Monday, March 13, 2017

March 13, 2017 Wind, Marbles & Daylight Savings Time

Oh, look - dirt!
I remember dirt!

Spicy moose treats.

Friday 3/10. By this morning we had received another 2" of snow.  I now have to duck when walking under the clothes line.  This is the same clothes line that I have to stand on my tippy toes to reach when hanging up the laundry in the summer.  I am sure that I will enjoy Spring blooms this year more than any other!

We are trying to use the small branch wood for daytime fires as there are still 2-1/2 rows of it left in the shed.  I am sure we will have standard size fire wood left over too.

It was very windy again today, but fortunately the snow is now too wet and heavy to drift.  It is actually beginning to melt!  Our high for the day was 34.

Saturday 3/11. It was 32 and overcast this morning.  A snow/rain mix began to fall mid morning, and ended in pouring rain mid afternoon.  Then the fog moved in, but the wind picked up again and blew it all away.  We had blue sky by 3:30 pm and our high for the day was 40.

I baked spicy moose treats for Larry and Elsie's visit this evening (chocolate zinger cookies made with the moose cookie cutter that my Aunt Nene gave to JB for Christmas).  JB found a new GF recipe on line and baked hamburger buns and focaccia bread.  Everything turned out so delicious.  We had pulled pork sandwiches for dinner, made with canned pulled pork from Costco.

JB finished reading Hunt For The Red October, and we watched the movie last night, which we both agree is one of the best ever made.  In my reading I am down to N is for Noose in Sue Grafton's series.

Larry and Elsie brought up our mail, meds and bananas for the girls this evening.  The spicy moose treats were a hit, and we played two games of marbles (Aggrivation).  Both of which the girls won. . .   Woo Hoo!!

Sunday 3/12. It was 34 and sunny this morning, but clouds soon moved in creating an overcast by late afternoon.  No precipitation of any kind though and we had a high of 50, making it our warmest day of the year so far.  The snow really is beginning to melt now, especially around the trees.  The whole landscape seems to be sinking.

I really dislike daylight savings time, so we just ignored it last night and this morning.  But because we got to bed so late, by 11:00 am it seemed like noon, so that's when we moved our clocks forward.  We just spent a lazy day reading mail and magazines, and both took a nap.  Love those naps!

Monday 3/13. It is 37 with a light rain this morning.  I guess I am going to have to set my alarm.  We went to bed an hour early and slept in to our regular time.

Thought for the day: Prayer is not a spare wheel that you pull out when you are in trouble.  It is a steering wheel that keeps you on the right path throughout life.  Jerusalem Prayer Team, Facebook

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