Wednesday, May 16, 2018

May 16, 2018 Working In The Heat

Douglas tritaria

Monday 5/14. Miner's lettuce is growing in many places now, but unfortunately, so is devil's foot.  But the girls like them both, so that helps. I'm not even going to try to pull all the devil's foot - I wouldn't get anything else done!  I'll just have to keep checking the dogs' feet for the little sticker balls.  Flox, lupine and Douglas tritaria are now beginning to bloom at Rose Camp and along our road.

I loaded three large bags of bottles in the back of Miss Kitty and drove them down to my brother's place, then drove down to Larry and Elsie's for a visit.  Larry says there is a large bull elk in the canyon, so maybe that was the snorting critter who was Up Here yesterday.  Was gone a couple hours and enjoyed the lovely day.  Our high was 78, but with a nice breeze.

This time of year sunset colors wrap all the way around to the northern horizon, and will continue to do so for another few months.  So beautiful.

Tuesday 5/15. It was 64 with clear skies this morning.  If I had to chose a place and time to spend the rest of eternity, it would be on my porch on a clear Spring morning.  Just amazing!

JB got out of drying the dishes this morning by using the weed eater on the front yard.  After hanging out the laundry, I attacked our bedroom closet.

After lunch I raked up the grass and put it in the compost pile, then raked three piles of pine needles and bagged them for fire starter.  Also used my large clippers to trim some of the large branches piled by the wood cradle.

It was really too hot to work for very long at a time, so I took several time-outs on the porch.  Have I mentioned how much I LOVE my porch?

Dark clouds began moving in from the southwest mid afternoon, but no rain fell.  Our high for the day was 78 again, but it felt warmer than yesterday.  A bit more humidity in the air.

Wednesday 5/16. It is 58 and partly cloudy with a breeze this morning.  I will be on my way Down There by 10:00 for my annual checkup.  Am trying out a new doctor as I have pretty much lost faith in my old one.

Thought for the day: The philosophy of the classroom today will be the philosophy of the government tomorrow. Abraham Lincoln  (This is really scary considering the state of our schools now.)

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