Friday, August 5, 2016

August 5, 2016 Wood, Beans & Politics

(No photo today.  My connection is way too slow.)

Wednesday 8/3. I had a nice, long chat with Sandy this morning during which we bemoaned the political situation and solved the world's problems.  Then after breakfast JB cut five cradles-full of wood, which really whittled down the pile of large branches.

After washing all the sawdust out of my hair and eating lunch, I split the larger pieces that JB had cut.  And there were quite a few.  Then we moved all the cut and split wood to the shed in seven loads.  I stacked it and got a little more than half done on the last row.  That's it for a few days as JB is going Down There tomorrow and I am going on Friday.

Nene called this evening.  She returned from Idaho yesterday and had an absolutely wonderful time.  Not only did they see a moose, but during one of their outings a wild turkey hen ran into their car and took the passenger side mirror off!

Our grove is becoming covered with fir-cone "petals" as the squirrels and chipmunks begin preparing for winter.  I have an inkling that it is going to be another hard one.

I spent time on the computer composing and printing the letter to the other propane users in our canyon informing them of the new supplier.  I also printed up this year's invitation to our almost-annual Rose Camp BBQ that will be on Sunday, September 4.  JB will mail them all tomorrow.

It was a very comfortable day with a high of 75 and a lovely breeze.

Thursday 8/4.  It was 60 and clear this morning with a projected high of 85 in town.  JB left for Down There at about 8:00 am for a blood test, bone density scan and to run some errands.

When I cleaned out the hen house this morning, there were two small eggs under the roosting ladder.  So I am quite sure that all the new girls are now laying.  Every morning for the past week there has been a brown egg in one of the nesting boxes waiting for me in the morning.

I gave my hands and wrists a rest today just doing inside chores and hanging out the laundry.  JB was home by noon and we both mainly stayed inside or sat on the porch.  I absolutely had to finish the book I was reading, Purple Cane Road by James Lee Burke.  A very nice day with a high of 78, but no air movement.

When I watered the garden this morning I realized it was definitely time to harvest some of the green beans.  Our very first!

Our son had suggested, since Hastings is no longer selling on-line, that we go on Redbox's site as they often sell used movies.  By signing up with them we got a free rental.  So today JB rented (for free) Criminal and I will return it tomorrow.  It stars Kevin Costner, Gary Oldman and Tommy Lee Jones, and is excellent.

When Sandy and I were talking yesterday, we agreed that our country's political system has never been without corruption and greed, but it just seems like it is so much more visible these days.  And so very frustrating.  Evil seems to be so much more visible everywhere in the world.  I have never considered myself to be paranoid, but I am very concerned.  Sandy rarely watches or listens to the news like she used to, and I am so glad to be up here on the mountain where the goings-on are not constantly in my face.

Well, enough of that.  Tomorrow I am going Down There mainly to check out an estate sale and the sidewalk sale that is going on in town with my birthday money in hand.  It is supposed to be in the 90's, but I will just duck into the air-conditioned stores.

Friday 8/5. It is 64 and clear this morning.  Going to be a hot one Down There.

Thought for the day: There is a higher court than the court of justice, and that is the court of conscience.  It supercedes all other courts.  Mhatma Gandhi

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