Friday, October 31, 2014

October 31, 2014 Halloween & Chicken Art

"Chicken Art" on the inside wall of
their hen house.

Wednesday 10/29. Left a little before 9:00 am for Down There since the rain had let up and the sky was mostly blue.  Took JB's Jeep Wrangler, as it drives a little better in the mud.  The valley fog had receded to sitting just over the river, and the sun shone all the time I was in town.  As I was driving back up our road, I noticed that the fog had followed me back and the whole valley was once again covered over.  However, it did burn off again a couple hours later.

Since I only had a few things to do, and wasn't on a schedule, I stopped in again at the Salvation Army second-hand store.  Managed to find five paperback books I wanted, one pair of jeans, two blouses (a Land's End and a Tommy Bahama), and an embroidered sweatshirt, all for $15!

After I arrived back at Rose Camp, the temperature made it up past 50, so JB was able to paint Miss Kitty's plow that was showing some rust.  Upon hearing about that, Larry said, "Oh, the snow and ice will clean it up just fine once you get to plowing!"

I made waikiki moose balls for dinner (with ground moose meat), and they turned out excellent.  Then we watched Episode III of Star Wars.

Thursday 10/30.  It was 41, raining, and we were sitting in the middle of the clouds all day long.  Not a whisper of a breeze or any clearing, just drizzle and mist.  Like in the movie The Others.  Kind of spooky.  I really am thankful for all the moisture that is being allowed to slowly seep into the ground, but that doesn't mean that I actually have to enjoy these Seattle days.  Our high for the day was 44.

I got up to let the dogs out at 5:00 am, and still groggy, I automatically lit a fire in the stove.  Wasn't until it was going strong that I realized the house was not cold.  It was 71 inside!

We may not enjoy this weather, but we did enjoy a completely slow and lazy morning.  Lots of magazines and papers to read with a late breakfast.  The current Smithsonian is quite fascinating - their "Genius in America" edition.

I also started reading one of the books I bought yesterday, Brother Odd by Dean Koontz.  I so enjoy his books.  He certainly knows how to turn a phrase.

Today is a very special lady's 90th birthday.  She was one of my Mother's closest friends and is one of the nicest people I have ever met.  Happy Birthday, Pat!

Friday 10/31. The last day of the month and spookiest day of the year.  It is 42 and foggy, but at least it has stopped raining for the moment.  My brother, RJ, his son and a friend are due up this evening to celebrate RJ's birthday which was on Tuesday.  We plan to slide down to his place tomorrow.

Thought for the day: Chocolate comes from cacao which is a tree.  A tree is a plant.  Ergo, chocolate is salad.

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