Monday, February 23, 2015

February 23, 2015 Firewood & A Cold Front

Dead bush across our road, before. . .
. . . and after.

Friday 2/20. All the girls spent the night on their roosting ladder.  We'll see how the roof on the nesting boxes affects their egg laying.  No eggs today, though.

After lunch we drove Miss Kitty down to where the dead, mountain maple bush fell across our road.  I snipped the smaller branches, while JB sawed the larger ones and some of the smaller trunks.  Later this Spring we will bring the chain saw down and cut up all the trunks.  This is good, hard firewood.  We loaded all the larger pieces into the back of Miss Kitty and brought them home.

The dogs love this kind of outing.  Dinga always stays by us, while Jesse goes out exploring.  He was no where to be seen when we left, but arrived home about 15 minutes after we did.  JB always drives slowly for them.

This evening it was pepperoni pizza and watching the special features for season six of Castle.  One of the things I really enjoy about getting the DVD's.  So many great interviews and insight, especially on The Walking Dead, even though they don't have "Bloopers" like everyone else.

Saturday 2/21. It was 32 and mostly clear, with a breeze this morning.  But by 11:00 am we were covered with clouds that moved in from the southwest, while the sun was shining to the north.

Received our property tax bill this week.  So amazing how it goes up one year and down the next.  It went up this year and we are definitely going to go talk to the Assessor's Office about it.

The cloud cover moved on east and we had sun again, but more clouds drifted over and our high for the day was 38.  Of course, that's not counting the wind-chill factor from the very brisk and continuous breeze.

Basically this was just a very leisurely day.  Read our books.  Spent time on the computer.  Did our daily chores.  And I started making my cousin's birthday present.  Nothing like waiting until the last minute - her birthday is March 1!

Sunday 2/22. It was a chilly 25 this morning with a light overcast drifting in from the northeast, which is quite unusual.  Most of the clouds has disappeared to the south by noon, but our temperature was still below freezing.

One of the girls, probably Blondie, slept on the perch in front of the nesting boxes last night.  That's a good sign, but still no eggs today.

We plan to both go Down There on Tuesday.  I will do the several bags of laundry, while JB runs errands.

Another leisurely day.  JB made pulled pork for dinner, which has to cook for several hours, and is so worth the effort.  And after filling our tummies, we began watching the third season of Game of Thrones.

Monday 2/23. It is a cold 19 with clear skies.  Not even any clouds over the mountains.

So glad I could offer a venue for Anonymous to vent about privacy, or the lack thereof!  Glad to hear from others who have the same frustrating problem.

Thought for the day: "I am the child of earth and starry heaven, but my real race is of heaven." Fragment from an ancient Greek text giving instructions for the newly dead soul on how to navigate the afterlife. Quoted in The Map of Heaven by Eben Alexander, M.D.

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