Friday, September 13, 2013

Sept 13, 2013 Bugs, Snakes & Mushrooms

One BIG mushroom!
Red mushrooms

This one was growing in the
middle of our road.  Very beautiful.

Wednesday, 9/11.  After breakfast, using the tractor, we dragged parts of a huge old log off the south slope.  Now we should be able to get in and cut down all the bushes that are growing around it.

I discovered that the weeds in the gravel are also attempting to infiltrate the grassy part of our yard, so, since it was in the shade, I spent a while pulling them.  Tenacious little buggers. . .

After seeing only two or three wasps all summer, suddenly they are swarming.  I am sure it is because of the hot weather.  Despite Jake's work on filling in the gaps along the eaves, some are still getting into the loft.  I have put off doing the same on the west end of the house, so as soon as I have posted I am going out to get that done.

On the south ridge, during our afternoon walk, I heard a rattle snake.  But as it was buzzing it was also quickly slithering into the bushes before I could get to it.  And I simply was not going to follow it in there.

We have had two stellar jays Up Here for the past few weeks.  It is fascinating to watch them pick the seeds out of the pine cones, and bugs off of the tree bark just like a woodpecker.  They are so silent in their flight that they can soar right past you with no sound at all.

The 9/9 issue of Time magazine has the President on the cover (I can't even type his name, let alone say it without retching) entitled "The Unhappy Warrior", which is certainly the very last adjective that should apply to him.  And inside there is an advertisement for Al Jazera America.  Nothing like a Muslim President and a Muslim news agency in a democratic Christian nation.  What is happening America??!!  WAKE UP!!

Well, even with that thought, it was another beautiful late summer day with a high of 72.  And another perfect evening to enjoy on the porch.

Thursday, 9/12.  It was 62 and clear this morning as I left for Down There.  Since Bank of America is closing in the area, I have to find a new bank by the end of December.  Am also checking out credit unions.  I had a few other errands to do and it was nice not to have a lot of shopping and laundry on my list.  It was very hot in town, in the 90's.  Our high for the day was 76.

When I arrived home, we had a visitor.  One of the local owners of property Up Here whom we had met almost a year ago on the road and invited up.  Was nice to get to know him a bit and I am sure he will be a good neighbor.

On our afternoon walk, Jesse would go nowhere near where we saw the snake yesterday!  We didn't see it again and probably won't.

In addition to more grasshoppers and frogs than usual, we are also seeing a lot more mushrooms.  And many different types.  I'll photograph them, but I certainly won't eat them unless I buy them at the store.

While we were sitting on the porch after dinner, the dogs started barking while staring up towards the peak.  They wouldn't go up there, so it couldn't have been a deer.  After this went on for a while, I finally got my gun and snake stick, and we hiked up to the peak to see what was going on.  If something had been there, it was gone by the time we arrived.  Possibly a bear or coyote.

Watched some more "Fringe".  It was still 68 by the time we called it a night.

Friday, 9/13.  It is clear and 62, with a forecast of low 90's Down There for the next few days.  So now it's out to spray the gaps and hope I get the one where the wasps are getting in.

Thought for the day: Play the cards you're dealt, but choose who is at the table.

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