Wednesday, December 3, 2014

December 3, 2014 A Warming Trend?

A frigid scene

Monday 12/1. I went on the morning walk with JB and the dogs.  Just had to get my patootie outside.  Our high for the day was 8.  Our low for the day was 8.  Like the wind, this is getting old.

Our one inch of snow crunches like it was six inches.  Can't sneak up on anyone in this. . .

We put chains on the rear wheels of Miss Kitty.  Will probably put them on the front also when we need to use the snow plow again, which could be very soon according to NOAA.  Larry got sand in the back of his pickup and put the plow on the front in order to be ready.

The alfalfa pellets I had dumped out near the stump way up on the east ridge were almost gone, so I put out another pan of them.  So glad someone (deer and/or rabbits) is eating them.

The worst part about these cold, cold days is getting up in the morning. . .

Tuesday 12/2. It was 10 with blue skies when I left for Down There this morning.  Drove JB's Jeep in 4-low down to the pavement.  At 5mph, that four miles takes almost an hour, but it is a beautiful drive.  Coming back up doesn't take quite so long.  Our high for the day was 19, and NOAA is calling for more "normal" temps.

Loaded up on books at the Salvation Army store; cataloges at the mail box; some groceries at Costco and Fred Meyer.  Mailed all but two Christmas boxes.  I can't mail Sandy's until late December, as she opens it as soon as she received it!

Depending upon how much of the forecast snow we actually receive, this may have been my last trip for this year.  When it gets to that point, we are going to use JB's Jeep for the winter and leave mine Up Here for a change.

Lots of newspapers and magazines!  I love a newspaper with my morning coffee.  And, speaking of coffee, I had my first eggnog latte of the season this morning.  Yummmm!  Oh, dear! If indeed this is my last trip down this year, then that was also my last eggnog latte.

JB spent a lot of time checking out the batteries today.  We still have issues with losing power too quickly.  He got up for my fire watch last night and his, so I could be sure and get a good night's sleep since I was going Down There today.  By 8:30 pm he couldn't keep his eyes open and hit the sack.  I wasn't far behind.

The moon is in its waxing mode and the snow sparkles in its light.  So beautiful.

Wednesday 12/3. We are at a "toasty" 22 degrees this morning, with mostly clear skies.  There is a dark bank of clouds on the western horizon.  Perhaps the pending snow.

Thought for the day: There is a higher court than the court of justice, and that is the court of conscience.  It supersedes all other courts. Mhatma Gandhi

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