Wednesday, July 22, 2015

July 22, 2015 Politics, Memories & Changes

The beautiful little doe I saw on Monday.

Monday 7/20. On my way Down There I met a beautiful doe on the road.  She was just as curious about me as I was about her, but she finally bounded down into the woods.  It was a good trip and I was home by 1:00.  Lots of papers and magazines to read.

I may not always agree with Donald Trump, but it is so refreshing to have a political candidate speak his mind without regard to political correctness.  This country was founded on our right to speak our mind and disagree.  If someone says something that you find offensive, don't listen to them.  They have the same right to their opinions, as does everyone else.  "Political correctness" is killing America.

Am working more on scanning in family info and sometimes I feel like I am drowning in the past.  So many memories.  Not only mine, but those that were handed down from my parents and grandparents.  Each photo or letter bringing back its own times, places and events.  People just don't live such lives any more in these times.  Should I write it all down?  Would anyone be interested?  Is it truly lost if I don't?  Do family members really need to know it all?  Would they really care?

I have located a museum in Spokane Valley that is very interested in our old family photos, letters and documents.  So I am going to scan lots of items in for them and give them some originals.  That way I know they will be well preserved, cared for and enjoyed.

Tuesday 7/21.  It was 56 and clear when JB left for Down There at 6:00 this morning.  He had an appointment for a stress test at the cardiology unit of the hospital.  However, they only got as far as taking his vitals and then an EKG, before they took him up to ICU and told him he needed a pace maker!  Fortunately my brother was at his cabin, and he drove me to the hospital so I could see JB and pick up his Jeep.

The procedure will be done tomorrow morning and he should be out of recovery by 9:30 am.  This will fix what is wrong and he should be feeling like new again, as he has had very low energy for several months now.  It seems that the lower half of his heart is only working at half its capacity.

So, needless to say, it was quite a day for both of us.  And a very windy day both Down There and Up Here.  Our high was 79 and very comfortable.

I took a nap as soon as I arrived home around 2:30 pm and spent the rest of the day relaxing and talking to friends and family.  This is a very routine procedure and he will certainly be able to drive over to Seattle to take care of his Mom for two weeks beginning August 7.

Wednesday 7/22. It is a chilly 51 with blue skies this morning.  Thankfully, it is supposed to be a bit cooler Down There today.

Thought for the day:  Hope is what makes you smile today.  Faith is what makes you strong enough to have that hope.

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you & JB. Hoping all goes well & wishing him a speedy recovery!
