Monday, April 29, 2019

April 29, 2019 A Trip Down There, Wind, A Visit, & More Wind

The first shooting star

Wednesday 4/24.  Well, I may not have suffered from sensory overload on Monday Down There, but it hit me today.  I walked into the first grocery store and felt like a deer in the headlights.  I didn’t take my time or check out the new thrift store like I had planned to do, I just bought what was on my list and headed home.  I got a late start to begin with, which threw me off, and I just couldn’t pull it all together today.

So many birds Up Here lately, and they were all there to greet me as I came home.  Instead of unloading everything into Miss Kitty from the Wrangler, I just drove straight home.  Made it just fine.

Our high for the day was 62.

Thursday 4/25. It is 40 with a light overcast this morning.  JB helped me vacuum pack the meat I bought yesterday and put it in the freezer.  Then we went out to move branches from the tree we cut down by the garden area last year over to the wood cradle with the tractor.  And I found the first blooming bluebells near the garden.

We have so much more grass – lawn-type grass – this year than usual, and some of it is actually growing in our yard.  I have started cutting a pan full of greens for the girls each day.  They love grass, dandylion greens, and the small fern-like leaves of the yarrow.

I haven’t identified all the different kinds of birds Up Here this Spring, but at least one wren has returned.  And there are several different kinds of sparrows.  The hummingbird is Up Here about every other day checking for the feeders.  I keep telling him, "May 1."

The overcast thickened during the day and kept it cool.  Our high was 55.

Friday 4/26. It is 40 with clear skies this morning and a wind.  This has really been a windy Spring so far.  Was not feeling very well, so did not post on my blog.

I hung the laundry outside, and then helped JB with the last pile of branches by the garden.

Since the Apple Blossom celebration is going on this whole week in town, Mrs. Gridder and I decided to go garage saling on May 11.  But I am going to drive down to visit tomorrow.

I definitely have a low-grade sinus infection that needs to be taken care of, so I made an appointment for Monday.

The wind kept blowing all day and our high was 62.

Saturday 4/27. It is 36 with clear skies this morning and still windy.  At 9:15 am snow and tiny hail began to fall and lasted til about 10:00 am when I left to visit Mrs. Gridder.  JB rode with me down to Miss Kitty, then drove her back home.

Mrs. Gridder and I drank coffee and talked at her home.  So good to see her, and we talked 2-1/2 hours before we realized the time.  Her youngest son’s birthday party is today and they are all going to see Marvel’s Endgame.  Our son and his family saw it Thursday night and thought it was very good – all three hours of it!

Again, the icy wind blew all day and our high was just 48.  The temperature had fallen to 32 by the time we went to bed at 10:00 pm.

Sunday 4/28.  It is 32 with clear skies this morning and not even a breeze, but the outside dogs’ water and bird bath are frozen.  By 9:00 am, clouds began drifting in from the southeast which does not bode well for a nice day.  An icy breeze picked up, but it wasn’t very strong.

I hung today’s laundry inside, knowing that the jeans would not dry in the cold weather.  JB took the chains of Miss Kitty.

On our afternoon walk, I noticed the first shooting stars, prairie stars, and dwarf waterleaf blooms.  And the south slope is turning yellow with balsam root.  I also noticed that it was snowing to the south, west and north of us.

The girls sure are loving all the greens I am cutting for them each day.  I will pick up some cabbage for their breakfasts when I go down there tomorrow.  And, of course, run a couple other errands.

Our high for the day was 55, but with that cutting wind, it sure didn’t feel like it.  Just before 7:00 pm, snow and tiny hail moved in and lasted for about an hour.  Nothing stuck though.

Monday 4/29. It is 30 this morning with clear skies except for the southwest horizon where there are ominously big fluffy clouds, but there isn't even a breeze.  I plan to be on my way Down There by 8:50 am.

Thought for the day:  How beautiful it is to get up and go out and do something.  We are here to fart around.  Don’t let anyone tell you any different.  Kurt Vonnegut

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