made a phenomenal lasagna for dinner this evening.
Saturday 12/19. It was 27 and snowing this morning, with valley fog. The snowfall didn't last very long and we only got another inch.
JB tried using the tractor to clear some of the snow, but there was just too much powder and we had to shovel some out of the way so he could park it by his Jeep. Couldn't get it back up by the wood shed.
Earlier this year I purchased some 120-hour candles that we are beginning to use. Our OTG attitude does not allow for electric lights whenever we want them. We don't use them in the morning, or in the evening before 7:00 pm unless we have had a lot of sun powering our batteries during the day. Candles and battery lights are the name of the game. Or we just do whatever it is we want to do that needs light between sunup and sundown. We get so spoiled Down There, using electricity whenever we want to. Electricity and water, the two things that most of the world does not have in abundance and most Americans waste them shamelessly. Well, what can I say? The further off the grid you get, the bigger the attitude. And we are wayyyy off the grid.
Sunday 12/20. It was 20 and snowing this morning til the clouds began to clear around 10:00 am, giving us another 1-1/2" of snow. We shoveled the paths again. Good exercise.
Not sure where the rest of the day went. We both read our books and did chores.
Gridder came up at about 3:30 pm with some books and movies to loan us. He drove an old snowmobile that he had refurbished. He's been driving it around quite a bit just fine, until he got up to just below our driveway and it died. He walked up the rest of the way and figured it would probably start after it cooled down. If not, he would walk home, after all it is all down hill. . . We thought we heard the motor start, so hoped he didn't have to walk that four miles.
During our nightly chat with Larry on the radio, we found out that Gridder was unable to get the snowmobile started and had indeed walked back home.
Monday 12/21. It is 22 with valley fog trying to intrude Up Here. We get Miss Kitty back today. JB will drive Big Red down to Larry and Elsie's for the exchange.
Thought for the day: When all the angels are busy, God sends a dog.
'Po 'Po Gridder! Good thing a BFM, or wolves didn't chase him down those 4 miles as a tasty treat!