Lizard sunning himself on the frame of the compost pile. |
Friday 7/17. This was a down day for both of us. A low energy day. Just too much excitement yesterday, I guess. After morning chores, I scanned in more letters (mainly post cards) from the huge binder I have for my Dad's folks. I am sure that my Grandfather never threw away any letters or cards that he received. I have them going back to 1909 and possibly earlier. It is very frustrating when I can't read the postmark, or there isn't one, or no one put a date on the card.
After lunch we got going a bit and put MAX's tracks in the wood shed after I cleared out some bags of shavings. Then we both took a nap. When I got up, I baked the coffee cake with cherry pie filling on top. Delicious!
The clouds had cleared by mid morning and the sky stayed blue with a gentle breeze. Our high was 76.
I heard crickets this evening for the first time this year. Seems a bit early. Not sure what that might mean weatherwise.
Saturday 7/18. It was clear and 64 this morning. While it was still cool, I got outside and used the weed eater to start on the south side of the house. Actually got most of it done.
We have lots of lizards around this summer. They seem to be larger than usual - six to 8 inches long instead of three to five. There was one on the frame of the compost pile yesterday that didn't move at all while I was dumping more in. When I was taking care of Larry and Elsie's place a few weeks ago, one came running toward me while I was watering their garden. I turned the spray on him and danced around in it for a few seconds before scampering off into the vegetables. So cute!
The recycle business in town that burned is opening up again on Tuesday. And not a moment to soon!
I called Aunt Nene to ask a few questions about the family history and we had a nice long chat. Only two months til our trip to Idaho!
I finished Ender's Shadow today. Fantastic book! Can't wait to get Ender's Game and then see the movie.
It was warmer today with a high of 82, and more heat on the way for the next couple days. I have to go Down There on Monday for some shopping and JB has to go on Tuesday. Then I want to get Jesse in for his rattle snake booster by the end of the week. It's just too hot to do anything else with him in the car, so that will be a "quick" trip.
Sunday 7/19. It was 64 and clear again this morning but warmed up quickly. Too warm to work outside, so I did more scanning. JB played Magic on the computer, and we both read books.
I think the wrens that were nesting in the tipi poles have gone. It's awfully quiet over there. We still have lots of other birds though and I finally identified the one that makes the "pzzzzzt" noise. It is a pine siskin, which is in the finch family. Very pretty with some yellow feathers. I think that is what has built a nest over the door out to the deck.
Clouds moved in by noon and it was mostly cloudy for the rest of the day. Cloudy and muggy with a high of 87. Not at all comfortable. A breeze would pop up and then die down, leaving us wilted in its wake.
Monday 7/20. It is a cool 56 this morning with clear skies and a breeze. I hope to get back home before the real heat of the day.
Thought for the day: Self-pity will fulfill all the prophecies it makes and leave only itself. Stephen Fry, actor
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