Dinga & Jesse looking over their kingdom (dogdom?). |
Wednesday 10/22. A light drizzle fell most of the day in typical Seattle fashion. That's okay, I guess. We really do need this kind of rain that can soak in and not just run off.
There is a very disturbing article about our "justice" and prison system in the current Time magazine on the last page. Their "10 Questions." And on page 7, Gwyneth Paltro proves that she is just as shallow and stupid as I always thought she was.
Randy is working on splitting cord #12!! Amazing! Makes me tired just thinking about it.
Even on such a drizzly day, there was work to be done outside. Had to change both of the chickens' waters. The barley pouches I bought to prevent algae from growing are actually big enough for horse troughs, so I cut one open and took out 3/4 of the filling. Then cut the bag down and sewed it up. Much better for a little chicken water pan.
I brought in fire wood. That has, once again, become almost a daily chore. Still using mostly small and junk wood.
I think I am out of luck on the rose hips this year. As I look around at them, most of them seem awfully wrinkly. Probably because of the hot summer and the fact that they began forming so early. I should have looked at harvesting them a few weeks ago.
I can't believe the price of printer ink! Printers are cheap now, but the ink sure isn't. It would be the same if new cars sold for $500 but gas cost $30/gallon. Very frustrating.
Thursday 10/23. This morning began 43 and overcast. I went out after a late breakfast to get the last of the wood split before the rain arrived. Finished in two wheelbarrow loads just has it began to drizzle. Of course, as soon as I got inside, the sun came out and the wind began blowing the clouds away.
After the dishes and some house cleaning, I went out to put more pine shavings in the hen house. Then helped JB move the Baker tent poles to the fence around the wood shed. He hitched the trailer to his Jeep for our trip Down There tomorrow. We are going to get the materials to build the roof for the chicken coup run.
The wind stayed with us all day, averaging about 15 mph. Our high was only 43, with a wind chill of 36. I did not dress warm enough for our afternoon walk! We could see the first snow on Mission Ridge, and as the clouds were momentarily tossed off the tops of the Cascades, I could see fresh snow blanketing them also.
Randy had a chimney fire late last night! I told him about the Rutland Creosote Remover that we use once a week, and also Chimfex which is a chemical stick you put in your stove and it is guaranteed to put the fire out in 22 seconds. Larry and Elsie bought a couple of those and we are going to also.
In answer to a reader's question, our chickens are three to four years old. (Elsie wasn't sure of their exact age.) And we actually got another egg yesterday! I discovered it this morning, almost hidden in the pine shavings.
Friday 10/24. It is 38 and overcast this morning. Definitely going to bundle up to go Down There today. More rain on the way for this weekend.
Thought for the day: You only need two tools in life - WD40 and duct tape. If it doesn't move and should, use WD40. If it shouldn't move and does, use duct tape.
What a beautiful view you have at the dogdom! Love it and am envious.