Monday, December 28, 2015

December 28, 2015 Eggs & An Anniversary

Looking down the main
canyon road, which has been

Dinga supervising JB as he tightens
an axle on MAX.

Friday 12/25. A wonder full Christmas Eve and Christmas Day!  The last egg the girls gave us was on JB's birthday, 11/1.  Then on Christmas Eve day they gave us another one.  Obviously they have their calendar marked.

We had mostly clear skies, sunshine and a high of 30 today.  Just perfect.

I spent about three hours on Wednesday and Thursday learning how to drive MAX in the snow.  JB makes it look much easier than it actually is. . .

This evening we watched Love Actually which, along with The Holiday, is a perfect Christmas movie.  On Christmas Eve we watched UP, which Gridder had loaned us, and it also is perfect for a holiday of love.

Saturday 12/26. It was 18 and partly cloudy this  morning.  The sun and the fog fought for dominance, with the fog finally winning out in early afternoon.  It was back to daily chores today, but also reading books we got for Christmas.

Larry and Elsie's son is home for Christmas with his German Shepherd.  She came running in last evening and hid in the corner as if something had scared her outside.  This morning Larry found the bobcat lying near their house, obviously mortally wounded.  He put it out of its misery and will probably have a rug made from the pelt.

Sunday 12/27. It was 16 and overcast this morning, with very cold temps in the forecast for the next few days, and we had received another 1/2" of snow overnight along with rime.  An icy start to our 46th wedding anniversary, but, as I said, the girls have their calendar marked, and we received an egg from them today!  Just too amazing!

Had a nice long chat with Sandy this morning.  As we were talking, a few small snowflakes began to drift down.  She hasn't received our gift yet as the USPS, Fed Ex and UPS are overloaded.

We left at 10:30 am in MAX to groom the road and go start Miss Kitty.  She started right up, but we had to dig her out, as the tires were frozen into the snow.  I drove her down to the S-curve and back, then we were on our way home in MAX.  The heavier snow was moving in by then and arrived at Rose Camp about the same time we did, noon.  It only lasted for a couple hours, but we received another 1/2".

Our high for the day was 20, but that was only for about five minutes.

JB plans to go Down There tomorrow for mail, groceries and errands he was going to run last Monday.

Wow - 46 years!  My how the time passes when you're having fun. . .

Monday 12/28. It is 19 and mostly cloudy this morning.  JB plans to leave for Down There by 9:30 am.

Thought for the day: To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow.  So do it.  Kurt Vonnegut

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