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I'm sure my girls would never lay an egg again if I did this to them!! (Thanks for the photo, Liz) |
Wednesday 2/25. I managed to gather another full bag of dry pine needles today for fire starter. Because the weather has been so much warmer than usual this winter, we don't always have a fire going. Ergo, we need more fire starter as we are starting them more often. I was down to my last bag of needles, so this dry weather does have a positive side. Also generally cleaned up around the yard, picking up small twigs to use with the needles.
Even though it was overcast all day, the cover was thin enough for us to draw in a lot of power. Our high was 42 with very still air. No breeze at all.
I think this weather is giving me a kind of cabin fever. We are spending time outside each day, but it feels like we should be able to do a lot more than we are. There is still a lot of snow mold about, so I don't really want to go tromping through the woods. And it is not quite warm enough to split the pile of wood we have by the splitter. Argh!!
The girls gave us two eggs today. So that is four eggs in three days!
The major frustration for me in caring for the girls is their water. The large containers, whether inverted or open, seem to grow algae faster than I can clean it out. Cleaning the inverted one is a real pain and it cannot be used in the winter because it freezes. So last time I was Down There (by myself), I purchased a stainless steel, tip-proof, dog water dish. I give them clean water every other day and if it freezes, the ice slides right out. Perfect!
Randy called this evening. He is really cold over there in Idaho, and he is getting pretty tired of it. His southern California blood hasn't thickened up yet. He thinks I am really spoiling the girls by fixing them hot cereal with bananas on cold mornings, and he is sure that the dogs are getting jealous!
Thursday 2/26. The morning began overcast and 35. We got none of the forecast precipitation of any kind during the night, and now NOAA has pushed it off until tonight. They have not been doing very well on the predictions lately.
In another fit of Spring cleaning, I attacked the bathroom this morning. Lots of shelves and too much "stuff."
In addition to pine needles for fire starting, we also use small sticks of cedar. Larry and Elsie get a lot of their firewood from the Chelan PUD in the form of old power poles. The creosote has been taken off, so all they have to do is cut the poles into rounds and take them away. They give us a couple of rounds that JB cuts into small kindling. It works great.
After lunch we took a short drive in Miss Kitty to the top of Erno's property, which joins ours to the northeast. Then we got out and hiked around. The top is on the north side, so there is still a lot of snow covering the ground. Dinga was making snow angels and loving it! The sun had come out and there was a lot of blue sky, although we could see it was raining or snowing to the west and northwest in the mountains and probably Leavenworth. It never did come our way. Meanwhile, Jane, in North Carolina, just received 6" of snow last night in addition to the 3" they got last week!
I finally made an appointment with the dentist to get my crown put on. It's on March 10, or earlier if they have a cancellation. Just looking forward to getting it done and over with.
JB plans to go Down There on Saturday to pick up the last of our mail at the UPS store and turn in our keys. He is also going to check out the new Haggens grocery store who bought all the Albertson's. Haggens originated in Bellingham (my hometown) and was my Mother's favorite.
We watched the last two episodes of Game of Thrones season three this evening. Having read all the books, I knew how it was going to end, but poor JB didn't. . .
Friday 2/27. We awoke to a white landscape! It is 30 and still snowing. Woo hoo!
Thought for the day: Nothing can destroy a government more quickly than its failure to observe its own laws, or worse, its disregard of the charter of its own existence. Justice Tom C. Clark
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