Coming back up the driveway, almost home. |
Friday 1/29. Snow fell until after 1:00 pm, so we did not hike down to work on MAX. We received 4-1/4" which puts us over the 8 ft. mark.
JB has been working on the voice recognition software on his computer for the past few days so he doesn't have to type one-handed. When I was in high school, that was pure science fiction. The way it's going with his computer, it may still be. . .
Our high for the day was 32 and the wind continued blowing all day, knocking the snow off the trees and causing white-outs. Did some shoveling on the paths after the snow stopped falling.
Saturday 1/30. It was 28 and mostly clear this morning. We hiked down to MAX about 10:00 am to get the old part out and put the new one in. I got three of the four screws out, but that last one just wouldn't budge. By then my hands and toes were frozen, so we sprayed it real well with something to loosen it and let it set over night.
It was a beautiful day, but the wind made our high of 38 seem much colder.
Still thoroughly enjoying the second season of Blacklist. It is so well written and James Spader is superb.
By 9:30 pm, this time of year, we can see Orion's Belt (and all of Orion) directly out of our bathroom window. Was never really interested in the stars until we moved Up Here. Maybe that's because we can actually see them now.
Sunday 1/31. It was 24 and mostly cloudy this morning and remained that way all day, although the sun managed to shine through most of the time. Our high for the day was 34, but there was no wind. Not at all sorry to say goodbye to January, during which we received 40-3/4" of snow.
We were on our way down to MAX at 10:00 am again, and after trying various scenarios, I was finally able to get that last screw out and put the new part in. That felt so good, until we tried to start MAX and the battery was dead. That was really weird because he started right up just a couple days ago. Fortunately there is a pull start. Unfortunately there seemed to be an issue with the throttle. At that point we just put the seat back in and the tarp over MAX, and said we'll be back to deal with it tomorrow.
Funny how hiking up our steep driveway is so much easier when I haven't already hiked (slogged) more than three miles. . .
Monday 2/1. We have clear skies and a temp of 24 this morning. Hopefully we can get MAX fixed and back up to Rose Camp today.
Thought for the day: We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails.
I guess when you were in high school the wheel was science fiction also......