Friday, October 31, 2014

October 31, 2014 Halloween & Chicken Art

"Chicken Art" on the inside wall of
their hen house.

Wednesday 10/29. Left a little before 9:00 am for Down There since the rain had let up and the sky was mostly blue.  Took JB's Jeep Wrangler, as it drives a little better in the mud.  The valley fog had receded to sitting just over the river, and the sun shone all the time I was in town.  As I was driving back up our road, I noticed that the fog had followed me back and the whole valley was once again covered over.  However, it did burn off again a couple hours later.

Since I only had a few things to do, and wasn't on a schedule, I stopped in again at the Salvation Army second-hand store.  Managed to find five paperback books I wanted, one pair of jeans, two blouses (a Land's End and a Tommy Bahama), and an embroidered sweatshirt, all for $15!

After I arrived back at Rose Camp, the temperature made it up past 50, so JB was able to paint Miss Kitty's plow that was showing some rust.  Upon hearing about that, Larry said, "Oh, the snow and ice will clean it up just fine once you get to plowing!"

I made waikiki moose balls for dinner (with ground moose meat), and they turned out excellent.  Then we watched Episode III of Star Wars.

Thursday 10/30.  It was 41, raining, and we were sitting in the middle of the clouds all day long.  Not a whisper of a breeze or any clearing, just drizzle and mist.  Like in the movie The Others.  Kind of spooky.  I really am thankful for all the moisture that is being allowed to slowly seep into the ground, but that doesn't mean that I actually have to enjoy these Seattle days.  Our high for the day was 44.

I got up to let the dogs out at 5:00 am, and still groggy, I automatically lit a fire in the stove.  Wasn't until it was going strong that I realized the house was not cold.  It was 71 inside!

We may not enjoy this weather, but we did enjoy a completely slow and lazy morning.  Lots of magazines and papers to read with a late breakfast.  The current Smithsonian is quite fascinating - their "Genius in America" edition.

I also started reading one of the books I bought yesterday, Brother Odd by Dean Koontz.  I so enjoy his books.  He certainly knows how to turn a phrase.

Today is a very special lady's 90th birthday.  She was one of my Mother's closest friends and is one of the nicest people I have ever met.  Happy Birthday, Pat!

Friday 10/31. The last day of the month and spookiest day of the year.  It is 42 and foggy, but at least it has stopped raining for the moment.  My brother, RJ, his son and a friend are due up this evening to celebrate RJ's birthday which was on Tuesday.  We plan to slide down to his place tomorrow.

Thought for the day: Chocolate comes from cacao which is a tree.  A tree is a plant.  Ergo, chocolate is salad.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

October 29, 2014 Magazines, Raised Beds, & Clouds

Monday dawning over the snow-covered Cascades.
Inside a cloud all day Tuesday.
Our two raised bed containers.

Monday 10/27. The sky was clear at dawn this morning, but a light overcast quickly formed.  It burned off by mid-day and the sun shone most of the afternoon.  Our high was 45.

Capper's magazine sent us a copy of their new magazine, Capper's Farmer.  It is published quarterly and looks very interesting.  Will probably subscribe.  But I am definitely not renewing my subscription to Mary Jane's Farm.  It has some interesting articles but is mainly for rich, yuppie woman who have moved to the country and fancy themselves as farmers.  Plus, I'm not real fond of women to put a photo of themselves on the cover of every issue of their magazine.  Am going to subscribe to Country Woman instead.

Betty and Belinda are growing their feathers back in and look so much better.  They really seem to be enjoying their roof over the run.  

After lunch we hit the floor running.  Took the mower off of the tractor.  JB shaved the door to the hen house so it closes easily when it is wet.  He used the tractor to move eight large, wooden cement forms over to the north side of the garden and we built containers for two raised beds.  He then made several trips to fill the bucket with dirt, and filled the smaller one.  Between bucket loads we added chicken manure, ashes and small wood chips from near the splitter.  May get some garlic planted this Fall. 

We are having problems with the temperature gauge on our weather station, either that or our temperature really has been a nonfluctuating 42 for the past few days.  There was ice on some puddles this morning, so . . .

Have started watching the Star Wars movies for the umpteenth time.  Have to do that at least once a year.  However, it always makes me feel old.  We saw the first movie, Episode IV, at a drive-in movie with our son playing in the back seat.  He was only about one year old, and will be 40 in February!

Tuesday 10/28.  It was 35 this morning and we spent the entire day in cloud.  We had received .09" of rain during the night and rain fell most of the morning.  More rain is due for quite a while now, coming in from Hurricane Anna.

The girls were very noisy today, and, sure enough, one of them gave us another egg!  Maybe it was a thank-you for their new roof.

I was feeling achy and out of it, so I slept a lot, and started reading a new Foxfire book we bought, #11.  JB read his book and baked bread.  A new recipe that smells and looks wonderful.

Wednesday 10/29. It is 44 and partly cloudy with valley fog this morning.  I have to go Down There for a few errands and am not looking forward to driving our road. . .

Thought for the day: As for the future your task is not to forsee it, but to enable it.  Antoine de Saint Exupery

Monday, October 27, 2014

October 27, 2014 Peppers, FODMAPS, & Moose Balls

Our bell peppers and Elsie's.
The roof over the chicken run.

Friday 10/24. We loaded the trailer up with bags of paper, plastic and aluminum cans for recycle, put five five-gallon gas cans in the Jeep, and were on our way Down There at about 9:00 am.  It is always a slow trip down the mountain with the trailer, as it feels every little bump.

Since we rented our mail box at the UPS Store almost seven years ago, our rent has almost doubled.  We just cannot afford it any more.  So when we stopped at the post office to send mail, I talked to them about the situation.  It seems that now they have an agreement with UPS and Fed Ex, so we could receive packages shipped via them now at the post office.  Great!  So when our contract is up in March, we will have switched all our mail to our physical address.  That will save us almost $400 a year.

We were home by 1:00 pm after a slow trip back up the mountain with the 2X4's and sheets of clear fiberglass roofing material in the trailer.  The sun tried very hard to break through the cloud cover but never quite succeeded.  Our high for the day was 48.

JB harvested our bell peppers yesterday because the nights are getting so cold.  The red peppers are still green.

RJ had told us that he saved the red potatoes we gave him last November and planted them this year.  He has been harvesting potatoes for a few months now!

A light rain began falling a little after 6:00 pm.  It was really coming down by the time we went to bed at 9:30 pm.

Saturday 10/25. It was 40 and foggy this morning and we received 1/3" of rain during the night.  It drizzled off and on all day, but we managed to get 3/4 of the roof on over the chicken run between showers.  The girls will be much dryer - and happier - now.  Our high for the day was 45.

Sandy sent me an article from Reader's Digest entitled "What if Gluten Isn't Making You Sick?"  It seems that there are nutrients in some grains, vegetables, fruit, legumes and milk called FODMAPS that can trigger stomach upset.  I believe lactose (milk sugar) is the culprit for me.  My stomach problems always arise in the Fall, so I started trying to figure out what changes in my diet then.  The only thing I came up with is that I start putting powdered milk in my coffee to save on regular milk, because we don't go Down There shopping as often.  Well, that is concentrated lactose!  I stopped using it and, sure enough, within a couple weeks my symptoms disappeared.  Woo Hoo!!

Larry and Elsie drove up for a visit this evening.  She had read in my blog how JB and I are fighting over the last two eggs that the girls gave us, so she brought up a dozen of their eggs.  What a great friend and neighbor!  She also brought up some of her bell peppers, as they are having a bumper crop on all their peppers.  These are a different variety and much lighter green.

Shortly after they left, the forecast wind arrived, gusting to 28 mph, and blew all night.

Sunday 10/26.  This morning began with 41 degrees, clear sky and still windy.  There are little branches scattered everywhere.

The dogs went crazy a little after 5:00 am and it turned out that Buster was up to visit!  I always enjoy company, but not before dawn.  I finally got our dogs in and had to go out to pull the tarp back up over the wood on the south end of the porch that the wind had blown off.  Got to pet Buster and then send him on his way home.  If Jesse is outside, he won't let Buster come near us.

Sandy called this morning and we had a great chat, as always.  I told her that I was going to make meat balls this week with the ground mooseburger, at which point she laughed and said, "Moose balls!"  JB said, "At least they aren't Rocky Mountain Oysters. . ."

With a fire in the wood stove every morning now, we have our coffee warmer back.  No more cold coffee.

We were able to finish putting up the roof over the chicken run, but, oh my, that wind was cold!  Even though the sky was clear, the mountains were covered in clouds.  Every so often the wind would rip off a small tuft and send it skittering eastward.  Our high for the day was only 44.

Monday 10/27.  It is 42 and clear this morning, but no wind.

Thought for the day: The art of living is more like wrestling than dancing. Marcus Aurelius

Friday, October 24, 2014

October 24, 2014 Printer Ink & Chimney Fires

Dinga & Jesse looking over their kingdom

Wednesday 10/22. A light drizzle fell most of the day in typical Seattle fashion.  That's okay, I guess.  We really do need this kind of rain that can soak in and not just run off.

There is a very disturbing article about our "justice" and prison system in the current Time magazine on the last page.  Their "10 Questions."  And on page 7, Gwyneth Paltro proves that she is just as shallow and stupid as I always thought she was.

Randy is working on splitting cord #12!!  Amazing!  Makes me tired just thinking about it.

Even on such a drizzly day, there was work to be done outside.  Had to change both of the chickens' waters.  The barley pouches I bought to prevent algae from growing are actually big enough for horse troughs, so I cut one open and took out 3/4 of the filling.  Then cut the bag down and sewed it up.  Much better for a little chicken water pan.

I brought in fire wood.  That has, once again, become almost a daily chore.  Still using mostly small and junk wood.

I think I am out of luck on the rose hips this year.  As I look around at them, most of them seem awfully wrinkly.  Probably because of the hot summer and the fact that they began forming so early.  I should have looked at harvesting them a few weeks ago.

I can't believe the price of printer ink!  Printers are cheap now, but the ink sure isn't.  It would be the same if new cars sold for $500 but gas cost $30/gallon.  Very frustrating.

Thursday 10/23. This morning began 43 and overcast.  I went out after a late breakfast to get the last of the wood split before the rain arrived.  Finished in two wheelbarrow loads just has it began to drizzle.  Of course, as soon as I got inside, the sun came out and the wind began blowing the clouds away.

After the dishes and some house cleaning, I went out to put more pine shavings in the hen house.  Then helped JB move the Baker tent poles to the fence around the wood shed.  He hitched the trailer to his Jeep for our trip Down There tomorrow.  We are going to get the materials to build the roof for the chicken coup run.

The wind stayed with us all day, averaging about 15 mph.  Our high was only 43, with a wind chill of 36.  I did not dress warm enough for our afternoon walk!  We could see the first snow on Mission Ridge, and as the clouds were momentarily tossed off the tops of the Cascades, I could see fresh snow blanketing them also.

Randy had a chimney fire late last night!  I told him about the Rutland Creosote  Remover that we use once a week, and also Chimfex which is a chemical stick you put in your stove and it is guaranteed to put the fire out in 22 seconds.  Larry and Elsie bought a couple of those and we are going to also.

In answer to a reader's question, our chickens are three to four years old.  (Elsie wasn't sure of their exact age.)  And we actually got another egg yesterday!  I discovered it this morning, almost hidden in the pine shavings.  

Friday 10/24. It is 38 and overcast this morning.  Definitely going to bundle up to go Down There today.  More rain on the way for this weekend.

Thought for the day: You only need two tools in life - WD40 and duct tape.  If it doesn't move and should, use WD40.  If it shouldn't move and does, use duct tape.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

October 22, 2014 Elderberry Vodka!

The big tree we cut down, all split and
stacked on the porch.

Monday 10/20. Another successful annual physical.  The few pounds I gained last year, I lost half of this year.  All my blood work is good and my blood pressure was 100/58.  That's what living at Rose Camp does for me. . .

One of my stops was to drop some things off at the Salvation Army store in their new location.  I took a few minutes to check it out and found a set of pretty cotton flannel queen sheets for the living room couch and love seat for only $3!  Very nice, clean store.

Ran the rest of my errands, including picking up some items for RJ.  It was very lightly sprinkling most of the time I was Down There, but the rain really started coming down when I got to our canyon.  It had backed off a bit by the time I got to RJ's, and he explained to me all of his new plans.  Going to be so cool.

Was still raining a bit when I arrived home and I was tired from a full day.

Tuesday 10/21. This morning was 44, mostly clear and very windy, with a big cloud moving in from southwest.  The cloud broke up into little puffs that passed over us most of the day.  Our high for the day was just 51.

I put the "new" covers on the couch and love seat.  I love being able to change the "upholstery" every month or so.  It makes up for not being able to move the furniture around.

Buster came up to visit again this morning.  He usually stays about an hour, and gives Jesse a good work out.  Dinga just stays on the porch or in the house while the boys play.

I split and stacked two wheelbarrow loads and two tractor bucket loads of wood.  3-1/2 of those were from large rounds which are a pain in the patootie. . . and the back. . . and the arthritic hands.  But that finished up the big tree we cut down and almost finished the two rows on the south side of the porch.

According to the Farmer's Almanac that JB reads at dinnertime, today is the day that timber rattler's go to their winter dens.  I hope they are reading it too!

I remembered that the elderberry vodka was supposed to be ready about now and tried some.  Now I know why there are so many flavors of vodka.  It tastes exactly like the fruit or whatever you put into it.  There is no doubt that these are elderberries.

Wednesday 10/22. This morning is 41 and overcast.  We had a light rain most of the night, and, although it isn't raining right now, there is a 100% chance of it for the day according to NOAA.  Going to be a good day for getting a lot done inside.

Thought for the day: Those who dance are considered insane by those who cannot hear the music.  Unknown

Monday, October 20, 2014

October 20, 2014 Valley Fog, Arts & Crafts

Valley fog to the west on Sunday. . .
. . . and to the south.

Friday 10/17.  I really do need to sort my recipes, usually a good winter project.  I cut out so many that I am sure I have enough to fill 17 cookbooks.  Of course that is in addition to the 17 cookbooks I already have. . .

JB worked in his shop for a while today, and got the snow blower moved inside.  I checked my email, did some filing and trimmed my hair - all way overdue.

It rained most of the day, stopping for a few hours mid afternoon so we could take our afternoon walk.  No sign of the sun or blue sky.  A typical Seattle day.  I guess we have to expect a few of the once in a while.  Our high for the day was 47.

Have been having a hard time sleeping again lately.  I try to remember to take melatonin before bedtime, and it really helps.

Saturday 10/18.  The day began with 50 degrees and partly cloudy with mountain sun and valley fog.  We left about 9:00 am to drive down into it, only to discover that it was only about 500 ft thick.  I got a flu shot, and blood drawn for my annual physical on Monday.  Then it was off to have some fun at the arts and crafts show.  It proved to be even better than last year, and I finished my Christmas shopping with some very clever items.  I love these shows but am always frustrated that I don't have enough money for the things I want for me, even though I have lots of fun finding things for friends and family.  Of course, after a day or two, I realize that I really didn't need or even have room for the items I wanted.

By the time we returned home, the fog had sneaked up into Rose Camp from the canyons.  It soon melted away, but never did leave Down There.  Our high for the day was 57.

And, the big news for the day, the girls gave us an egg!

Sunday 10/19. It was 47 and we were in the middle of a very thick cloud this morning.  My brother, RJ, is up and came to breakfast.  He is once again re-doing his cabin.  Going to make the cabin into a lodge for guests, and build a smaller cabin very close by for himself.  He plans to be Up Here almost full time in three years.

JB made eggs, bacon and hash browns for breakfast, but unfortunately the eggs were store bought - pale, tasteless store bought.  Next year I am going save the girls' eggs for eating and buy eggs for baking.  Probably won't have eggs for breakfast until they start laying again.  JB and I may end up fighting for the one they gave us yesterday. . .

JB drove down the see Larry in the early afternoon to add a few frequencies to his radio.  I cleared up the loft and our bedroom closet, then worked some on my computer.

Our neighbor to the south dropped in to visit with a friend of his while trying to make the most of the last day of deer season.  Had a good visit, during most of which he kept apologizing for missing our annual Rose Camp BBQ.

By noon, a few patches of blue sky were visible, and by 4:00 pm, the sky was clear.  With that sunshine, our high for the day was 59. 

Monday 10/20.  It is 50 and mostly cloudy this morning.  I will be on my way Down There in a little while for my annual physical and to run some errands.  Will stop by RJ's on my way home.

Thought for the day: Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater.  If you give her sperm, she will give you a baby.  If you give her a house, she will give you a home.  If you give her groceries, she will cook you a meal.  If you give her a smile, she will give you her heart.  She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her.  So if you give her any crap, be ready to receive a ton of shit.  Unknown (but obviously very intelligent)

Friday, October 17, 2014

October 17, 2014 Rain & a Birthday

Aspen along the road before the big winds.

Wednesday 10/15. More rain mid morning, but just a short sprinkle, after which the fog and sun fought for dominance.  The sun won out, but then the rain won over the sun and I only got two wheel barrow loads split and stacked on the porch.  Of course the rain soon stopped, but by then I was busy inside, napping.

We couldn't take down the Baker as it was wet.  Will have to wait til it dries out.

The wind blew in with gusts into the mid 20's.  Just the type of evening that makes me want to curl up on the couch with a blanket, regardless of how warm it is inside.  Our high for the day was 52.

Thursday 10/16.  It was 40 and overcast when we got up at 7:30 am.  No sleeping in today as we had to load the garbage in the trailer and go Down There.  Got on our way a little after 9:00 am.  With a loaded trailer, it is a very slow drive to the pavement.  All the wind had blown most of the remaining leaves off the trees and even off the road.

By noon the sun was out and the sky almost clear, but our high for the day was only 50.

It was another slow drive back up to Rose Camp with the snow blower in the trailer.  After a late lunch, we were able to take the Baker down and put it away.  A little rest and then I was off to split wood.  I did one wheel barrow and one tractor bucket load and stacked them on the porch.  Then it was time for our afternoon walk.

A very productive day.

Friday 10/17.  This morning is 41 and overcast.  Rain fell during the night and more is forecast for today and the weekend.  I hope it doesn't rain too hard on the west side of the mountains as tomorrow is my Aunt Nene's 89th birthday.  Happy Birthday, Nene!!

Thought for the day: It is one of the blessings of old friends that we can afford to be stupid with them.  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

October 15, 2014 JB Is Back Home!

Wood on the porch as of Tuesday,

Monday 10/13. There is an ongoing situation Up Here that whenever Larry's and Elsie's son is visiting, something goes wrong.  This visit was no exception.  Our inverter turned itself off after I had done the dishes with the generator on and when I tried to turn it back on, one of the wires to a battery sparked.  So I called Larry and he came right up on his ATV.  JB had tightened all the wires last week, but it seems that he missed one and that was the problem.  Very easily fixed with a slight turn of a screw.  What a blessing to have such good, reliable friends.

Betty and Belinda are both molting right now.  There are feathers everywhere in the coup, and they both look a bit naked with no tail feathers.

I left for Down There at 2:00 pm with lots of errands to do.  Wanted to be sure I got to the airport by 4:30 pm.  I actually made it a little earlier than that.  JB looked like he had had a great weekend as he walked into the arrival area.  So good to have him back.

He was never one to talk about his time in Vietnam or even about being a veteran, but since he has visited a local place for vets to congregate and get help if they need it, he seems to have changed his attitude.  A week or so ago, he actually bought a "Vietnam Vet" hat and wore it as he traveled.  He said that a couple people at the airport came up to him and thanked him for his service.  While in Santa Rosa, a man actually gave him a hug and thanked him.  Helps make up for the negativity surrounding vets during the Vietnam Conflict.  And it is very good for an emotional healing.

Tuesday 10/12. After sleeping in and a lazy morning, I split and stacked two wheel barrow loads and one tractor bucket load of wood on the porch.  Then it was time for a late lunch.  One more bucket and wheel barrow load split and stacked after lunch, and it was time for our afternoon walk.

It was overcast most of the day and our high was 56, but a good day for working outside.  More rain is due soon.

Wednesday 10/13. It is 43 and foggy this morning, and the rain came sometime during the night.  We want to take down the baker today and get some more wood split.  Tomorrow we are going to make our Fall garbage run, then use the trailer to pick up the repaired snow blower.  Seems it needed a new carburetor.

Thought for the day: Nothing can destroy a government more quickly than its failure to observe its own laws, or worse, its disregard of the charter of its own existence. Justice Tom C. Clark

Monday, October 13, 2014

October 13, 2014 Moose Meat

Moose leg waiting to be carved

Friday 10/10. After breakfast (a mocha) I split and stacked three wheelbarrow loads of wood, then took the dogs for their morning walk.  Back inside to do the laundry, wash dishes (including those that didn't get washed during my pity party yesterday), and eat brunch (a big doughnut twist bought especially for this occasion).  A good day.  Very hard to stay sad at Rose Camp.

By 2:30 pm I had another four loads of wood split and stacked.  This completed the last row in the wood shed, with half a load left over for the porch.  And I still haven't begun to split the wood from the big tree.

Our high for the day was 67.  The wind sprang up mid day and blew in a lot of clouds.

Saturday 10/11. This morning was 50, clear and breezy.  The dogs were barking a lot, but not going far from the house.  Probably a bear.

Breezy became windy, 22 mph bringing in clouds, by the time I left for Larry's and Elsie's at noon to help package the moose meat.  When I arrived they had a big leg on the table with three men attacking it with knives.  They had stayed up til 1:30 am Friday night cutting and packing the rib and neck meat.  Today we worked on the four legs.

Elsie had it all very organized.  Her daughter-in-law and I wrapped and labeled moose burger, stew meat, roasts and steaks, while she ground the burger.  This morning she had gone to a local store with a meat department and purchased several pounds of freshly trimmed beef fat.  She ground that all up on a course grind.  She put moose meat through the coarse grind, then the fine grind, adding a little of the ground fat to it.  I had to leave about 3:00 pm and she sent me home with several packages of meat.

While I was there, a big dark cloud arrived with pouring rain that lasted about an hour.  It stopped as I was driving home, but I arrived to two sopping dogs' beds on the porch that I had left out.

JB called to say that his day had been perfect.  The fog on San Francisco Bay lifted about 15 minutes before the ceremony began, revealing a warm sun.  After the commissioning, they had a tour of the ship and refreshments.  Our son's friend gave him the flag that had been flown from the mast.  JB was able to meet the Captain and give him a coin from the original USS America, which quite surprised and delighted him.  It was a very good day and Sandy took lots of pictures that I am anxious to see.

Sunday 10/12. This morning was 44 and clear, but by the time the dogs and I went on our morning walk, the sky was completely overcast.  Our high for the day was 55 and I put in both a morning and evening fire.

We have at least three little frogs under the house who are very chatty and make quite a variety of noises.  Still haven't figured out how they got in.

I cut up a bag of tomatoes that Elsie had given us and made tomato sauce.  Never have done this before and it turned out quite nicely.  Not enough to can, so I will freeze it in a couple bags.

After lunch I prepared the porch for the wood to be stacked on it, moving chairs off and laying 2X4's for it to sit on.  Then I split three loads of wood and stacked it on the south side.  I put in eye screws along the sides and attached tarps to the north and south sides.  A good day's work.

Tomorrow I will leave at about 2:30 pm to run some errands and pick up JB at the airport at 5:00 pm.

Monday 10/13.  It is 44 with a partial overcast this morning.  More rain is in the forecast for later this week.  As I sit here writing, I can see that Saturday's storm dropped the season's first snow on the mountains. 

Thought for the day: The more that is given, the less people with work for themselves, and the less they work, the more their poverty will increase.  Leo Tolstoy

Friday, October 10, 2014

October 10, 2014 Melancholy Mama

An Autumn wild rose bush
Fall colors arriving in the canyon
to our south.

Wednesday 10/8. Today began 55 and overcast.  The grey skies hung around til about 3:00 pm when blue gradually began taking over from the western horizon.  Our high for the day was 69, which is about 15 degrees above average.  Warm Autumn beginnings are always nice, as long as season does eventually cool down.  It is supposed to do just than on Friday, with possible rain over the weekend.

It seems like there are a lot more fir needles on the ground than usual.  Not sure what that indicates, if anything.

Had a very nice visit with our friend yesterday, but she is a self-confessed city girl.  It is interesting, and sometimes frustrating, to be with people who are so focused on their own small world, that they listen but don't hear and look but don't see the rest of the Universe.

Today was just a day off to get JB ready for his trip tomorrow and take care of last minute details.

Thursday 10/9.  It was 54 and clear this morning when we got up at 7:00 am.  We actually left on time at 8:45 to be sure that JB was at the airport by 10:00 am for his 10:55 flight.  Very hard to say goodbye.  I wanted so much to be going with him. . .

I did a big grocery shopping and was home by 1:00 pm.  The gold, orange and red are in full bloom now in the canyon and all the small draws.  So beautiful.

Put the groceries away and read the newspapers.   JB called at 6:30 pm to say he had arrived safely at Sandy's and the flight went all as scheduled.  I had a light supper, after which I watched a movie and ate ice cream, while feeling sorry for myself.  Am allowing that for tonight, but no longer. 

Friday 10/10. This morning is 52 with clear skies.  I plan to do a lot of splitting today.  That tree we took down was 67 feet high (not including the 2-1/2 ft. stump) and about 74 years old.

Thought for the day: The future will soon be a thing of the past.  George Carlin

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

October 8, 2014 Three Day's Work in Pictures

Cut it down. . .
Cut it up. . .

Pull it up. . .
Slice it up. . .

Stack it for dicing up.

If the first amendment means anything, it means that a state has no business telling a man, sitting alone in his house, what books he may read or what films he may watch.  Our whole constitutional heritage rebels at the thought of giving government the power to control minds.  Justice Thurgood Marshall

Monday, October 6, 2014

October 6, 2014 Achy Muscles & A Moose!

Dinga checking out our work.

Friday 10/3. Left for Down There at about 8:30 am.  No hurry today, so I am just going to slow down and enjoy.  Got what I wanted at Shopko, then drove to Coastal for a new open water pan for the girls.  JB had found a treatment for livestock water tanks that prevents algae and other gunk from growing.  It is called Stock Tank Secret and is a barley straw treatment.  Their plastic water pan is beyond saving, so I bought them a metal one.  We'll see how well this all works.

Picked up a few groceries, then checked out the two Goodwill stores.  Was a bit disappointed, but did manage to spend $3.50 on four items.  It was a fun trip and I was home by 1:00 pm, after picking up some tomatoes that Elsie had left out for me and letting their dogs out for a bit.

After lunch I split three wheel barrow loads of wood and stacked it.  Not nearly as much as Randy split today, I'm sure. . .

The change to Fall colors seems to have slowed way down.  There is still lots of green and yellow in places I thought for sure would be orange and red by now. 

Saturday 10/4.  It was 57 and overcast this morning.  Since Larry has gone moose hunting, Elsie asked if I could come help at the store today.  It was quite busy, so the day passed quickly.

After dinner we watched Lions For Lambs with Robert Redford.  I think this is a movie that every American should see.

Sunday 10/5. It was 54 and clear this morning.  Randy called and we had a nice chat.  He is still busy splitting wood, but he did take time off to take his side-by-side UTV in to get a snow plow put on.  I'm sure he will put that to good use this winter.

After breakfast we finished limbing the tree with the chain saw.  Lots of big mistletoe branches.  Then after lunch JB cut the tree in half.  He cut the top half in half again and was able to pull the pieces up one at a time with the tractor.  He cut the bottom half into three pieces and had to use his Wrangler to get them up.  Upon finishing this, all we could do was sit on the porch and ache.  Our high for the day was 73.  Dirty, sweaty and achy got rinsed away in a nice, hot shower.

Tomorrow JB will cut the logs into 16" rounds and we will move them to the splitter in the tractor bucket.  On Tuesday he plans to take the snow blower to a shop Down There to get it fixed.  For sure, this time.

Talked to Elsie on the radio this evening.  Larry got his moose!  A friend of theirs has a refrigerator truck in which they will keep it until next weekend when they can cut and pack it.  I am going to help so I can see how it is all done.  Never had a moose steak before.

Monday 10/6. This morning is 60 and clear.  Lots of work to do today, including getting ready for a good friend of ours who is coming up to visit tomorrow.  Haven't seen her for more than two years.

Thought for the day: The deterioration of every government begins with the decay of the principles on which it was founded.  C.L. De Montesquieu

Friday, October 3, 2014

October 3, 2014 Eggs & Moose

Wood stacked on our porch

Wednesday 10/1. The girls only laid 29 eggs in September, possibly because of shorter, cooler days.  Looks like we will have to resort to buying eggs during the winter, which will just give us one more reason to look forward to Spring.

Our Westy neighbor a couple miles down the road must be up, as his dog came to visit ours this morning.  At one point, Jesse came up on the porch and Buster was out in the yard whining for him to come back and play.  They are so cute together, and Jesse gets a good workout.

JB put up two small shelves on the west bathroom wall for me.  What a difference they made in getting my linen closet uncluttered.

Finished the second Vince Flynn book and started on The Third Option.  So sad to have lost this incredible author at such a young age.

Thursday 10/2.  It was 41 and clear this morning.  JB left for Down There at about 8:30 am.  I vacuumed and did the dishes in the morning, then spent most of the afternoon bringing up several armloads of branch wood from the west slope, which certainly gave me my cardio workout for the day.  Used Miss Kitty to take them to the cradle area where I cut as much as I could with the clippers and stacked that in the wood shed.  JB was home at 3:30 pm.

The girls gave us one egg today.  I had pulled the tarp back to let the sun in their hen house and it got nice and toasty in there.  Our high for the day was 57.

Friday 10/3.  It is 43 and partly cloudy this morning.  I am going Down There as soon as I post my blog and wash my hair.  Shopko is having their quarterly sale and there are a couple items I have been looking for that are half price, which will make the trip more than worthwhile.

Larry is going moose hunting this weekend in the northeast corner of the state.  Good Luck!

Thought for the day: You should never let adversity get you down - except on your knees.  From God's Little Instruction Book

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

October 1, 2014 Where did September Go?!

The road on our Tuesday drive.

Monday 9/29.  We took today off in order to give our muscles a rest.  JB worked most of the afternoon on programming the frequencies into Larry's radio.  Unfortunately, in the middle of that, his computer froze up and set him back a bit. 

 I baked cookies.  A LOT of cookies.  If I am going to make the effort, I want it to count.  I tried something different today.  The recipe calls for 4-1/2 cups of GF flour and I usually use Bob's Red Mill All Purpose GF flour.  This time I made one of those cups white rice flour.  The cookies did turn out a little less flat, but I had to add some butter.  Actually, I think I like them better flat and crunchy.

Randy called this morning and both JB and I had a good chat with him.  He has split and stacked seven cords of wood and has two more to go!  I have been very remiss in answering emails and calls this month with the BBQ and all.

Our resident frogs were quite vocal today, and we were inside to listen to them most of the time.

Lots of clouds moved in by noon and the breeze picked up.  Our high for the day was 66, with a forecast for a cold front moving in.

I started Vince Flynn's second book, Transfer of Power.  If only there were real people like some of his characters.  I would like to think there are, but if so, where are they now?

Watched Quigley Down Under this evening.  Such a good movie!

Tuesday 9/30. It was 43 and partly cloudy this morning.  I put a fire in the stove at 4:30 am when the dogs went out.  JB stoked it up again when he got up at 7:30 am.  Had to put my capote on over my heavy dressing gown when I went out to feed the girls.  Brrrr!

JB cleaned out Miss Kitty's air filter and added more oil in the engine.  I limbed the top (and easiest part) of the tree we felled.  Haven't measured it yet, but I think it is close to 60 feet tall.  I counted the rings and it is about 74 years old.  I'm pretty sure it was the mistletoe that killed it and there are a couple small trees near it that need to be taken down also.

After lunch we went for a drive in Miss Kitty.  Her battery is a use-it-or-lose-it affair.  We finally explored a little-used road we had wanted to check out ever since we got Miss Kitty.  Drove up to see where a neighbor had built a lean-to.  Well, it is a lot more than just a lean-to.  More like a small cabin waiting for walls.

Larry and Elsie drove up this evening so Larry could pick up his radio and learn how to use it.  A nice, long visit.  Learned that Medicare has set 75 as the age to stop paying for many procedures.  So, basically, if you don't have money to pay for it or a supplement, you just go home to die.  When is this insanity going to end?!

Wednesday 10/1. It is 43 and clear this morning.  September slipped by so quickly, what with the BBQ and all.  JB is going Down There tomorrow for the annual health insurance meeting.  Can only imagine what surprises we will encounter for next year.

Thought for the day: Their power comes from our obedience. . . disobey.  Permaculture magazine, Autumn 2014