Connection too slow to upload photos today.
Monday 5/28. Well, it seems that our propane generator works just fine until we put any kind of load on it. The washing machine won't start either. Hmmm.
I gathered and stacked several (10?) bags of kindling throughout the day. Also split the large pieces we had cut on the wood cradle. Sat on the porch between exertions.
JB has been sleeping a lot, which is probably what he needs. We use the walkie-talkies to communicate when I am outside, which works perfectly.
Had to make another batch of humming bird syrup today. Everything is early this year: flowers, blooming bushes, hoards of humming birds, etc. The wild roses are blooming along the canyon road up to Larry and Elsies.
And, speaking of them, their propane water heater died last night. Hey, Randy - is mercury in retrograde again?!
It was a very warm day, with a high of 77.
Tuesday 5/29. It was 57, clear and breezy this morning with high, thin clouds quickly moving in. By noon, the sky was almost completely overcast.
I used the weed eater on the south side of the house this morning, then after lunch I raked up some more fir cones. Took three large bags of them up to the south ridge in Miss Kitty and dumped them over the side. Then I loaded the last two bags of glass bottles in the back of her and drove them down to my brother's place. It was a very nice drive, and looks like our elk has been walking on the lower road also. Our wild roses are blooming along our road in one place about 1/2 mile down from Rose Camp.
Coming back home, just past the roses, there was a rattlesnake on the road. I rolled a tire on to him and used a saw to cut off his head and rattles.
JB was feeling better today, probably from sleeping so much and being immobile.
The clouds began moving eastward around 5:00 pm and a couple hours later, the sky was blue again. It was quite a chilly day with the cold breeze and our high was 69. I put a fire in the wood stove this evening.
Wednesday 5/30. It is just 41 with mostly blue sky this morning and a forecast for cooler weather all week.
Thought for the day: To respond to life with patience suggests some level of trust, an admission that while we may not know the future, we know the One who holds the future. Jay Sidebotham, Guideposts magazine, June 2018
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