Friday, April 19, 2019

April 19, 2019 Butterflies, Wild Flowers & Playing In The Mud

Dinga eating some of what is
left of her winter snow cone.
JB spotted the first yellow bells
in bloom on Monday.

Wednesday 4/17. We were all outside most of this gorgeous day, working in the yard and sitting on the porch and the swing.  Had to go on poop patrol again.  Warm sun and a cool breeze but no coat or even a hoodie was needed.

Saw some butterflies today and the wildflowers are spreading.  Now there are alpine spring beauties and yellow bells in many places, with the promise of several more kinds to be blooming soon.

I mentioned in Monday's blog that Down There really had nothing to offer me except for a place to by supplies.  Well, that's not true at all!  There are garage sales!  I love garage saling with Mrs. Gridder!

Larry never did show up, and over the radio this evening he said he didn’t get very far at all.  By his description, I figure maybe 1/5 of a mile.  But I am pretty sure we will get out next week.  Hopefully.  Maybe.

Thursday 4/18. It is 47 and mostly cloudy this morning, but soon the sky was completely overcast and it was raining by 9:30 am.  It began with a downpour and then settled into a light sprinkle that fell on us during our morning walk.  By 11:00 am, the rain had stopped and there were patches of blue sky.

After lunch JB turned the compost pile.  Then he attached three metal garden fence posts directly onto each of two sides of one of the raised beds.  He will do the other one tomorrow and we will attach the fencing to them.  I will pull all the weeds.  We hope to have a garden this year, at least potatoes, tomatoes and onions.

I also worked more on cleaning up the yard, trimmed the rose bushes by the propane tank, dug out the west drainage channel, and did some more work on the main one.  Never have outgrown playing in the mud.  Even though it was mostly cloudy today, we had bursts of sunshine and a high of 62.  Very pleasant.

Friday 4/19. It is 50 and mostly cloudy this morning.  Last night was the first night this year without a fire in the wood stove.  We had one in the morning, but that was it for the day.  When I got up at 5:00 am to let the dog out, I put one in and that did the trick.  No need for another one today.

We are not going to walk down to the Jeep today.  Pretty sure we won't be able to get out by Sunday for Easter dinner with JB's family.  We've never been able to make it.  Maybe next year.

Thought for the day: If con is the opposite of pro, then congress must be the opposite of progress.

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