Friday, March 24, 2017

March 24, 2017 A Basket, A Lovely Spring Day & More Snow

Valley fog Wednesday

My first big basket!

Wednesday 3/22. Today held such great possibility for warm, sunny weather, but the brighter and warmer the sun became, the more the fog rose up from the canyons.  And that's how the day went - sun, then fog, then sun, then fog.  Until around 4:00 pm when a rain squall moved through and the fog disappeared.  Our high was 44.  My response to such a grey day was to bake peanut butter-chocolate chip cookies.

I finished my first large basket today and I must admit that I think it turned out pretty good for a first effort.  It is 6-1/2" high by 10-1/2" long and the perfect product for Rose Camp Rustics.  I was going to put handles on it, but then decided not to.  I imagine each basket will just create itself.  We'll see with the second one that I started this afternoon.

We can now tell the "new" girls apart by their combs, and so have named them by their personalities: Blackie, Shy Ann, Bossy.

JB's foot seems to be getting a little better but he is having a difficult time with his attitude.  He is very frustrated with the fact that he doesn't heal as quickly as he did when he was 20.  Sometimes getting old really sucks. . .

What with dishes, wash, two walks, bringing in firewood, etc., the day passed quickly by.

Thursday 3/23. It was 29 with mostly clear skies this morning, but there is snow in the forecast for tonight.  Of course.  Since March came in like a lion, we can only hope it will go out like a lamb.  A very tame, sweet little lamb.

I am down to O Is For Outlaw on my Sue Grafton books, and enjoying every word.

More dirt is showing now than did before that last snowfall.  Dinga has even found some grass to chew on near the hen house.  The south slope is almost bare of snow, as are most of the south-facing slopes that we can see to the north.  Elsie was able to open all her windows and doors this weekend to air out their house, but it just wasn't warm enough Up Here.

The snow is getting sloppy again.  I have to walk exactly in the center of the paths to avoid post holing, but it is rather difficult to be sure where that is.  Even the dogs are having problems.

I worked on getting ready to write my new blog.  I will begin A Guide To Living Remote & Off The Grid on Monday, posting the same days as this blog.  Am going through all my photos on cd's to find ones to use.  Amazing how much I have forgotten over the past 8-1/2 years.

JB's foot was actually much better today, along with his attitude.  He could actually get his foot into his tennis shoe, which gives him more support than his slippers.  He is just antsy to get outside.  I worked on breaking up the ice that is left on the path to the outhouse so he can get down to it without falling.

Our high today was 44 again, but I am pretty sure it was much closer to 50 in the sun.  It was 66 in Wenatchee!

Friday 3/24. It is 32 and snowing this morning.  Looks like we have at least another two inches.  Hmmm, what shall I bake today?

Thought for the day: Age is a question of mind over matter.  If you don't mind, it doesn't matter.  Satchel Paige

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