Adding to the pile. |
Snowing in the mountains, and moving our way. |
Monday 9/23. It was a long day. I left for Down There at 9:00 am and got home at 3:30 pm. While I was at Costco, it occurred to me that the scents emanating from their bakery no longer cause my salivary glands to go into overdrive. Of course if I could smell their chocolate muffins. . .
I set up our bank account at Chase as I was very impressed with their customer service people and the fact that they will take care of getting our automatic social security deposits transferred. Also they are the only bank, other than USAA, that has special benefits for military veterans, active or reserve. JB has an eye appointment on Wednesday and will go in to finish the process.
I am in winter-prep mode for buying groceries and other supplies, so my Jeep is always jam packed by the time I get home, especially now that I am still getting water at Larry and Elsie's. After everything was unloaded, I was done for the day. My day to cook, but I had planned left over soup I had in the freezer, so no big deal.
Tuesday 9/24. It was 34 and overcast this morning. Our coldest morning yet. I put in a fire when I let the dogs out at 5:00 am, so it was nice and cozy when we got up at 8:00 (having slept in a bit).
I hadn't talked to Sandy in a while so I gave her a call. We usually chat about an hour and I spent some of that time sitting on the porch. Chilly, yes, but the warm sun was beginning to peak through the clouds. The cloud cover had mostly disappeared by noon and our high was 45. By our afternoon walk, there was very little blue sky left again. I took a photo of snow showers in the mountains and just a few minutes after we returned to the house, the eastern edge of the heavy clouds reached us, dropping some rain as it passed overhead. This weekend the snow level in the mountains had dropped to below 7000 ft, and this shower was the first that dropped snow we could actually see on them.
After breakfast I made room (re-arranged) in the pantry for the groceries I brought home yesterday. We really do need a root cellar. . .
After lunch, JB got on the tractor and we moved three small piles of branch wood from the southeast slope down to my cutting area. We will keep doing that until the other five or so piles are cleared. Cutting and stacking all that wood should keep me busy for a while.
Our resident frog has been very vocal today. So loud for such a little guy!
Wednesday 9/25. It is 36 and mostly overcast. A small shower passed over at 6:00 am when I let the dogs out. JB is getting ready to leave at 9:00 am, and I may just go back to bed. . .
Thought for the day: Work is man's most natural form of relaxation. Dagobert Runes (I am sure that lots of folks would disagree with this, but I know what he means.)
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