Friday, February 27, 2015

February 27, 2015 Chicken Water & Cabin Fever & Snow

I'm sure my girls would never lay an egg
again if I did this to them!!
(Thanks for the photo, Liz)

Wednesday 2/25. I managed to gather another full bag of dry pine needles today for fire starter.  Because the weather has been so much warmer than usual this winter, we don't always have a fire going.  Ergo, we need more fire starter as we are starting them more often.  I was down to my last bag of needles, so this dry weather does have a positive side.  Also generally cleaned up around the yard, picking up small twigs to use with the needles.

Even though it was overcast all day, the cover was thin enough for us to draw in a lot of power.  Our high was 42 with very still air.  No breeze at all.

I think this weather is giving me a kind of cabin fever.  We are spending time outside each day, but it feels like we should be able to do a lot more than we are.  There is still a lot of snow mold about, so I don't really want to go tromping through the woods.  And it is not quite warm enough to split the pile of wood we have by the splitter.  Argh!!

The girls gave us two eggs today.  So that is four eggs in three days!

The major frustration for me in caring for the girls is their water.  The large containers, whether inverted or open, seem to grow algae faster than I can clean it out.  Cleaning the inverted one is a real pain and it cannot be used in the winter because it freezes.  So last time I was Down There (by myself), I purchased a stainless steel, tip-proof, dog water dish.  I give them clean water every other day and if it freezes, the ice slides right out.  Perfect!

Randy called this evening.  He is really cold over there in Idaho, and he is getting pretty tired of it.  His southern California blood hasn't thickened up yet.  He thinks I am really spoiling the girls by fixing them hot cereal with bananas on cold mornings, and he is sure that the dogs are getting jealous!

Thursday 2/26. The morning began overcast and 35.  We got none of the forecast precipitation of any kind during the night, and now NOAA has pushed it off until tonight.  They have not been doing very well on the predictions lately.

In another fit of Spring cleaning, I attacked the bathroom this morning.  Lots of shelves and too much "stuff."

In addition to pine needles for fire starting, we also use small sticks of cedar.  Larry and Elsie get a lot of their firewood from the Chelan PUD in the form of old power poles.  The creosote has been taken off, so all they have to do is cut the poles into rounds and take them away.  They give us a couple of rounds that JB cuts into small kindling.  It works great.

After lunch we took a short drive in Miss Kitty to the top of Erno's property, which joins ours to the northeast.  Then we got out and hiked around.  The top is on the north side, so there is still a lot of snow covering the ground.  Dinga was making snow angels and loving it!  The sun had come out and there was a lot of blue sky, although we could see it was raining or snowing to the west and northwest in the mountains and probably Leavenworth.  It never did come our way.  Meanwhile, Jane, in North Carolina, just received 6" of snow last night in addition to the 3" they got last week!

I finally made an appointment with the dentist to get my crown put on.  It's on March 10, or earlier if they have a cancellation.  Just looking forward to getting it done and over with.

JB plans to go Down There on Saturday to pick up the last of our mail at the UPS store and turn in our keys.  He is also going to check out the new Haggens grocery store who bought all the Albertson's.  Haggens originated in Bellingham (my hometown) and was my Mother's favorite.

We watched the last two episodes of Game of Thrones season three this evening.  Having read all the books, I knew how it was going to end, but poor JB didn't. . .

Friday 2/27. We awoke to a white landscape!  It is 30 and still snowing.  Woo hoo!

Thought for the day: Nothing can destroy a government more quickly than its failure to observe its own laws, or worse, its disregard of the charter of its own existence. Justice Tom C. Clark

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

February 25, 2015 Moving Dirt & A Trip Down There

On a clear day. . .

Monday 2/23. After lunch JB used the tractor to put more dirt and a couple bucket loads of wood-chip mulch from around the splitter into the large raised garden bed.  Even though our high was only 42, the sun was warm to work in.  

I took a nap afterwards, and that was our excitement for the day, except for watching two more episodes of the third season of Game of Thrones.

Tuesday 2/24.  JB and I left for Down There a little before 9:00 am.  With all the cold temps we have been experiencing, the road had once again turned to solid ice, or solid mud in places.  JB dropped me off at the laundromat and drove off to run errands.  I was done before he went to Fred Meyer, so he picked me up and we went together.  We had not been shopping together in a long time, and we both agree that it will be a long time before it happens again. . .

I was amazed at how green the hills had become just since I was down last week.  Elsie said that even some of the orchards are beginning to bud.  That will not bode well, considering that winter is definitely not over.  We have snow in the forecast for the rest of this week, and March is not known for being gentle.

The girls gave us an egg yesterday, and another one today.  It was a beautiful and mostly clear day with a high Up Here of 50.

Wednesday 2/25. It is 35 with a light overcast this morning.  Hopefully the forecast for snow is correct.

Thought for the day: The grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for. George Washington Burnap (Thank you, Sandy)

Monday, February 23, 2015

February 23, 2015 Firewood & A Cold Front

Dead bush across our road, before. . .
. . . and after.

Friday 2/20. All the girls spent the night on their roosting ladder.  We'll see how the roof on the nesting boxes affects their egg laying.  No eggs today, though.

After lunch we drove Miss Kitty down to where the dead, mountain maple bush fell across our road.  I snipped the smaller branches, while JB sawed the larger ones and some of the smaller trunks.  Later this Spring we will bring the chain saw down and cut up all the trunks.  This is good, hard firewood.  We loaded all the larger pieces into the back of Miss Kitty and brought them home.

The dogs love this kind of outing.  Dinga always stays by us, while Jesse goes out exploring.  He was no where to be seen when we left, but arrived home about 15 minutes after we did.  JB always drives slowly for them.

This evening it was pepperoni pizza and watching the special features for season six of Castle.  One of the things I really enjoy about getting the DVD's.  So many great interviews and insight, especially on The Walking Dead, even though they don't have "Bloopers" like everyone else.

Saturday 2/21. It was 32 and mostly clear, with a breeze this morning.  But by 11:00 am we were covered with clouds that moved in from the southwest, while the sun was shining to the north.

Received our property tax bill this week.  So amazing how it goes up one year and down the next.  It went up this year and we are definitely going to go talk to the Assessor's Office about it.

The cloud cover moved on east and we had sun again, but more clouds drifted over and our high for the day was 38.  Of course, that's not counting the wind-chill factor from the very brisk and continuous breeze.

Basically this was just a very leisurely day.  Read our books.  Spent time on the computer.  Did our daily chores.  And I started making my cousin's birthday present.  Nothing like waiting until the last minute - her birthday is March 1!

Sunday 2/22. It was a chilly 25 this morning with a light overcast drifting in from the northeast, which is quite unusual.  Most of the clouds has disappeared to the south by noon, but our temperature was still below freezing.

One of the girls, probably Blondie, slept on the perch in front of the nesting boxes last night.  That's a good sign, but still no eggs today.

We plan to both go Down There on Tuesday.  I will do the several bags of laundry, while JB runs errands.

Another leisurely day.  JB made pulled pork for dinner, which has to cook for several hours, and is so worth the effort.  And after filling our tummies, we began watching the third season of Game of Thrones.

Monday 2/23. It is a cold 19 with clear skies.  Not even any clouds over the mountains.

So glad I could offer a venue for Anonymous to vent about privacy, or the lack thereof!  Glad to hear from others who have the same frustrating problem.

Thought for the day: "I am the child of earth and starry heaven, but my real race is of heaven." Fragment from an ancient Greek text giving instructions for the newly dead soul on how to navigate the afterlife. Quoted in The Map of Heaven by Eben Alexander, M.D.

Friday, February 20, 2015

February 20, 2015 An Earthquake & An Editorial on Privacy

The roof we put over the nesting boxes.

Wednesday 2/18. A perfect day to go Down There.  The sun was shining and I took no laundry to do.  After getting a few groceries, I stopped by Larry and Elsie's shop to visit.  They asked if we had felt the earthquake last night, and then I knew that I hadn't been dreaming!  Having lived in the San Francisco Bay area for several years, I usually know an earthquake when I feel one.  We had indeed been woken up by a slight jolt.  It seems there had been a 4.5 earthquake due south of us about 80 miles.  Larry and Elsie, down in the canyon, felt it a lot more than we did Up Here on the top of solid rock.  It shook them a bit and caused their radio antenna on their house to whip back and forth as if in a big gust of wind.

After visiting them, it was on to the Wenatchee World to see about getting a letter to the editor published anonymously, regarding trespassers on private property.  I was told that if I gave them my name and phone number so they could verify it was me who wrote it, that they would publish it and withhold my name.  Great!

Then it was on to the local organization that is creating hiking/biking trails on public land in several areas around Wenatchee.  I had a very good talk with the person in charge (that began as a rant on my part) about trespassers who start out on their trails.  The group is planning to putting up a kiosk that firmly advises against straying onto private property.  I told him he should also put up "No Trespassing" signs along fences abutting their trails, and he seemed very receptive.  Again, great!

However, when I arrived home there was a message on my phone from the newspaper advising that they would not publish my letter without my name.  In this day and age, when we have all lost 98% of our privacy due to the internet, with just my name and very little effort, anyone could find out exactly where I live and even see a photo of it on Google.  At that point it occurred to me that what I should have done is give them my phone number and an assumed name.  Too late.

But, all in all, it was a very good and a very stimulating day.

Thursday 2/19.  It was 38 and overcast this morning with rain/snow in the forecast.

I was still pumped about my experience yesterday, and returned the call from the paper.  We had seen letters to the editor with (I thought) just e-mail addresses, so it seemed that would be a solution.  In talking to the woman at the paper, it seems they still need to publish a name.  I told her that my privacy is more important than having the letter published.  So I am publishing it here instead:

To all of you mountain bikers and hikers:

There are plenty of public trails and parks for you to enjoy.  Stay in them.  Many of the public Land Trust trails abut private land, so if you encounter a fence with a gate, this is not a welcome sign.  It indicates private property, so please respect that and stay out. 

We live on a private road on which we and our neighbors spend our own money and sweat to maintain without any public funds.  We build and maintain our own fences.  We get very few county or state perks where we live.  We are off the grid, maintain our own utilities, and are responsible for our own safety.  This is our land for which we paid our hard-earned money and on which we pay taxes.  Would you want uninvited strangers traipsing across your yard?  Jumping over your fence?  Entering your gate uninvited?  Just because our “yard” is larger, does not mean that it is any less private.  We certainly respect and would not invade your property.  Do the same for us.  We worked hard to be where we are.  We love our homes, our privacy and our rights, and we will protect them as most citizens would.

Before venturing out, you should know that in the Wenatchee area, you could be less than a mile from town and encounter a cougar, coyote, bear, or even a wolf, not to mention rattle snakes.  Better be prepared and know how to act.  Don’t blame anyone but yourself if you are attacked.   This is their land also.

A note specifically to the two “joggers” who entered our property Sunday morning, 2/15:  We are surrounded by thousands of acres of private land, as in NOT public.  To get to our place you would have had to go over/through several fences and gates.  What were you thinking?!

After lunch, we put the roof on the girls' nesting boxes.  They had already given us one egg for the day, so I figured it was safe.  When I feed them tomorrow morning, I will be able to tell where Blondie and Betty spent the night.  They can easily perch on the rail in front of the boxes.

I purchased some metal "Private Property and "Posted. Private Property. Hunting, fishing, trapping or trespassing for any purpose is strictly forbidden. Violators will be prosecuted" signs yesterday, so this afternoon I hiked up to the peak and put a "Posted" one on the tree by the gate to replace the plastic one that had broken in two.  This is where the "joggers" had entered.

The sky remained overcast all day until late afternoon when the sun peeked through and we had glimpses of blue sky.  Our high for the day was 40, and the ground was very soggy, muddy, mucky.  Have to wipe the doggies' paws every time they come back inside.  And, for the first time in several days, we had to use the generator and washed the dishes after dinner.

We watched the last three episodes of Castle, season six.  What kind of an ending was that?!  Shades of Downton Abbey!  Now I have to find a good deal on season seven as soon as possible.

Friday 2/20. This morning is 35 and with blue skies, except for over the mountains.  Today we are going to drive Miss Kitty down our road about two miles where a very large, dead mountain maple bush fell across our road.  When I went to town, I was able to clear just enough to drive around it, but we need a saw and two people to finish the job.  Going to be good fire wood though.

Thought for the day: I don't know how my story will end, but nowhere in my text will it read, "I gave up."  From Positive Outlooks Blog

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

February 18, 2015 More Sun & A T-Shirt

The girls with all the straw they have pulled
out into their run.

Monday 2/16. Another cool but gorgeous day.  I vacuumed before lunch in order to give the batteries a chance to recharge.

 JB used the tractor bucket to partially fill the empty raised garden bed, first with some straw and then dirt.  I used a rake to level it out.  Then we took the chains off Miss Kitty's front wheels.  Didn't think it would be too good for her to have those on with all the mud.  According to the weather forecast, we will probably have to put them back on in a couple weeks as we are supposed to get snow at the end of the month.  

I also picked up small branches that had been broken by the wind around the house.  Swept off the porch.

Clouds drifted in from the north, but blew on past.  Our high for the day was 38.

Tuesday 2/17.  The day began with 30 degrees and clear skies.  I am so enjoying all this sunshine!

We are getting a few wasps in the loft almost every day now, but not nearly as many as we have had in past years.

On cold days, when the sun finally hits the metal outside of the house, it expands with groans and clicks.  Sounds that take some getting used to, but after almost seven years, have become just a part of the background.

Not quite sure where today went.  We both puttered around inside and out.  JB still working with his new computer, and today he baked some lemon-poppy seed bread.  Our high for the day was 40, but it sure didn't feel that warm.

The girls gave us one egg yesterday but none today.  They continue to pull straw out of their house and into the run.  Whatever keeps them happy. . .

I am going Down There tomorrow for a "quick" run to pick up the water filter, do some errands, and get a few groceries - especially bananas for the girls.

Wednesday 2/18. It is 32 and clear this morning, with a warm 51 forecast for Down There today.

Thought for the day: The dentist says I need a crown.  Finally someone agrees with me! (On a t-shirt that my Aunt Nene wanted to get for me.)

Monday, February 16, 2015

February 16, 2015 Community & Trespassers

A deer we saw on our hike.
Rocks we moved off the road.
(They are larger than they look.)

Friday 2/13. Sometimes I think how much easier it would be to live Down There and be taken care of.  Down There you simply trade your money for security of a sort.  Fire Department, Police, utilities.  You pay others to keep you safe and comfortable.  Up Here it is more of a barter system.  We trade our time and energy to help ourselves and our neighbors, which is much more personal.  A smaller sense of community, and one I prefer, even though it puts more responsibility on our shoulders.

With rain in the forecast, I drained more water out of the cistern.  The dogs and I took a nice, leisurely morning walk in the sun that had popped out early on when the cloud cover began to break up.  Then I just collapsed for the day with an intestinal bug I must have picked up on Tuesday, Down There, which would explain my very low energy day yesterday.  Occasionally that happens on the third day after going to town.  I just need to be more careful about washing my hands as soon as I get home.  

JB arrived back home about 2:00 pm with a beautiful bouquet of tulips for me, and I just napped.  Did wake up for a light dinner and to watch more Castle.

Saturday 2/14. It was 40, overcast and breezy this morning.  Looks more like April outside than February.  No rain though, and the forecast has changed to cooler but dry weather for the week.  The high temps for Down There have been almost 20 degrees above normal.

Wow!  Do I feel better this morning.  Those little 24-hour bugs are weird.  And with blue sky and sun by late morning, I got bit by another bug.  The Spring Cleaning bug.  So before lunch I cleaned out our bedroom closet and a couple of my dresser drawers.

After lunch we drove Miss Kitty down the road to our deer-season gate (about 1/2 mile) to clear some rocks off the road (see photo above).  Then we left Miss Kitty there and walked another 1/4 mile or so further to the wood spirit.  There is an old, steep logging "road" there that goes up and, for some time now, I have wanted to check it out.  So today Dinga and I did.

We all enjoyed the outing.  We have had too few this foggy winter.

Sunday 2/15. It was 33 with clear, blue skies this morning.  I was still in bed at 8:00 am when the dogs started barking and whining.  I heard JB go out on the porch and yell, "Hey, this is private property!"  It seems there were two "joggers" coming down our south ridge!  They turned around and went back the way they came.  To have arrived there, they would have had to go over/through several fences/gates.  Do people not realize that a fence indicates private property, or do they just not care?!

I called Randy after our late breakfast.  I figured that with all the problems he has been having at his place, he would not appreciate being woken up early.  On top of everything else, he hasn't been able to get a hair cut in four months and says he looks like a wookie!  Nene and I both want a photo!  Actually he probably just looks like the rest of his northern Idaho neighbors.

It was such an incredible day that the dogs and I went on a long hike up to the peak, then north along the east fence line to where it makes a 90 degree turn to the east; then up, up towards Erno's; down to his road and up to the top of his property.  Looked for antler sheds, but didn't find any.  We finally headed back down his road and up our driveway.  Because it was below freezing last night, most of the mud was hard, so it wasn't a sloppy hike.  Lots of snow mold though, and by the time we got home my nose was running and my eyes were watering.

No eggs today.  I think Sunday is their day of rest.

Monday 2/16. It is 30 with mostly blue skies this morning.  JB is making hot cereal for the girls as I write this.

Regarding a reader's comment, yes, we have heard of Berkey filters, but we actually purchased a Katadyn TRK Drip Ceradyn water filter.  I think it is a step up from Berkey.

Thought for the day:

Friday, February 13, 2015

February 13, 2015

The dogs enjoying the sun in our bare grove
on Thursday.

Wednesday 2/11. A good day for reading newspapers and magazines, and taking a long nap.  Fogged in all day.

Yesterday at Costco I purchased LED light bulbs.  JB checked them out against the guidelines in Home and Power magazine, and they passed with flying colors.  It seems that at the moment there are no laws governing what manufacturers can claim for these light bulbs.  The lamp bulbs are great.  However, I am not so sure that getting new vanity lights for over the bathroom mirror was such a great idea.  That old lady staring back at me seems to have aged 10 years in such bright light. . .

The girls only gave us one egg yesterday, which means that one of them was taking the day off.  But we did get two eggs today.

We finished season four of The Walking Dead last night.  Decided on something much lighter next, and started watching season six of Castle.  Always so much fun.

Thursday 2/12.  We started the day at 40 and overcast.  This morning we now have more bare ground than snow covered.  Blue sky soon showed through cracks in the clouds, and by noon the sun was out in all its glory.

JB drained some water out of the cistern before he and the dogs went on their morning walk.  It had filled almost to the top, and the water leaking in now seems less murky than it has been.  Our son researched water filters for us and I purchased one on line.  Not one that attaches to our water system, but one that stands alone, with a ceramic filter.

After bringing in the firewood and having to pull the sled across bare ground, I laid more wood (large pieces of thick bark) in the mud to extend a couple of paths a little bit.  I gave the girls more pine shavings in their nesting boxes that I bought on Tuesday.  Then the dogs and I ambled out to the north ridge, and up to the south ridge where I sat on the bench and soaked up some sun.  Oh, my!  Did that feel good!  Our high for the day was 48.

Friday 2/13. It is mostly cloudy with a temp of 38 this morning.  JB is going Down There for gas and some errands.

Thought for the day: Sometimes the most profound of awakenings come wrapped in the quietest of moments. Stephen Crane

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

February 11, 2015 Spring in February

(Too slow of an internet connection for a photo today.)

Monday 2/9. Drizzle, drizzle. .  pour, fog, drizzle. . . fog.  And so the day went.  Another good day for working inside, including inventorying the pantry and re-organizing it a bit.

Jane called today and we had another great chat.  She and her husband gave up wheat and processed sugar three weeks ago.  The act itself amazes me, but not the fact that it was Jane who did it.  That's just the way she is.  Her husband has already lost ten pounds!

Nene called yesterday and we confirmed our plans to go back to Bonner's Ferry, ID, this summer.  Our trip will either be in June or September in order to miss the heat.  Am so looking forward to it.  It will be good to see Claudia again, and finally meet Randy face to face.  Nene and Randy have become quite the email buddies.

Still made time to read our books today.  I made cinnamon-orange muffins.  JB started all the vehicles.

We left for Larry and Elsie's about 6:00 pm.  The road was equal parts ice, slush and mud.  Had another great evening playing marbles.  First game went to the ladies (we tromped them), but the guys just squeaked by with one roll of the dice to win the second game.  At that point Larry didn't want it to be just a tie, so we played a third game and the ladies' luck completely ran out.

Tuesday 2/10.  The forecast sun was shining when I left for Down There at 8:30 am.  Such a beautiful morning!  And it turned into a warm, Spring day that I thoroughly enjoyed, even if I did have to do the laundry.  I took my coat off as soon as I got to the laundromat, and just soaked up as much sun as I could.

I went to Costco with the full intent of ignoring all sugary foods.  So much for intent.  There were sample tasting tables set up all over with a Valentine's theme.  However, the chocolate I bought is a dark chocolate covered cranberry/oat crunch.  I really have backed off the sugar, though.  Just have to stick with a little chocolate most days.

Finally was able to convince the vet that Dinga needed more ointment for her eye, even though I can't get her in for a check-up.  So that was my last stop for the day.  Whenever I come back from Down There, I let Larry and Elsie's dogs out while I am transferring everything from the Jeep to Miss Kitty.  They loved getting out in this Spring day.

JB forgot to check for a high temperature today, but it according to NOAA it was 58 at the airport, although I'm sure it reached at least 60 in town.  Our high Up Here was probably pushing 50.  JB and the dogs went on two long walks, one looking for antler sheds along the east slope.  Didn't find any, but they all enjoyed the sun.

Just relaxed with The Walking Dead this evening.

Wednesday 2/11.  We are once again fogged in this morning with a temperature of 38.  At least we are supposed to have dry weather with clear skies for the rest of the week.  Sounds like Boston is getting all our snow.

Thought for the day: A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves. Paul Valery

Monday, February 9, 2015

February 9, 2015 A White Landscape Turning Brown

Our melting path to the north ridge.

Friday 2/6. Rain fell during the night, but the wind blew all day so we had no fog at Rose Camp for a change.

I used the morning to finish The Face by Dean Koontz.  He never fails to entertain and amaze.

The girls gave us two more eggs today!  That's six eggs in four days.  Yes, Randy, I think they have figured out the meaning of the words "stew pot".

It had just started raining when we were ready to get busy outside at 1:00 pm, which is when we start our outdoor projects in the winter, but we forged on out.  Had to re-direct a melt stream away from the propane tank, then it was on to the south ridge to angle the panels up.  Much more difficult than moving them down.

Then I measured for a little roof to put on the girls' nesting boxes.  We got than cut and ready, but will install it at a later date.  With these cloudy days, it is obviously dark enough under the boxes for them to lay their eggs in the straw on the ground.  Once we put a roof on the boxes, they won't be able to roost on the box walls at night like two of them are doing.  Don't want to upset their routine and disturb egg production.

My sinuses were really bothering me, so today I tried putting tea tree oil in the boiling water I was inhaling.  It worked!  And rather quickly.  Thank you!  Thank you!

By the time the sun set, the sky was clear except for a huge bank of dark clouds over the mountains.  Outside was still a warm 45 and the wind was gusting to 15 mph.  February is often mild and it looks to be so this year.

On most days now, I find myself reading a little from either Proof of Heaven or A Map of Heaven, both by Eban Alexander, MD.  I began reading about and researching into NDE's (near death experiences) and OBE's (out of body experiences) decades ago when Raymond A. Moody, Jr.'s book, Life After Life, came out.  Although I have had neither of these specific experiences, I have had several others which simply confirm and are confirmed by these experiences of others.  Dr. Alexander's books brought new perspective and more confirmation to that which I already believe.  To that which I know.

The direction of my political rant yesterday was a big step for me in using the work "evil".  I had never been one to believe specifically in evil, but rather an absence of Light.  Not so any more.

Saturday 2/7. It was 40 and foggy when I awoke at 8:00 am.  When JB got up at 6:00 am, it was raining, but stopped around 7:30 and the fog moved in, of course.

I began reading David Baldacci's The Sixth Man, which is very good.  He is another of my favorite authors.

I plan to go to town for laundry and shopping on Tuesday, so I started organizing my lists.  As much as possible, I like to list the items in order which I find them in the stores.  And I make of list of places to go with the shortest routes possible.

At 1:00 pm we started undoing the wires from the generator to the well pump.  Just finished when we felt rain drops.  Oh well, at least we got that part done.

It is amazing how many little things I can find to do around the house when I want to be busy, and I usually do want to stay busy when we are fogbound.  With such a small home, I am always finding ways to re-arrange items on shelves, in cupboards and in the loft to create more space.

Just after we came inside, the wind started gusting up to 23 mph.  The rain stopped.  The sun popped out.

I am making notes for a summer project to create better drainage and keep more rain and melt water away from the house.

The wind was gusting to 29 when we left for our afternoon walk, but the sun was shining in a blue sky and was worth putting up with the wind.  Our high for the day was 44.

Who is the S.O.B. that wrote that horrible episode in season four of The Walking Dead?!!  Well, at least the Governor is dead. . . really dead and gone.

Sunday 2/8. It was 38 and overcast this morning.  JB made hash browns and a cheese omelet with our fresh eggs.  So good!

After a relaxing morning, we finally got the generator moved back by the battery shed.  Rather a long, muddy project.

No rain today, but it was a typical grey, Seattle day.  Our high was 43, and our white landscape is quickly turning brown.

In talking with Larry on the radio this evening, we made plans to drive down to their place tomorrow evening for some marbles and pool.  

It was pouring with rain as we got ready for bed at 10:00 pm, and it seems like it drizzled most of the night.

Monday 2/9. It is 40 with a low overcast, so we may spend the day in the clouds.  There is sunny day in the forecast for tomorrow, but I'll believe it when I see it.

Thought for the day: I never met a strong person with an easy past.

Friday, February 6, 2015

February 6, 2015 Eggs, Mud & A Political Rant

The two eggs we received on Wednesday!
(I think the smaller, lighter one is from Blondie.)

Wednesday 2/4. Even if it means going out into the weather shortly after getting out of bed, I really enjoy feeding the girls in the morning.  Don't even mind cleaning out their hen house, although it is easier when their poop is frozen.  The girls gather around me and I talk to them.  I try to touch them, too, but they're still pretty skittish about that.

The snow stopped falling around noon and only the fog remained (of course).  Our high for the day was 35.

I had a very low energy day, as if the fog were sucking it right out of me.  I need the sun.  After so many years of living west of the mountains in the rain, I have now become very dependent upon the sun.  The Wenatchee River Valley claims 300 days of sun every year.  I doubt they are going to live up to that this year.  Well, the only thing I can change about this situation is my attitude, so I better get with it.

The girls gave us two eggs today!  That hasn't happened in more than six months.  Maybe Betty and Belinda aren't just picking on Blondie, but rather encouraging her to lay her share.

We watched the first three episodes of season four of Walking Dead this evening.  It seems darker than usual.  Would be nice if they had some good news, other than just 30 days without an "accident".

Thursday 2/5. It was 32 and foggy this morning.  We had about an hour's worth of rain beginning at 9:00 am, with more rain and warmer temperatures promised through Sunday.  That means mud, but possibly also more melt water seeping into the cistern.  We'll take it any way we can get it.  At least the rain pushed the fog down.  With its absence, the sun shone bright enough through the clouds for enough power to run the water for washing our hair without using the generator.  However, for the rest of the day the fog to the south played tug-of-war with the fog to the north.  Our high for the day was a very sloppy 40.  Sloppy, slushy and muddy.

We reorganized our refrigerator white board today with special, thin tape.  Oh, the things we have time for when we are retired.

With the revelation that the problem lies in the well pump or its wiring, we plan to move the generator back to where it was by the battery room.  Well, as soon as the rain and fog clear up.  Of course that may be March or April. . .

We spent a lot of relaxing time reading our books today.  JB cooked up a pot of ham and split-pea soup, which made the house smell so good.

We were in between tugs-of-war between the two directions of fog when we left for our afternoon walk.  Arriving up on the south ridge we could see the part of Mission Ridge that wasn't hidden by clouds and into most of the canyons, but within two minutes we were enshrouded in fog.  As if the heat of our bodies caused it to race towards us.  By the time we arrived back home about 15 minutes later, we were in the clear.  Go figure.

When I encounter someone who supports The Imposter, I feel both very angry and very sad that they could be so easily duped.  Never before have politics caused such a reaction within me.  But this is not simply politics.  This is Evil.  An Evil so subtle, and yet so obvious.  It is not merely the greed and power-mongering that we, sadly, have come to accept, but rather his desire to rip apart the basic tenets upon which this great nation of ours was founded.  And, yes, here I go ranting.  But the current situation in which America finds itself frightens me.  It rocks my very foundation.  It enrages me.  Especially because I feel so very helpless to know that all I can do is express my fears, vote, and pray.  Thank God we still have our freedom of speech.  So many of our other freedoms are being eroded away right under our feet.  Our Constitution is being defiled.  Americans are being bribed into complacency by a welfare-supporting government.  Never before in our country's history has the threat been so great.  The Civil War.  The Great Depression.  They pale in comparison.

Friday 2/6. It is 40 and overcast this morning.  As I sit here in the loft, I am watching the valley fog form and rise.  Oh, goody. . .

Thought for the day: The deterioration of every government begins with the decay of the principles on which it was founded. C.L. De Montesquieu

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

February 4, 2015 Eggs, Future Generations & A Birthday

The sun just breaking through the fog on our
Monday afternoon walk.

A hot pad holder that Nene gave us for
Christmas, along with a matching towel.

Monday 2/2. I know I said that I couldn't wait for Spring, but that was mainly because of all the fog and low clouds in which we have been encased this winter.  It began to snow about 9:00 am, and I enjoy that, but just get rid of the *&!!@# FOG!

One of the girls gave us eggs on Friday and Sunday.  I think it was Betty.  In the past couple months her comb has doubled in size and she is much bolder than she has ever been.  The only way to tell her apart from Belinda is that Belinda has darker tail feathers.

Today we had about 10 wasps in the loft.  The few that got in last Fall must be starting to wake up.  This winter we have only had about one or less a week, thank goodness.

JB worked for a while on his new computer.  Seems like he managed to download a virus along with Google.

The snow stopped falling about 12:30 pm and the fog moved back in.  We got another 1-1/2", which helps.  The top of the fog doggedly remained at the tops of the trees, teasing us with glimpses of the blue above.  Finally, during our afternoon walk, a breeze arrived and blew the fog back down into the canyons and valleys where it belongs.  By sunset that breeze had grown into a wind gusting to 20 mph.  Our high for the day was 35, and that was from the warm front that the wind blew in.

We finished watching White Collar, and it's on to Walking Dead after a movie tomorrow night.

Tuesday 2/3. This morning was overcast and 37 with low valley fog.  It was a good day to defrost the fridge and catch up on the filing.  With some help from our son over the phone, JB got his computer back to normal and all set up.

Some who read this on the internet may wonder why I get so detailed with all the little things in our daily life Up Here.  I am writing this blog mainly as a record for our family.  Our grandchildren and their children.  I have always been interested in family history and have some fascinating letters from Grandparents on both sides dating back to around 1910.  I can only hope that our family will be as interested in our life 100 years from now.  However, it bothers me that generations in the future may be in awe of how good we had it.  Hopefully they will be amazed at how good we thought we had it.

The overcast skies began to break up mid afternoon and by the time of our walk, we had lots of blue.  Our high for the day was about 38 and a lot of yesterday's snow was melting.

Got another egg today!  And it looks as though Belinda and Betty are starting to pick on Blondie again.

Through a phone call to an RV dealer, we were told that the problem with our generator is an electrical one and we should take it to an Onan repair shop.  That means a trip to Yakima or Seattle.  It will probably be Seattle, so JB can stay there until it is repaired rather than make two trips, so that won't be happening til April or May when our road is passable with such a load.

Also our game cam is toast, so we will have to replace that.

Looks to be an expensive year between the generator, the well pump and my tooth. . .

Wednesday 2/4. It is 30 and snowing this morning - through the fog.  A very Happy 40th Birthday to our Son!!

Thought for the day: What a wonderful thought it is that some of the best days of our lives haven't happened yet. Guideposts Feb 2015

Monday, February 2, 2015

February 2, 2015 Mardi Gras, A Pump & A Football Game

Dinga sitting on our rimed north ridge.

Friday 1/30. It was very frustrating watching the sun warring with the fog, and I thought for sure the sun would win.  It didn't.  We were enclosed by fog all day and the temperature only got up to 35.

I invited ourselves to Larry and Elsie's to watch the Superbowl and Elsie was gracious enough to say, "Yes, of course!"  It's not hockey, but JB says he'll go anyway, as long as Mother Nature isn't in a bad mood.  I hope she isn't, because even more than the SeaHawks, I want to see the Clydesdales.

We tried JB's idea with the generator but it did not work.  Not sure what our next option is.  Thank goodness for the melt seepage.  If we didn't have murky water, we wouldn't have any water at all.

One of my favorite magazines is Farm Show.  It's not that is has so many ideas that we can use, but I just love reading about American farm ingenuity.  So many clever and amazing inventions that farmers have come up with.  It really boosts my faith in the human spirit.

One of the girls gave us an egg today.  I am thinking that since we rolled the tarp up off their roof, it may be too bright in there as they are laying the eggs under the nesting stand.  We may put a little roof over the nesting boxes and see if that helps.

As the sun sank behind the mountains, the fog sank into the canyons.  The stars twinkled in a clear sky, and the moon lit up Rose Camp as bright as the foggy day.

We are watching the fourth season of White Collar now and quite enjoying it.

Saturday 1/31. It was 29 and mostly cloudy with valley fog.  Today the sun seemed to easily win the battle that it had so miserably lost yesterday against the fog, even the clouds dissipated a bit.

Our son called at 7:30 am our time to tell JB that Staples had the type of computer we wanted on sale at our price.  He has been helping us look for one on-line and found one at our local store.  He was on his way to a meeting of his Mardi Gras organization, as their parade and ball are this weekend in Mobile.  He gets to ride on a float and throw out beads and other goodies.  JB came back to bed and looked on-line a little later.  He called to be sure our store had one, then left about 10:00 to go buy it.

At the rate we are going, we will be out of branch wood long before we run out of split fire wood.  That's a good thing as there is always a lot more downed branch wood and it is so much easier to gather.  Our split wood may last us through next winter!

I started reading The Face by Dean Koontz.  Just finished another J.A. Jance novel.

We found a tick on Jesse, which is quite unusual for this time of year.  Going to have to check them both from now on.

Less than an hour after JB returned home at 1:30 pm, fog sneaked up from the same direction, as if having followed him from a discreet distance.  The sun was having none of that, and soon forced it back down again.  But as the sun began its final descent toward the mountains in the west, the fog took full advantage and moved back into Rose Camp.

I baked a banana-chocolate chip coffee cake to take to the game tomorrow along with some other snacks.

About 5:00 pm Larry and our on-grid neighbor arrived in Larry's UTV.  Gridder used to install well pumps and they came up to see if they could help with ours!  After more than an hour of testing this and that, it seems that the problem lies with the pump itself.  Not quite sure how we are going to deal with that.  The pump is not that expensive, it's getting someone to pull it up 600 ft and install a new one.  Our other off-grid neighbor just had a pump installed in her 600-ft-deep well last summer, so we will ask her who she used.

Sunday 2/1. It was 30 and once again we were fogbound.  Snow started falling about 11:30 am.  JB fixed a German pancake for breakfast.  Yum!

It was still snowing when we left for Larry and Elsie's at 2:30 pm, but we had barely received 1/4" of snow.  What a great game!  Of course it would have been a lot better had we been Patriots' fans.  I loved the one Budweiser commercial with the Clydesdales, but wish their other ones had had the horses in them also.  I also loved the seven-layer dip that Elsie made!

We weren't celebrating on the drive home, but it was a beautiful, moonlit drive and we were home by 8:00 pm.  Haven't watched a Superbowl game in probably fifteen years and it may be another 15 before we do it again, but it was a fun evening shared with good friends.

Monday 2/2. It is 25 and we are in the fog again.  It is February and I am so ready for Spring. . .

Thought for the day: It doesn't matter who is playing in the Superbowl, I always root for the Clydesdales!