Shoveling off the chicken coup and hen house roofs. |
The chicken coup after the shoveling and another 4" of snow. Will have to get rid of that big pile I made on the ground. |
Wednesday 1/20. In this kind of winter, you think you are maintaining some kind of control, until you realize that you are not. You really are completely at the mercy of Mother Nature, as always.
I did not try to go Down There today as the main reason was to get a vacuum that was on sale at Costco. I discovered it was also available on line, so that's where I bought it.
I shoveled and brought wood in, then after brunch drove MAX down to groom the road and let Dinga come with me. The neighbor who had been plowing the main road is gone for a few weeks, so even if I had driven MAX down to Larry and Elsie's, I would have never got him back up. I started Miss Kitty and dug her out of the 6" of snow we had received yesterday. Then we headed home. Got maybe 20 ft up from the hair-pin turn and the tensioner came loose on the chain. So I stopped and fixed it, (have to take the seat out to do that) but it didn't last more than another 20 ft. It seems that any extra strain makes it pop up. I fixed it again and made it another 20 ft before the chain itself came off. MAX wasn't going anywhere now.
We trudged up the driveway and were home by 1:00 pm. Dinga loved the outing but as soon as we got in the door, she made a bee-line for her bed in the bedroom and we didn't see her until I fixed their dinner at 4:00 pm. But after lunch I began shoveling the snow off the roof of the chicken coup and hen house. (See photo above.) Got almost half done before my hands gave out, as did my energy. Our high for the day was 38 and my clothes were sopping with sweat.
Went inside, turned on the generator, and took a nice, long, hot shower. Just what I needed. Then had some hot chocolate with orange vodka in it and a handful of ibuprofen. (Just kidding, Nene. I only took three.) But it was one of those days where I was really amazed at what I was able to do.
Still enjoying the last season of Justified.
Thursday 1/21. It was 28, overcast and foggy this morning. We had received another 4" of snow overnight. Snoqualamie Pass is closed due to avalanche danger, and highway two is closed west of Leavenworth in Tumwater Canyon for the same reason. Pretty soon flying will be the only way to get across the mountains.
After morning chores and brunch, I loaded the sled with two of the four pieces of wood that we would need to jack MAX up and put the chain back on, then pulled it down to where he is parked. JB came down with me on the second trip of more wood and the jack. After much shoveling and work, we finally got the chain on but only made it up about another 40 feet where Erno's road turns off. I parked him there off the road as much as possible and that is where he still sits. At least the chain is still on, just loose.
We are indeed snowbound, but can be reached by a snowmobile. And this is the first year that a snowmobile has been available in the canyon. The Universe always provides. JB ordered the necessary part for MAX, plus an extra one. They were shipped out today to Larry and Elsie's business and should be there by Monday. Gridder will bring them up on the snowmobile. So good to have such incredible neighbors.
So here we will sit for awhile. We have several months of food, plenty of water, wood and power. Getting low on fresh milk and eggs, but not to worry, I have powdered supplies of both. This is just the sort of situation we have been preparing for. We are good to go, or rather, stay. If our chocolate runs out I will just strap on my snow shoes and walk down to the Jeep to go get re-stocked.
Our high for the day was 30. Checked our records and we how have received 7-1/2 feet of snow! More is on the way. Looks like shoveling will continue to be a daily chore until we can figure out what is wrong with the snow blower.
Friday 1/22. It is 30 and we are still fogged in. The avalanche canon is booming away over on Mission Ridge. Going to give our muscles a rest today.
Thought for the day: I am an optimist. It doesn't seem too much use being anything else. Winston Churchill
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