Connection too slow to upload photos today.
Monday 5/28. Well, it seems that our propane generator works just fine until we put any kind of load on it. The washing machine won't start either. Hmmm.
I gathered and stacked several (10?) bags of kindling throughout the day. Also split the large pieces we had cut on the wood cradle. Sat on the porch between exertions.
JB has been sleeping a lot, which is probably what he needs. We use the walkie-talkies to communicate when I am outside, which works perfectly.
Had to make another batch of humming bird syrup today. Everything is early this year: flowers, blooming bushes, hoards of humming birds, etc. The wild roses are blooming along the canyon road up to Larry and Elsies.
And, speaking of them, their propane water heater died last night. Hey, Randy - is mercury in retrograde again?!
It was a very warm day, with a high of 77.
Tuesday 5/29. It was 57, clear and breezy this morning with high, thin clouds quickly moving in. By noon, the sky was almost completely overcast.
I used the weed eater on the south side of the house this morning, then after lunch I raked up some more fir cones. Took three large bags of them up to the south ridge in Miss Kitty and dumped them over the side. Then I loaded the last two bags of glass bottles in the back of her and drove them down to my brother's place. It was a very nice drive, and looks like our elk has been walking on the lower road also. Our wild roses are blooming along our road in one place about 1/2 mile down from Rose Camp.
Coming back home, just past the roses, there was a rattlesnake on the road. I rolled a tire on to him and used a saw to cut off his head and rattles.
JB was feeling better today, probably from sleeping so much and being immobile.
The clouds began moving eastward around 5:00 pm and a couple hours later, the sky was blue again. It was quite a chilly day with the cold breeze and our high was 69. I put a fire in the wood stove this evening.
Wednesday 5/30. It is just 41 with mostly blue sky this morning and a forecast for cooler weather all week.
Thought for the day: To respond to life with patience suggests some level of trust, an admission that while we may not know the future, we know the One who holds the future. Jay Sidebotham, Guideposts magazine, June 2018
Building and living off the grid; Gluten-free cooking; Living with Celiac's Disease
Wednesday, May 30, 2018
Monday, May 28, 2018
May 28, 2018 Cougars, Bears, Elk & Snakes - Oh, My!
Cougar on the game cam. |
Rattles from our first rattlesnake of the year. |
Friday 5/25. It was a very busy day getting ready for our guests who are coming up tomorrow. One person doing everything for two people takes a lot more time.
The dogs and I started out on our morning walk only to find our first rattlesnake of the year behind the wood shed. A very large prairie rattler. I used my snake stick to cut of its head and rattles. Threw the head in the outhouse and flung the body over the west ridge. I added the rattles to our growing collection. And that was pretty much the end of our walk.
Because of all the thunderstorms we are supposed to be getting this summer, I packed our bug-out bags. Made a chicken salad for tomorrow's lunch and baked an apple coffee cake.
By 1:00 pm I was ready for a break, so the dogs and I walked down to the game cam to change the cards. Saw very LARGE elk tracks on the road. It was the perfect day for such a walk.
Back home, JB and I looked at the 300+ photos on the card and saw lots of critters. The first was a cougar (see photo above), then the huge elk who made the tracks. There were several bears: a sow with two cubs, a sow with one cub and a two-year old by itself. And of course, many deer. Wow!
It was a beautiful but breezy day with a high of 74. The wind really picked up in the evening.
JB has been sleeping on the couch as it seems to be more comfortable for him than our bed. He has his annual check-up with his doctor a week from Tuesday and I think he is going to be told that he needs a knee replacement.
Saturday 5/26. It was 50 and clear this morning, with the wind still gusting. JB's brother and sister-in-law called from Cashmere at 9:15 am, so I left for the laundromat, knowing JB wouldn't be alone very long. They arrived at the gate just as I was unlocking it.
I did eight loads of wash and picked up a spark plug gap tool on my way home. JB's brother was taking a look at our generator and said the new spark plugs needed to be gapped. As it turned out, a Caterpillar engineer (JB's brother) fixed our Cummins generator. (He insisted I write it that way. . .) But for some reason, when we tried to run the well pump, the generator bogged down.
We had a great visit and they were on their way home around 4:30 pm. It was a windy day with a high of 70.
Sunday 5/27. It was 49 and clear this morning. Since I didn't have time yesterday, I made a quick trip Down There for water and a few other items. Was just gone just a little over 2-1/2 hours.
Gridder came up with his youngest son to hook up our gasoline generator to the well pump. While he was doing that, I paid his son to gather fir cones. Within a very short time, we had water being pumped into the cistern. Woo Hoo! Had a good visit and I loaned his son some DVD's he hadn't seen.
Nene called to check on our generator situation and we had a nice chat. Her recovery has really been amazing. Two weeks after the laperoscopy on her lung, she was back driving and living her life. This is a 92-year-old woman!
It was another beautiful day with a high of 73 and a cool breeze.
Monday 5/28. This Memorial Day morning is 57 with clear skies. Life is good.
Thought for the day: If you can read, thank a teacher. If you can read in English, thank a soldier.
Friday, May 25, 2018
May 25, 2018 Thunder Storm & Other Electrical Issues
My connection is too slow for photos today.
Wednesday 5/23. We spent several hours trying to get the other generator wired into the inverter but to no avail. JB really should not have been standing up that long with his bad knee.
Large thunder clouds were moving in from the southwest by noon and we heard distant thunder a few times. Just as I was finished fixing dinner at 5:00 pm, I noticed it getting pretty dark outside so I went out to close everything up and cover the generator. Just as I got back up on the porch, we heard the first clap of thunder very nearby and the rain began to fall. Rain continued for about an hour as the thunder and lightening moved slowly off to the east.
I now have an extra key for both cars in my wallet. . .
Our high for the day was 78.
Thursday 5/24. It was 54 and clear this morning. After sleeping on finding a solution to our wiring problem, we got out and got it done right just like we knew what we were doing. Unfortunately, we obviously didn't. The washing machine wouldn't start and neither would the well pump.
I used the weed eater on the grove and it looks much better now with the grass only 4" high instead of 14". (Note to self: next time wear long pants and a face screen to prevent green legs and face. Also do NOT open your mouth.)
JB called Larry for advice on the wiring and he drove up to help. However, neither of them could figure out the problem. I emailed Gridder and told him: You're our only hope, Obi Wan.
A few clouds drifted over but the sun shone all day and our high was 76.
Friday 5/25. It is 55 and clear this morning. JB should not have been on his feet so much yesterday and is really in pain with his knee. He is going to have to be prone for a few days. His brother and sister-in-law are driving over for the day tomorrow to visit. I will have to go Down There to the laundromat while they are here as I don't want to leave JB alone.
Thought for the day: Sometimes you're the windshield and sometimes you're the bug.
Wednesday 5/23. We spent several hours trying to get the other generator wired into the inverter but to no avail. JB really should not have been standing up that long with his bad knee.
Large thunder clouds were moving in from the southwest by noon and we heard distant thunder a few times. Just as I was finished fixing dinner at 5:00 pm, I noticed it getting pretty dark outside so I went out to close everything up and cover the generator. Just as I got back up on the porch, we heard the first clap of thunder very nearby and the rain began to fall. Rain continued for about an hour as the thunder and lightening moved slowly off to the east.
I now have an extra key for both cars in my wallet. . .
Our high for the day was 78.
Thursday 5/24. It was 54 and clear this morning. After sleeping on finding a solution to our wiring problem, we got out and got it done right just like we knew what we were doing. Unfortunately, we obviously didn't. The washing machine wouldn't start and neither would the well pump.
I used the weed eater on the grove and it looks much better now with the grass only 4" high instead of 14". (Note to self: next time wear long pants and a face screen to prevent green legs and face. Also do NOT open your mouth.)
JB called Larry for advice on the wiring and he drove up to help. However, neither of them could figure out the problem. I emailed Gridder and told him: You're our only hope, Obi Wan.
A few clouds drifted over but the sun shone all day and our high was 76.
Friday 5/25. It is 55 and clear this morning. JB should not have been on his feet so much yesterday and is really in pain with his knee. He is going to have to be prone for a few days. His brother and sister-in-law are driving over for the day tomorrow to visit. I will have to go Down There to the laundromat while they are here as I don't want to leave JB alone.
Thought for the day: Sometimes you're the windshield and sometimes you're the bug.
Wednesday, May 23, 2018
May 23, 2018 DNA vs Cowboy Boots
Jesse is such a good sport. |
Monday 5/21. I was feeling much better today, but JB was still gimping. It will probably take a few weeks for him to be up and around.
Larry and Elsie arrived with their youngest grandson a little after noon, just as we were trying to get the spark plugs out of the generator. Larry helped JB with that while Elsie, her grandson, and I went on a walk-about. The guys got the spark plugs out and we all had a delightful visit. Their grandson stated the he was going to stay Up Here and bring up his big brother too. It wasn't ten minutes later that he announced it was time to go. . .
The day was perfect for lounging and visiting with a high of 69.
Tuesday 5/22. It was 58 and clear this morning. I had wanted to get my DNA done with my birthday money, but decided, instead, on a pair of cowboy boots. Have wanted my DNA done just since the price has come down to fairly affordable. Have wanted a new pair of cowboy boots for about twenty years now. So, with a 20%-off sale on boots at Coastal, I was on my way Down There by 9:00 am. Found a beautiful pair of boots and also bought the spark plugs we needed for the generator and a few other things we needed.
The colors have changed along our road. Most of the yellow and white have faded out and the main color now is purple from the lupine, sweet peas and one other flower that I have yet to identify. There is a little white from the flox.
I stopped by Larry and Elsie's on my way back and was home by 1:30 pm. It was getting uncomfortably hot Down There and was forecast to get up to 86. Larry drove up around 3:00 pm to help me put the spark plugs back in. That done, the generator still wouldn't start, but at least it wasn't backfiring any more. He helped me move the shop generator up to the battery room and JB will wire it up tomorrow. I will ask Gridder if he has any ideas why it isn't starting. Perhaps a critter chewed on some wires. . .
It was a very warm day Up Here, too, with a high of 77.
Wednesday 5/23. It is 62 and clear this morning with possible thunder showers this evening.
Thought for the day: Political correctness is really a subjective list put together by the few to rule the many. . . a list of things one must think, say or do. It affronts the right of the individual to establish his or her own beliefs. Mark Berley
Monday, May 21, 2018
May 21, 2018 Rain & GREEN
Dinga guarding the homestead. |
Friday 5/18. Put a fire in the wood stove this morning. Then after some coffee, I got outside to clean out the drainage channels. Still playing in the mud at 71.
The rain continued in fits and starts until around 3:00 pm when either the fog moved up or the clouds settled down and ensconced us in a heavy mist for a couple hours.
I had to make more humming bird syrup, which fortunately is quite easy. I usually make a gallon - 16 cups water to 4 cups sugar - and heat it just to a boil.
With all this rain, it was a very slow and lazy day. Our high was just 50.
Saturday 5/19. It was 48 and overcast this morning with some valley fog. JB went to sleep last night feeling fine, then woke up this morning with his bad knee swollen and hurting. So it was a very slow day for him.
I have taken two ticks off Jesse in the past week. Last Fall I bought a "tick twister" that works much better than tweezers or such. It slips under the tick and pulls the whole thing off without leaving the head.
The nine bark and lilac bushes are leafing out, and the lilac is budding. The rain really battered the flowers I had planted, and the service berry bush lost all its blooms. Everything was green before the rain, but now it is GREEN! Looks like a scene from the other side of the mountains.
The propane generator wouldn't start today; it just kept backfiring. JB limped up to check it out and we changed the air filter. Still wouldn't start. He will call the company on Monday to see if they have any suggestions.
I picked up most of the fir cones that had dropped on the stones on the south side of the house. Will dump them over the south ridge. We need more trees over there anyway.
Larry used his tractor to pick up the culverts by his place and dump out all the gravel that had washed down in Thursday night's deluge. A bit tricky since they were so heavy.
Patches of blue sky appeared mid afternoon and our high for the day was 57.
I roasted a chicken on the "beer can roaster" for dinner with beer and apple juice in the roaster and a rub of salt, pepper and smoked paprika. It was very good, and juicy.
Sunday 5/20. It was 50 and mostly cloudy this morning. A bit of rain fell overnight, but all we got during the day was a two-minute light shower. A large, dark cloud drifted just to the north of us and dumped its load in town.
JB's knee is still hurting and swollen. We iced it several times. I woke up with an upset stomach, so between my stomach and his knee, it was a very quiet day with lots of napping.
Large clouds moved overhead all day, but the sun managed to shine most of the time. Our high for the day was 65.
Monday 5/21. It is 47 and clear with a breeze this morning, and I have already put a fire in the wood stove to take the chill out. Larry and Elsie plan to bring their youngest grandson up today for a four-wheeler ride and visit.
Thought for the day: Faith is about what you do. It is about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others - even when there is not going to be anyone telling you what a hero you are. Jim Butcher, Changes: A Novel of the Dresden Files, page 252.
Friday, May 18, 2018
May 18, 2018 A Birthday, An Anniversary, Flamingos & A Thunderstorm
The card from Aunt Nene. . . |
. . . & the gift from Larry & Elsie! |
Bear grass & Douglas tritaria on the south ridge. |
Wednesday 5/16. I was out the door by 9:30 am with plenty of time to run errands before my doctor's appointment, and was able to enjoy a leisurely lunch at Taco Time. Met my new doctor and am so very pleased! It took me a little longer to get home, as I had locked my keys in the car (second time this year) and had to wait for a tow-truck driver to come unlock it (thank goodness for AAA).
Such a large variety of flowers on the drive back up the mountain. The trillium are gone now and the balsam root are fading, but the flox, sweet peas and lupine are taking over. I even saw one paintbrush. I keep forgetting to mention all the bear grass that is blooming on our south ridge, and that is the only place on the mountain that I have seen it.
As I drove up to about 3000 ft on our road, I noticed smoke to the west. Definitely a fire. I called it in but had to leave a message. Elsie gave me another number to call when I arrived home and was told that the Forest Service knew about it and firefighters had just arrived on the scene. They quickly got it under control.
The swallowtail butterflies have arrived and are enjoying the wildflowers and my domestic ones. A pair of wrens are moving into the Montana birdhouse, and another pair seems interested in the bear.
Large thunderclouds moved to the south of us and a few to the north. Our high for the day was 76 with a strong breeze.
Thursday 5/17. My 71st birthday began with a temperature of 58, clear skies and a breeze. Sandy called with birthday wishes and we had a nice chat. I had to go down there again today for my annual mammogram. It was either today or the end of July, so I just got it over with. Also stopped by Costco to get a few items including a package of two whole chickens that I want to try roasting on my new beer roaster.
Wild roses are blooming down at the bottom of the canyon, but our bushes don't even have buds yet. And the huge old lilac bush down in the meadow is blooming now. That bush must be older than I am.
I was home by noon and spent most of the rest of the day just enjoying life from my porch. The sun was shining and our high was 72. Such a great birthday!
Since today was my birthday, it is also my anniversary of living Up Here. My tenth anniversary. Hard to believe it has been that long. This is the longest I have lived in one house. Such an adventure it has been and continues to be. This is the first year I can actually sit on the porch for more than ten minutes without getting up to do something. Must be getting older.
Larry and Elsie came up late this afternoon with a gift. My Aunt Nene had sent me a birthday card with flamingos on it and they bought me a yard flamingo! A very fancy flamingo. We had a great visit, as we always do.
Dark thunderclouds had begun to move in from the northeast by the time they left and the noise began a few hours later along with the pouring rain. And I do mean pouring! We received .87" in two hours. It stopped for a while but then rained most of the night. It was such a deluge that some gravel that had been spread on the road just above Larry and Elsie's place was washed down to them!
Friday 5/18. It is 49 and still raining hard this morning. By 7:00 am we had received an inch of rain, and there is more in the forecast.
Thought for the day: Birthdays - better than the alternative.
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
May 16, 2018 Working In The Heat
Douglas tritaria |
Monday 5/14. Miner's lettuce is growing in many places now, but unfortunately, so is devil's foot. But the girls like them both, so that helps. I'm not even going to try to pull all the devil's foot - I wouldn't get anything else done! I'll just have to keep checking the dogs' feet for the little sticker balls. Flox, lupine and Douglas tritaria are now beginning to bloom at Rose Camp and along our road.
I loaded three large bags of bottles in the back of Miss Kitty and drove them down to my brother's place, then drove down to Larry and Elsie's for a visit. Larry says there is a large bull elk in the canyon, so maybe that was the snorting critter who was Up Here yesterday. Was gone a couple hours and enjoyed the lovely day. Our high was 78, but with a nice breeze.
This time of year sunset colors wrap all the way around to the northern horizon, and will continue to do so for another few months. So beautiful.
Tuesday 5/15. It was 64 with clear skies this morning. If I had to chose a place and time to spend the rest of eternity, it would be on my porch on a clear Spring morning. Just amazing!
JB got out of drying the dishes this morning by using the weed eater on the front yard. After hanging out the laundry, I attacked our bedroom closet.
After lunch I raked up the grass and put it in the compost pile, then raked three piles of pine needles and bagged them for fire starter. Also used my large clippers to trim some of the large branches piled by the wood cradle.
It was really too hot to work for very long at a time, so I took several time-outs on the porch. Have I mentioned how much I LOVE my porch?
Dark clouds began moving in from the southwest mid afternoon, but no rain fell. Our high for the day was 78 again, but it felt warmer than yesterday. A bit more humidity in the air.
Wednesday 5/16. It is 58 and partly cloudy with a breeze this morning. I will be on my way Down There by 10:00 for my annual checkup. Am trying out a new doctor as I have pretty much lost faith in my old one.
Thought for the day: The philosophy of the classroom today will be the philosophy of the government tomorrow. Abraham Lincoln (This is really scary considering the state of our schools now.)
Monday, May 14, 2018
May 14, 2018 Enjoying The Marvelous Weather
One of our little hummers. |
Our blooming service berry bush & some of my flower pots. |
One of our many lizards. |
Friday 5/11. Hung the laundry outside. After lunch we cut two loads of wood in the cradle and moved them to the wood shed with the tractor. Then I used the large clippers to cut small branch wood into kindling and JB moved that to the shed in one load. I stacked some of it and finished after dinner. So nice to get outside in the evening to work or just enjoy.
With the warm weather come the bugs. Flying, crawling, skittering bugs. And lizards, but they are so cute and they eat the bugs.
Clouds blew over from the north most of the day, but it was perfect weather to work outside. Our high for the day was 66.
Saturday 5/12. It was 50 and clear this morning. I was on my way Down There before 9:00 am to pick up the 25 lb. bag of gluten-free oatmeal that Cash & Carry had ordered for me and run some errands. Didn't want to take too long as the forecast called for a temperature of 80 today. I missed the worst of the heat and was home by 1:30 pm.
Larry and Elsie were at their shop, so I stopped in to say "Hi". She always makes a lovely hanging basket for me for Mother's Day and I asked if she would like me to pick it up on my way home to save them a trip. She said she would and so I did. So very pretty! But I am trying to get a true photo of it. The cameras do not pick up the reds in the flowers and they turn out looking too blue.
I received my new and improved drivers' license about a week ago. I think they put the wrong photo on it though. I have no idea who that angry old lady is! (I guess I should have smiled.)
With our warmer weather also comes a lot of snow melt. There are warnings out for flash floods and overflowing rivers. So glad we live Up Here.
Our high for the day was a lovely 70.
Sunday 5/13. Mothers' Day began with 60 and a blue sky. I enjoyed a perfectly glorious day all the way around. Our high for the day was 76.
Monday 5/14. It is 60 with blue skies again this morning. We had some snorting critter on the east slope but JB couldn't see it. He said it sounded like an elk, or maybe one of our neighbor's cows on the other side of the fence.
Thought for the day: The marvelous here and now.
Friday, May 11, 2018
May 11, 2018 Shelving, Wild Flowers & Cutting Wood
New shelves in the outhouse. |
A blooming arnica with a few tiny prairie stars. |
Our loaded wood cradle. |
Wednesday 5/9. I had a nice long chat with Sande this morning. Her weather in Santa Rosa has been much like ours - warmer than usual, then back to normal, then warmer, then normal, with rain interspersed.
I hung the laundry outside, then gathered a large bag of kindling and stacked it. This will be going on for a while.
We put up the shelves in the outhouse that JB had cut a while back. I had to buy brackets and screws for them last time I was Down There. They look much better than the while box we had in there to hold necessary items.
The service berry bush in our yard leafed out last Friday, then bloomed on Saturday. The arrowleaf arnica buds began popping today. They look a lot like the balsam root, but there is only one flower per plant. The sweet peas are also beginning to bloom, and the prairie stars are taking the place of the alpine Spring beauties. So many flowers, and a few whose names I don't know. Even the fire weed is popping up, but it should be another several weeks before it blooms.
Today was nice but very breezy, with a high of 66.
Thursday 5/10. It was a chilly 42 this morning with partly cloudy skies and a breeze. A very cold breeze.
I absolutely had to attack my crafting area in the loft today, as it had become more of a "toss it in there for now" area. I'll be sending another box of crafting items to my cousin, Suzann, as I am just not using them. I did take a much needed break to go on the morning walk with JB and the dogs.
After lunch we cut the branch wood that had been sitting in the wood cradle all winter, then filled and cut it twice more. I loaded the tractor bucket three times and JB drove the loads to the wood shed, where I stacked it.
Yesterday the wren was cleaning out the apartment-building bird house, but I haven't seen any activity there today.
The sun was warm when it was able to peek out from behind the clouds, but the breeze remained icy. Our high for the day was just 60.
Friday 5/11. It is 40 this morning and overcast with the clouds coming in from the north and a wind gusting to 12 mph. We were rudely awakened at 3:30 am when a mouse tripped the trap in the bathroom and just got its leg caught. JB got up to take care of the situation, supervised by Dinga.
Thought for the day: I am a lead paint, no car seat, no seat belt, no bike helmet, bed of pickup riding, garden hose drinking survivor. (You can add wooden spoon to that list for JB.)
Wednesday, May 9, 2018
May 9, 2018 Rain, A Trip Down There & Miss Kitty
Our new sign. |
Monday 5/7. JB managed to get all the tires off of MAX, along with the extenders. He then used the tractor to move the small ones to the shop and bring the larger ones out. While he had been taking the tires off, I had been taking the last bags of dog food and chicken feed out of our root cellar. He took the two bags of chicken feed down to the hen house in the tractor bucket. Then he put five of the larger tires on MAX. Now we get to replace the broken axle.
I continued my Spring chore of collecting branch wood and stacking it in the wood shed. There is a lot left on the ground where we felled the 85' dead pine tree last year.
I watched a wren checking out the bird houses. Not sure which one she will choose.
The water in the cistern is almost back to crystal clear now. One of our projects is to pull the float up, so we can fill it with more water. Right now we get about 700 - 800 gallons of the 1000 gallons we could have.
It was another wonderful Spring day with a high of 68.
Tuesday 5/8. It was 54 and partly cloudy this morning. We saw two turkeys walking up our road, but I was unable to get a photo before they disappeared into the bushes. One was a tom, and they announced their arrival with much loud gobbling.
I was on my way Down There at 9:00 am to pick up the part for Miss Kitty and run a few other errands. The temperature was supposed climb to 80, but I was on my way home before it got there. Our high for the day was 68 again.
My Aunt Nene's operation went very well and she should be going home today. She will have a nurse to stay with hour for 48 hours, and knowing her, she will pop right back.
A sudden downpour arrived at about 8:30 pm and it was still raining when we went to bed at 10:00 pm.
Wednesday 5/9. It is 48 this morning and mostly overcast. More rain is in the forecast.
Thought for the day: The single most exciting thing you encounter in government is competence, because it is so rare. Daniel Patrick Moynihan
Monday, May 7, 2018
May 7, 2018 Rain, Flowers & A Birthday
Part of the purple carpet in our grove (dwarf waterleaf). |
Pink trillium & yellow shooting star flowers along our road. |
Friday 5/4. I hung the wash outside this morning. Gathered lots of branch wood and stacked it in the shed.
Everything is covered in orange pollen! I think it is from the pine trees and seems to be early this year. But then, everything seems to be early with the warm temperatures we have been experiencing. It also seems to be the year of the fir cone. They are everywhere and seeds from them are constantly floating down from the trees. Wish we could sell the cones, we'd make a mint.
JB finally decided that he knew what part Miss Kitty needed and ordered it from Spokane. It should be here by Tuesday.
The sky was overcast by 4:00 pm, but no moisture fell and our high for the day was 72.
Saturday 5/5. It was 52 and mostly overcast this morning. Very dark clouds moved in yesterday afternoon, but it didn't rain until about 4:30 am. I was up and waiting for Jesse to come back in, when there was suddenly a thunderous noise as a squall moved in with pouring rain. It only lasted about 30 seconds, and Jesse made it inside before getting too wet. Rain is in the forecast for the next several days.
I love sitting on the porch with my morning coffee, listening to all the birdsong, and watching the humming birds. The wars over the feeders have begun. We also have lots of robins this Spring, and I think one of their nests in the grove.
We took the tracks off of MAX this morning, along with three wheels. Having a bit of trouble getting the other three off. When we are successful with that, we will replace the broken axle.
Again, I gathered more branch wood that I could break for kindling and stacked it in the wood shed.
The sky remained mostly overcast all day and we received a sprinkling of rain around 5:00 pm. Our high for the day was 62 - very pleasant.
Sunday 5/6. It was 56 and mostly cloudy this morning.
After lunch I drove down to the Gridders'. Their two boys are the same age as our grandchildren within just weeks, so I have pretty much adopted them as "grandchildren" I can be around. The youngest one's birthday was last week and the oldest one's is in nine days. Instead of buying them separate gifts this year, I bought them one to share: a Darth Vader toaster! It looks like Darth Vader's helmet and burns the words "Star Wars" into the toast! They thought it was pretty cool and immediately fixed some toast. Even their Dad wanted some. I stayed for almost two hours and completely enjoyed myself. Dark clouds moved it, but it didn't start raining until after I had picked up the mail and was on my way home.
On my drive down, I discovered one little patch of yellow flowers by our road that look like our pink shooting starts. I stopped to photograph them and the pink trillium growing amongst them. I LOVE SPRING!!
We completely forgot about Cinco de Mayo yesterday, so this evening we had nachos and margaritas while watching the start of the fourth season of Fringe, or as I often refer to it as, Needles Are Us.
The light rain continued most of the evening. I sat out on the porch for a while before dinner to enjoy it. I love my porch!
My Aunt Nene is having laproscopic surgery on Tuesday, 5/8. She is 92 years old so any and all prayers for her would be appreciated.
Monday 5/7. It is 52 and mostly overcast this morning, with a slice of blue sky on the western horizon.
Thought for the day: It came to me that every time I lose a dog, they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are. Janice Milem, All Creatures Magazine, May/June 2018
Friday, May 4, 2018
May 4, 2018 Hummingbirds, Butterflies & Domestic Flowers
One patch of alpine spring beauties in our yard. |
Wednesday 5/2. I finally made hummingbird syrup and hung out the feeders, a day late. Within an hour or so, the hummingbirds were drinking up. What a thrill to see them back at Rose Camp. Also had to make a gallon of dog broth. I simmer five drumsticks in water along with freeze-dried carrots and some no-salt seasoning, then put three tablespoons of broth on each of their dishes of dry food along with a tablespoon of shredded chicken with their dinner. They each get broth, 1/2 of a scrambled egg and some shredded cheese on their dry food for breakfast.
JB baked two loaves of banana bread in between working on Miss Kitty. She won't start and he thinks it is the starter cellinoid (sp). I also did other outside chores and just enjoyed being out there.
It was another enjoyable Spring day with a high of 68. We are seeing butterflies now and a greater variety of birds. So nice to wake up to their songs in the morning.
Thursday 5/3. It was 52 with blue skies this morning. I was on my way Down There by 9:00 am to do some grocery shopping and hit the sale at Shopko. Bought some pansies, petunias and marigolds to plant along the rock wall and in the planters. Stopped and chatted with Elsie on my way home. It is so nice to be able to do that now that they only work on the weekends.
Back home we got everything unloaded and put away. Then I planted the flowers. So nice to get my fingers in the dirt. Still need some more flowers, but it's looking good. JB had been working on Miss Kitty some more, just to be sure he had discovered the right part to replace.
Driving on our road, there are no alpine spring beauties until about 3000 feet up. Which would explain the "alpine" part of their name.
Our high for the day was again 68. Some high, thin clouds had moved in, but it was a great day. "Hummingbirds, Butterflies and Domestic Flowers" really does describe these past few days.
Friday 5/4. It is 50 and partly cloudy this morning with a breeze.
Thought for the day: Pain is a part of life. Sometimes it is a big part, and sometimes it isn't, but either way, it's part of the big puzzle, the deep music, the great game. Pain does two things: It teaches you, tells you that you're alive. Then it passes away and leaves you changed. It leaves you wiser, sometimes. Sometimes it leaves you stronger. Either way, pain leaves its mark, and everything important that will ever happen to you in life is going to involve it in one degree or another. White Night by Jim Butcher, page 282/283
Wednesday, May 2, 2018
May 2, 2018 A Recycle Run & Marbles
Our little sun worshiper, Jesse |
The May Basket from Aunt Nene. |
Part of our little herd of deer. |
Monday 4/30. The overcast broke up and the sun was shining before noon, so I hung the wash outside.
JB used the tractor to move a pile of branches from the grove to the wood cradle. We also moved the wood I had split yesterday to the wood shed in two loads where I stacked it in row three. Then JB got the trailer ready for our trip Down There with all the recycle tomorrow.
It was another delightful Spring day, with a high of 58. Our little herd of deer were back to graze in the evening.
Tuesday 5/1. May Day began with mostly clear skies and a temperature of 40. About a week ago we had received an envelope from Aunt Nene that said "Do Not Open Until May 1". Inside was a May basket! (See photo above) I hadn't received a May basket since I was in grade school. What a great start to a new month.
We loaded the trailer with all the recycle: paper, cardboard, cans, aluminum cans, and plastic bottles. This time the dogs were in the house. We left after 9:30 am for the slow trip down. Since we had the trailer, our last stop was at Costco for large and heavy items, such as dog food, paper towels and toilet paper.
On the way back up, we stopped at Larry and Elsie's to set a time for playing marbles this evening. Larry told JB to bring his HMR-17 so they could do some target shooting. We agreed to be back at 6:00 pm.
Back home, JB made a big pot of chili while I took a nap. We left after dinner, changing the card in the game cam on the way. Elsie and I had a great chat while the men enjoyed their target practice. Then we played two games of marbles and the ladies got skunked! But both game were so close, just a toss or two of the dice. Such an enjoyable evening.
Our high for the day had been 59, on another great Spring day.
Wednesday 5/2. It is 42 with clear skies this morning.
Thought for the day: I just did a week's worth of cardio - I ran into a spider web.
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