Wednesday, February 24, 2016

February 24, 2016 Miss Kitty Is Finally Back Home!

JB cutting the tree across
the road.
Dinga digging after a
critter under the snow.

Monday 2/22. We decided to walk down our road to see if we thought it would be solid enough to drive Miss Kitty home.  The four of us left about 1:00 pm and had a nice leisurely hike.  This gave us the opportunity to get a good look at all the branches that were broken off by snow or wind, and the many trees that were either topped or toppled.  We also cut the tree that I had been able to drive MAX under.  Miss Kitty would never have made it, but we decided that the road was definitely good enough to bring her home.  There is a lot of wood that will be available for scavenging in the spring and summer.  

I drove Miss Kitty back home with no issues whatsoever.  And now since she is back, I didn't cancel the appointment for my colonoscopy on Friday.  I can at last get that over with.

The dogs had a great time on our adventure.  Since Jesse's paw has been better, he has disappeared for one or two hours at a time.  Sometimes we will see him come back in the opposite direction from which he left.  Sure would like to know where he is going.

It was another beautiful day and our high was 42.

Tuesday 2/23. It was 26 and mostly clear this morning, with a little breeze.  I am subsisting mainly on eggs, Ritz crackers, peanut butter, Swiss cheese, Elsie's home-made apple jelly, tomato soup, M&M's and water.  Lots of water.  In preparing for these three days of a low-fiber diet, I have discovered that Ritz crackers have zero fiber!  But I usually eat so much fresh fruit, nuts, oatmeal, and other foods full of fiber, that I am really starting to miss them after less than two days.  Just one more day of low fiber and then Thursday will be clear liquids only.  Friday is nothing before my appointment other than drinking the last quart of the lovely mixture of a cleansing powder and Gatorade.  I will be so very glad when this is all over.  I thought I might try to keep busy for the next two days sorting our my big box of recipes.  But am rethinking that. . .  Maybe I'll finish sorting my photos.

I cracked open the little egg that one of the girls gave us on Saturday.  There was no yolk!  However, today they gave us TWO eggs to make up for it.  Since the ground is no longer frozen in their pen, their water is really getting dirty.  As if they are washing their feet in it.

We have been getting a wasp or two in the loft every day for the past couple weeks.  But that is nothing compared to years past.

It was another beautiful, sunny day but with an icy breeze.  Our high was only 36.

Wednesday 2/24. It is 30 and overcast this morning.  I do not plan to post on my blog Friday morning.  I will do it Saturday instead.

Thought for the day: I wish I could tell you that it gets better, but it doesn't get better.  You get better.  Joan Rivers

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