Fire starter |
Kindling |
Regular fire wood |
Wednesday 8/10. OK, autumn was definitely in the air today. Which is not to say that the weather will be cool now, but it was that first hint of autumn's arrival. In fact the temperature is supposed to get back up into the 90's Down There by Friday. Of course, because I plan to go to town on Friday for grocery shopping and to check out that estate sale again.
On our morning walk the dogs discovered a fresh scent of some critter (bear?) and went tearing off to the east. I finished the walk by myself and Jesse didn't return for more than 30 minutes. Then after eating his morning treat, he took off again. He was barking, so I know there was something nearby.
It was a low energy day, so I just did dishes and laundry, then raked up more grass that JB had cut and spread it on the swale. JB was back home a little after noon. We both had a long afternoon nap.
We watched Hellboy last night and Hellboy 2 this evening. Both very well done and entertaining.
Thursday 8/11. It was 58 and clear this morning. Blueberries for breakfast. What could be better?!
Our project for today was to finish cutting up all the large branch wood. We managed to do that in five cradle loads. Then JB moved it to the shed with the tractor and I stacked it. After lunch I split the larger pieces and some of the partial pine rounds that had dried out a bit more. JB moved those to the shed and I stacked them, getting about 3/4 of the seventh row filled. I don't plan to do any more splitting until after our Labor Day weekend BBQ, and then we will start stacking wood on the porch.
I divide our wood into three different types: fire starter, kindling and standard fire wood. This year so far we have three yard bags and two large boxes full of fire starter (in addition to several bags of pine needles), 3-1/4 rows of kindling, and 6-3/4 rows of fire wood. By the end of October, we should have four rows of standard fire wood on the porch and possibly two rows of kindling. Last year we had two less bags of fire starter and used it all. We had 2-1/2 rows of kindling and used it all. We had six rows of regular fire wood in the shed and used five rows, plus three rows on the porch.
Our high for today was 80, and it certainly felt like it. Not looking forward to the 90's Down There tomorrow.
For some reason, lately I have been thinking about the effect of coffee on civilization. No wonder Europe was so screwed up before they brought the coffee bean back from the Americas! Everyone was in a bad mood, and, as nice as tea is, it just doesn't compare to coffee. And they didn't even have tea until it was brought back from China. My time line may not be quite correct, but I am sure the middle ages would not have been so horrific if only they had coffee to drink. And what about chocolate?! That had to have a positive effect on people's lives. I know it does on mine. I am sure a whole book could be written on the effects of different foods and drinks on the history of man.
In response to the comment about Chicago's seasons being winter and construction, that is so true! However, if they're lucky, there actually is a spring that lasts about two weeks or so.
Friday 8/12. It is 64 with clear skies this morning. I didn't set my alarm clock for the meteor shower, but my bladder woke me up at 2:30 am and I saw two shooting stars. I remember seeing a phenomenal meteor shower when I was in college (1967?) that I don't think could be outdone by any other.
Thought for the day: You know what separates humans from animals? Coffee!!
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