Monday, October 20, 2014

October 20, 2014 Valley Fog, Arts & Crafts

Valley fog to the west on Sunday. . .
. . . and to the south.

Friday 10/17.  I really do need to sort my recipes, usually a good winter project.  I cut out so many that I am sure I have enough to fill 17 cookbooks.  Of course that is in addition to the 17 cookbooks I already have. . .

JB worked in his shop for a while today, and got the snow blower moved inside.  I checked my email, did some filing and trimmed my hair - all way overdue.

It rained most of the day, stopping for a few hours mid afternoon so we could take our afternoon walk.  No sign of the sun or blue sky.  A typical Seattle day.  I guess we have to expect a few of the once in a while.  Our high for the day was 47.

Have been having a hard time sleeping again lately.  I try to remember to take melatonin before bedtime, and it really helps.

Saturday 10/18.  The day began with 50 degrees and partly cloudy with mountain sun and valley fog.  We left about 9:00 am to drive down into it, only to discover that it was only about 500 ft thick.  I got a flu shot, and blood drawn for my annual physical on Monday.  Then it was off to have some fun at the arts and crafts show.  It proved to be even better than last year, and I finished my Christmas shopping with some very clever items.  I love these shows but am always frustrated that I don't have enough money for the things I want for me, even though I have lots of fun finding things for friends and family.  Of course, after a day or two, I realize that I really didn't need or even have room for the items I wanted.

By the time we returned home, the fog had sneaked up into Rose Camp from the canyons.  It soon melted away, but never did leave Down There.  Our high for the day was 57.

And, the big news for the day, the girls gave us an egg!

Sunday 10/19. It was 47 and we were in the middle of a very thick cloud this morning.  My brother, RJ, is up and came to breakfast.  He is once again re-doing his cabin.  Going to make the cabin into a lodge for guests, and build a smaller cabin very close by for himself.  He plans to be Up Here almost full time in three years.

JB made eggs, bacon and hash browns for breakfast, but unfortunately the eggs were store bought - pale, tasteless store bought.  Next year I am going save the girls' eggs for eating and buy eggs for baking.  Probably won't have eggs for breakfast until they start laying again.  JB and I may end up fighting for the one they gave us yesterday. . .

JB drove down the see Larry in the early afternoon to add a few frequencies to his radio.  I cleared up the loft and our bedroom closet, then worked some on my computer.

Our neighbor to the south dropped in to visit with a friend of his while trying to make the most of the last day of deer season.  Had a good visit, during most of which he kept apologizing for missing our annual Rose Camp BBQ.

By noon, a few patches of blue sky were visible, and by 4:00 pm, the sky was clear.  With that sunshine, our high for the day was 59. 

Monday 10/20.  It is 50 and mostly cloudy this morning.  I will be on my way Down There in a little while for my annual physical and to run some errands.  Will stop by RJ's on my way home.

Thought for the day: Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater.  If you give her sperm, she will give you a baby.  If you give her a house, she will give you a home.  If you give her groceries, she will cook you a meal.  If you give her a smile, she will give you her heart.  She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her.  So if you give her any crap, be ready to receive a ton of shit.  Unknown (but obviously very intelligent)

1 comment:

  1. I am curious to know how old your chickens are?
