Wednesday, January 13, 2016

January 13, 2016 Snow & Rime, Same Ol', Same Ol'

A rimed moose - how poetic. . .
Just for you, Randy!

Monday 1/11.  Any trip Down There in the winter is an adventure, and especially if we take a dog.  But Jesse is the perfect travelling companion, so all was well.  The three of us rode in MAX down to Miss Kitty, then rode in Miss Kitty down to the Jeep.  Then it was down to town.  After our visit to the vet, I was able to buy a latte for the first time in weeks.  We bought a few groceries and then took our trip in reverse.  We arrived back home with a handful of meds and ointment for Jesse and a diagnosis of an infection in his paw.  

JB did something to his left wrist, so now I am nursing two patients.

Began watching Wayward Pines this evening.  Very weird. . .

Tuesday 1/12. It was 20 with a thick cover of rime over everything outside.  The temp didn't vary all day and snow fell from about 9:00 am.  It was too fine for any measurable amount until late afternoon.  

It was a very quiet, inside day reading papers, magazines, mail and books.  We put a splint on JB's wrist which helped a lot.  It isn't swollen, just very painful.

Wednesday 1/13.  It is 16 and overcast this morning with valley fog.  Looks like we may have received another 3" of snow overnight.

Thought for the day: Every survival kit must include a sense of humor.

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