Monday, September 30, 2013

Sept 30, 2013 September - Rain vs. Flames

Saturday's valley fog to the northwest. . .
. . . and to the south.

Friday 9/27.  I was able to tighten my belt one more notch this morning.  Must have finally worked off last winter's fat.  Now making room for holiday eggnog!

As of today we have 24-1/4" of water in the cistern and it comes up to a couple inches under the float.  So when the float is up and turns off the pump, we only have about 3-1/2' to 4' of water out of the six available feet.  We are going to raise the float so we can fill the cistern higher.  Will be tricky without having to put a ladder down there, but I think we can do it.  Maybe JB can hold me by my ankles so I can reach down and cut the tape. . .

Our first rain of the day began falling just as I posted my blog this morning, but it was just a passing shower.  After a second shower in the early afternoon, the serious rain arrived about 3:00 pm.  Well, it was serious for about an hour, then there were a couple more showers during the evening.  More like a day in Seattle.

After dinner we watched the last two episodes of the second season of Warehouse 13, then watched the first one of the third season.  This program is so much fun.

Saturday 9/28.  We awoke to a misty, wet morning - fog and 36.  It had been drizzling since about 5:00 a.m. when I let the dogs out.  Back in bed, my brain started planning a busy, inside day for me.  It insisted that I should clear out and vacuum underneath our bed, then move in all our long-time storage cans from the pantry, since it is always darker and cooler under there.  Also, it is time to flip our mattress (which we do quarterly), so I'll put on the bed skirt that came with the comforter set I bought last month.  That should keep it a bit cleaner under there.

Rain fell off and on all day.  Mostly on.  By mid afternoon the fog had begun to retreat into the canyons, and the sun peaked through the clouds occasionally.  Our high was 48.

Since it seems that fire season is over, I unpacked my go bag.  Oh, that's where those were!  I also finished Vince Flynn's book, The Last Man.  Such a phenomenal writer!  Way too young to pass on, as he did earlier this year from cancer.  He is one of the few authors whose novels I cannot put down more than a couple times once I have started them, and this was his last one.

We finally attached the handles to the kitchen cupboards.  Hopefully we can get the drawer pulls done tomorrow.

JB baked some large lemon/poppyseed muffins.  Yummmm.

The wind started gusting in the evening and was quite noisy.  Dinga was pacing but was finally coaxed up onto our bed.

Sunday 9/29.  This morning was 36, mostly cloudy and still a bit breezy.  I woke up while it was still dark, thinking it was about 5:00 a.m.  The dogs were active, so I got out of bed; let them out, and lit a fire.  Then I looked at the clock - 1:15 a.m.!!  The sky was clear and sprinkled with stars.  I guess the wind had very noisily ripped the tarp off of the snow blower and woken everyone up.  The dogs weren't out long and I was soon back in bed.

Up again at 6:00 a.m. to let the dogs out again and add to the fire again.  When everyone was back inside and I was back in bed, I turned off the alarm.  Needless to say, we had a late, leisurely breakfast.

We are back to washing dishes with water from the cistern.  Basically using the water brought up from Larry and Elsie's mainly for flushing the toilet.  Will try to get the rain barrels set up to collect rainwater, so we can use it instead.

The sun lost its fight with the cloud cover and we had a few light showers during the day, but most of the rain went around us to the north and south.  Our high was 45.

While JB and Jesse napped after lunch, Dinga and I went for a short walk.  Then I broke enough branch wood for a couple loads and stacked it on the porch, with the smaller kindling going on the east side and the larger pieces going on the north.

I dug up a few potatoes to have with dinner tomorrow.  Will let them stay in the ground until our temperatures drop to freezing.  Probably another month.

Monday 9/30.  It is 32 and raining, as it has been most of the night.  This certainly is a wet end to this September, but I much prefer the rain to the flames of last year.

Thought for the day: Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value.  Albert Eistein.

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