Wednesday, February 27, 2019

February 27, 2019 More Snow. . .

Our visiting woodpecker.

Monday 2/25. Snow continued to fall until a little after 1:00 pm.  JB cleaned off the solar panels on the morning walk, and again after lunch.  He certainly is getting his exercise.

I, on the other hand, opened a #10 can of freeze-dried peaches to have with my hot cereal.  (That's a lot of exercise for these arthritic hands.)  This is the first time I have tried peaches, and they are just as great as all the other fruit.  Even delicious to snack on dry, right out of the can.

After lunch, JB baked a loaf of bread, adding herbs this time.  Yum!

In an effort to cut down on our water usage, and therefore our gasoline usage, I am saving sheets and larger towels to take to the laundromat.  In May?

Larry worked four hours yesterday using the SnoCat to push all the snow off the road the one mile from their place down to the paved road.  Am sure he will be glad when all this white stuff goes away. . .

We watched Gravity this evening, with Sandra Bullock and George Clooney.  JB wanted to watch it again before I send it to Randy with the others.  It really is excellent, but I just don't really enjoy that kind of "outer space" movie.

Our high today was 28.  The temperature had dropped to 17 by 9:00 pm and it was snowing again.

Tuesday 2/26. It is 14 and snowing lightly this morning, with another 1-3/4" of new snow on the ground.  Well, it's not really on the ground as we haven't seen the ground since early December, and I don't think we'll be seeing it til June.  In fact, we may be able to do some sledding at our annual July 4th family picnic!

We have had a large woodpecker Up Here for the past few days.  Finally got a photo of him today.

After lunch we got outside to do some things other than daily chores.  I dug out the gas generator, my Jeep and the path/doorway the shop, so JB could start the generator to add water to the cistern; put mouse poison in the Jeep; and fill the small gas can.

Again, the snow continued to fall most of the day until about 2:30.  Then we actually had some blue sky and sunshine, but our high was only 20.  It was down to 10 at 9:00 pm, but at least it wasn't snowing although we did get another 1/2" during the day.

We are out of corn, so the deer are out of luck. . .

Wednesday 2/27.  It is 14 again this morning and overcast.  After bringing in the fire wood, I may just sit by the fire and read today.

Thought for the day: Call me naive but I seem to have underestimated the universal desire to sit in a hard plastic chair and stare at a screen until your eyes cross.  David Sedaris

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