Our melting path to the north ridge. |
Friday 2/6. Rain fell during the night, but the wind blew all day so we had no fog at Rose Camp for a change.
I used the morning to finish The Face by Dean Koontz. He never fails to entertain and amaze.
The girls gave us two more eggs today! That's six eggs in four days. Yes, Randy, I think they have figured out the meaning of the words "stew pot".
It had just started raining when we were ready to get busy outside at 1:00 pm, which is when we start our outdoor projects in the winter, but we forged on out. Had to re-direct a melt stream away from the propane tank, then it was on to the south ridge to angle the panels up. Much more difficult than moving them down.
Then I measured for a little roof to put on the girls' nesting boxes. We got than cut and ready, but will install it at a later date. With these cloudy days, it is obviously dark enough under the boxes for them to lay their eggs in the straw on the ground. Once we put a roof on the boxes, they won't be able to roost on the box walls at night like two of them are doing. Don't want to upset their routine and disturb egg production.
My sinuses were really bothering me, so today I tried putting tea tree oil in the boiling water I was inhaling. It worked! And rather quickly. Thank you! Thank you!
By the time the sun set, the sky was clear except for a huge bank of dark clouds over the mountains. Outside was still a warm 45 and the wind was gusting to 15 mph. February is often mild and it looks to be so this year.
On most days now, I find myself reading a little from either Proof of Heaven or A Map of Heaven, both by Eban Alexander, MD. I began reading about and researching into NDE's (near death experiences) and OBE's (out of body experiences) decades ago when Raymond A. Moody, Jr.'s book, Life After Life, came out. Although I have had neither of these specific experiences, I have had several others which simply confirm and are confirmed by these experiences of others. Dr. Alexander's books brought new perspective and more confirmation to that which I already believe. To that which I know.
The direction of my political rant yesterday was a big step for me in using the work "evil". I had never been one to believe specifically in evil, but rather an absence of Light. Not so any more.
Saturday 2/7. It was 40 and foggy when I awoke at 8:00 am. When JB got up at 6:00 am, it was raining, but stopped around 7:30 and the fog moved in, of course.
I began reading David Baldacci's The Sixth Man, which is very good. He is another of my favorite authors.
I plan to go to town for laundry and shopping on Tuesday, so I started organizing my lists. As much as possible, I like to list the items in order which I find them in the stores. And I make of list of places to go with the shortest routes possible.
At 1:00 pm we started undoing the wires from the generator to the well pump. Just finished when we felt rain drops. Oh well, at least we got that part done.
It is amazing how many little things I can find to do around the house when I want to be busy, and I usually do want to stay busy when we are fogbound. With such a small home, I am always finding ways to re-arrange items on shelves, in cupboards and in the loft to create more space.
Just after we came inside, the wind started gusting up to 23 mph. The rain stopped. The sun popped out.
I am making notes for a summer project to create better drainage and keep more rain and melt water away from the house.
The wind was gusting to 29 when we left for our afternoon walk, but the sun was shining in a blue sky and was worth putting up with the wind. Our high for the day was 44.
Who is the S.O.B. that wrote that horrible episode in season four of The Walking Dead?!! Well, at least the Governor is dead. . . really dead and gone.
Sunday 2/8. It was 38 and overcast this morning. JB made hash browns and a cheese omelet with our fresh eggs. So good!
After a relaxing morning, we finally got the generator moved back by the battery shed. Rather a long, muddy project.
No rain today, but it was a typical grey, Seattle day. Our high was 43, and our white landscape is quickly turning brown.
In talking with Larry on the radio this evening, we made plans to drive down to their place tomorrow evening for some marbles and pool.
It was pouring with rain as we got ready for bed at 10:00 pm, and it seems like it drizzled most of the night.
Monday 2/9. It is 40 with a low overcast, so we may spend the day in the clouds. There is sunny day in the forecast for tomorrow, but I'll believe it when I see it.
Thought for the day: I never met a strong person with an easy past.
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