Our tipi through a rimed & snowy bush |
Rose Camp in the mists |
Wednesday 12/17. It was 28 and snowing this morning. Snow fell until noon and then the fog moved in. Or maybe that was a cloud. All looks the same.
We put the plow on Miss Kitty after breakfast. Then JB got out Dinga's favorite toy - the snow blower, and cleared all around the house. After lunch he plowed the road, which took a couple hours. I kept the dogs in the house while he went down the road, and we all napped. A snuggly winter nap.
Our game cam is on the fritz, so JB is going to try to figure out what is wrong and fix it. Sometimes it just needs to warm up.
I think from now on I am going to add a little dirt to the rinse water when washing my hair. Ever since our cistern water got murky, my hair has had a lot more body. . .
At the end of every year the Seattle PI asks readers to submit the headlines they would like to see the next year. Here are my two picks for 2015: 1) Imposter Impeached! He and his wife indicted, convicted of planning to destroy America and sent to prison for life. 2) Chocolate Found to Cure Cancer!
Our high for today was 31 and we received 4" of snow.
Thursday 12/18. It was 28 and foggy this morning. And the fog stayed around all day, of course. Our high was 32.
JB's knee was bothering him today, so I did all his chores in addition to mine. Took the dogs on their morning walk. Started the generator in the morning for dishes, and again in the evening. And actually got some Christmas decorations out. I swore I was going to do that a couple days ago, but just never made it. With Christmas day just a week away, I figured I better get with it.
JB stayed inside all day and just enjoyed himself. Although he really doesn't like me to have to do all his chores, so he probably just stewed most of the day.
Am now rinsing the washed dishes in the sink with a Tbs. of bleach in the water, just to be sure there's not a problem with the cistern water. Will put a cup of bleach in the cistern tomorrow, and then just let the water level get way down before we fill it back up again.
Friday 12/19. It is 33 this morning and partly cloudy with a breeze. NO fog! Woo Hoo!
Thought for the day: A day of worries is more exhausting than a day of work. John Lubbock
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