Friday, February 1, 2019

February 1, 2019 A Trip Down There & Where's the Storm??

High valley fog on Wednesday.

Wednesday 1/30. The light overcast tried to clear this morning, but was replaced by heavier, broken clouds.  At least our cold spell won't be as frigid as it is in the mid-west.  That is just nasty!  

Just as I went outside to start Miss Kitty at 11:30 am, the fog was sneaking over the south ridge into Rose Camp.  My road trip to the main canyon road and back only took about 40 minutes.  Had to back up a few feet in a couple places and take another run at it, but made it okay.  There were deer tracks everywhere along the road.  On the road, going up and down the slopes, just everywhere.  And at least one set of elk tracks.  The fog was gone and had sunk down into the canyon when I returned.  Will definitely try to go Down There tomorrow.

Am working on the genealogy of my maternal grandfather and am scanning all his documents that I have into the computer so I can put them on discs and share with my cousins and brother.

I am still fascinated with valley fog and continue to take pictures of it.  Must have thousands by now.

Our high on this cloudy day was 30/32.

Thursday 1/31. It is 20 and partly clear with high valley fog this morning.  Will be driving down into it as soon as I have fed the girls and dogs.

I was on my way by 8:45 am with no problems going down the road.  May have issues on the way back up.  I am thinking that this is more low clouds than high fog.  Certainly looked like it when I got to town.  Ran my errands, bought the groceries and was on my way back home by 12:45.  I could tell that the extra weight in Miss Kitty might be a problem on our road, and sure enough, at cougar corner I had to get out and shovel quite a bit.  Finally got going and just pushed through til I got just past the fence on our driveway.  Had to back up a few feet and take a run, but I made it home around 1:45 pm.  Woo Hoo!  I had taken the sled I use for the firewood just in case. . .

I mentioned previously that the snow was great for snowmen and snowballs, but I guess that was just the top layer.  Underneath it is soft and powdery.  Very hard to get any purchase when driving through one to two feet of it.

We enjoyed all the magazines, newspapers and mail after unloading, then watched Deadpool 2.  I found it at a Redbox for $5 while waiting at Walgreens for a prescription for JB.  So funny and just as good as the first one.  There was an article in one of the papers about the frigid weather in Chicago that is breaking all the records and getting down to -35 or morew.  A photo showed a woman tossing boiling water into the air which immediately froze!

So glad I got Down There and am back home before the big snow storm that is in the forecast for tonight.  We may get another foot of the white stuff.  Our high for the day was 27.

Friday 2/1. This first day of February finds us wondering where the big snow storm went.  It is 20 and overcast with high valley fog this morning but no more snow.  The forecast has changed to just 20% chance today.  The weather seems to be very unpredictable this winter.

Thought for the day: Minds are like parachutes; they only function when open.  Thomas Dewar

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