Monday, December 8, 2014

December 8, 2014 Ice & More Eggs!

RJ's snowy cabin
A rimed leaf

Friday 12/5. The cistern seems to have filled itself a little bit in the past week, but the water isn't as crystal clear as it usually is.  A bit murky.  It may have been roiling up some sediment as coursed down in the depths.  Meanwhile, we are drinking bottled water.

The fog finally succeeded in enveloping us around 11:00 am.  My brother is at his cabin for several days so I drove Miss Kitty down to seem him after lunch and discovered that we are not encased in fog, but rather low clouds.  Had a nice visit and took his Christmas package to him, which saves me a bit of postage.  He was going to come up for breakfast tomorrow morning, but he is so warm and cozy in the cabin, with no urgent outside projects, that he decided to stay where he is and not venture out.

JB did more troubleshooting on the propane generator with the list that was emailed to him, but he is at the point where he has to take the top off and that has turned out to be much more if a project than he anticipated.  So tomorrow we are going to work on getting the gasoline generator from the shop moved up to the battery room and hooked up.  Then we will tackle the lid.

The girls (probably Belinda) gave us another egg today!  We have had one every other day now since Monday.  Hooray!

The whole day was rather dreary sitting up here in the clouds, but that makes it seem all the more cozy inside.  And makes me all the more sleepy. . .

Saturday 12/6. It was 31 and still foggy.  We received a little under an inch of sleet/ice pellets early this morning, so now the ground is really crunchy.  JB and Dinga were out at 7:00 am to clean off the solar panels.

By 11:00 am the sun had managed to burn off the higher fog, but we only saw the sun for about a half an hour.  Then the clouds moved back in front of it.  

After we filled the tires on the gasoline generator, we pulled and pushed it up to the battery room.  Should be able to do laundry tomorrow.  But JB did not have the right type of plug to wire the generator, so he will drive down to Larry's first thing tomorrow to get one.

By 2:00 pm the sun had re-appeared, along with some blue sky and our batteries were sucking in the power.  I washed the dishes and my hair, then vacuum sealed several left-overs for the freezer.

With all this power, we watched Castle this evening.  That last two episodes of season four and the first episode of season five, which I finally was able to find, along with season six, on for a reasonable price.

Sunday 12/7. It was 28 and still foggy with several back-to-back storms on the way for the week.  The fog/clouds never lifted and by the end of the day we were sitting in a rimed landscape.  Everything is icy.  The ground, the windshields, the porch.  Everything outside.

JB drove Miss Kitty down to Larry's to get the plug for the generator and didn't have too much of a problem, but when he got back he discovered that none of the plugs are the type we need.  JB will drive us both Down There tomorrow so I can catch up on the wash at the laundromat, while he buys some plugs and does other errands.

Our high for the day was 31.  And, for me, it was definitely another indoor day.  I defrosted the fridge and baked some banana-chocolate chip coffee cake.

JB picked up the card from the game cam on his way back up.  There were lots of videos of deer, including the doe and her twins, who are now almost as big as she is.  Also two large buck, with fine sets of antlers.

We had just enough power to watch Castle again.  Forgot how much I enjoyed it.

Monday 12/8.  It was 33 and STILL foggy! My bladder had woken me up at 2:00 am, so after taking care of that, I put in a small fire.  Just as I got back in bed and my head hit the pillow, a screech owl let his presence be know.  If I had not learned to recognize that eerie scream for what it is, I probably would have gotten right back up to see if I could spot the cougar in the grove.

 We left just before 9:00 am and the drive wasn't nearly as slickery as I thought it might be.  And, once again, we were in low clouds not fog.  I was unable to get a good signal for my computer at home, so I am posting my blog from the laundromat, which is why it is so late.

Thought for the day: Winter is on my head, but eternal Spring is in my heart.  Victor Hugo

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